
Chapter 42: What's so funny?


After tending to her face, Adira rose from her seat and approached Mara, her eyes sharp with accusation.

"Why did you hit Emily so forcefully? Don't you realize the vast difference in status between you two? You're just a servant, yet you're behaving so arrogantly," she scolded.

I couldn't hide my displeasure at Adira's words. Why couldn't she act maturely for once and allow the young women to resolve their own conflicts?

I couldn't help but watch as she insulted Mara as if she were insignificant. After all, I was the one who had initially asked Mara to assist in disciplining Emily.

Without thinking much, I stepped forward about speaking up, when I heard Mara speak up.

“Ma'am, you don't need to exchange words with me. You can discuss with Alpha Damon about why your daughter Emily ended up being slapped hard.” She said, before moving away from Adira.

I chuckled at her sensible action. She did the right thing by shifting back, afterall Adira is known for acting out of reasoning.

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