




I glanced up from my laptop toward the door where my assistant, Linda, stood. She had her hands folded behind her while she stared at me quietly.

“Get my car ready. I'm leaving.” I instructed her, ignoring the smile that immediately appeared on her face. I didn't blame her though. I had kept her working past her working hours and I understood that she was tired.

The past few weeks have been very hectic for me and even more, the company. This huge deal we'd been chasing after for a year now finally fell through and we were celebrating it off with a grand red carpet dinner event tonight. LUCA EMPIRE was the perfect collaborator and partner for WESTBROOK Limited, the company I was currently heading.

My father finally gave up the seat for me and stepped down for me to take control. I thought I would finally get my life the way I wanted it but it's never been more miserable. Probably because occasionally, I would wonder about the blonde-haired silver-eyed woman that walked out on me after signing the divorce papers almost six years ago or because my current wife was a terrible pain in the ass.

The company had also been going through severe hardship with finances. One of my employees had been extorting deeply from the company and it wasn't even on me as it had been when my father was still in charge. So now, it fell on me to take care of the mess. This was why I was exceptionally grateful that the deal fell through with LUCA EMPIRE, the fashion organization that complemented WESTBROOK.

I concluded what I was doing on the laptop and packed my things into my briefcase. Sliding on my jacket, I started of to my office, to the elevator straight without sparing my assistant a glance. My chauffeur was already waiting to receive me when I arrived and I just stepped in and allowed him to drive me home.

We arrived in less than an hour and after confirming that I still had enough time to prepare for the event for the night, I relaxed and exited the car into the house. My mother was around, I could tell from the moment I walked in but I didn't bother trying to seek her out. 

“Didn’t you see my calls?” Chloe jumped down from the bed the moment I walked in, her eyes narrowed at me. “Or the multiple texts I sent you?” she screamed.

I blew out a breath. This was what I had to do every day when I came back from work. It wasn't always like this. It wasn't like this but now Chloe complained about everything.

“I’ve been calling you all day to talk to you. You bailed out on lunch when you knew how important it was to me. Elena’s husband was there with her at lunch and I had to sit there with them and watch them get all loving and mushy in my presence because my husband couldn't do me a favor and show up for fucking sake! Or even reply to my multiple texts and calls thereby making me look like a fool.” 

She was ranting now and I was so close to snapping. 

“I almost broke a nail today and it's all because of you,” she continued. I finished taking off my shirt and shoes and started to walk to the bathroom. “Nolan! Nolan, I'm talking to you. Stop ignoring me. Don't walk out on me!” She was screaming now.

I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door in her face. All she ever does is nag and complain about one thing or the other. She never works and even though I wasn't complaining, it would have been nice to see her do something too. But no. She flaunts around town with new cars while she spends my money.

I took a quick shower while she stayed in the room screaming and still throwing tantrums. By the time I finished in the walk-in closet, she had already stopped making noise and had started to get ready. 

I walked out fully dressed and prepared for the event while she sat in front of her vanity table doing what I didn't bother to check out. But then, she got up from her seat and walked across the room, showing off her dress and I frowned.

“You can't wear that,” I pointed at the pink mini-dress she had on while I fixed my tie.

She stopped, frowning deeply as well. “What did you say? I look beautiful and I know it.”

“You are dressed like a hooker and it's a work event. You can't stand next to me dressed like a hooker so find something else that is fitting.” I sent her a cold look.

“Nothing I ever do is befitting of your…”

“Can you stop nagging like an old woman and let my son rest?” My mother walked into the room and I sighed. She glared at Chloe, her brows furrowed in annoyance.

“You are not dressed appropriately. You should do exactly what he says and stop questioning him all the time.” My mother continued to scold her while I added the finishing touches to my outfit. “Your mates are busy giving their family kids, you are here nagging.”

Chloe gasped before rushing into the bathroom. I ignored her and said hello to my mother before I went ahead to remind my wife that it was time to leave. We left for the event after she found something more fitting to wear. Thankfully, when we arrived there, our anonymous guest, the CEO of LUCA EMPIRE, hadn't arrived yet.

“They are pulling in now,” Brandon, my older brother who is the COO of the company, told me as we stood outside with other important members of the company to welcome our new partner.

The white Benz rolled in and I turned toward Chloe to ask her to fix her smile. She hated that we were standing there, waiting for the partner to arrive but she didn't have a choice. The chauffeur stepped down to open the door and a woman stepped out. She looked toward us and nodded in greeting.

“Presenting to you all, the anonymous CEO of LUCA EMPIRE,” she stopped as the chauffeur opened the side of the car. 

At first, all I saw were feet in glass stilettos which made me frown because the CEO is supposed to be a male. And then the woman stepped out fully giving room for the chauffeur to close the door. I stared at the woman in the stunning black dress and glass stilettos. She slowly took off the black shades she had on and my heart stopped.

“Ms. Alanna Clarkson, the CEO of LUCA EMPIRE.” The assistant announced and my jaw dropped because standing right in front of me looking more elegant than I would ever imagine was my ex-wife, wearing the fuck out of that black dress.

We are all so fucked. 

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