
Chapter 2

Calla ran away into the distance. She only stopped and sighed in relief when she was sure that the man wasn't on her heels.

She picked up her phone to look at the time but was dumbfounded when she saw the date. It was Monday!

Her breakup put her in a slump and made her forget all about work!

She immediately hailed a cab and rushed to the office. Despite her rush, she was still five minutes late. Oh well, her 500-dollar attendance bonus had gone up in smoke.

She felt an urge to curse when she thought about the man's sour expression. He caused her a total loss of 650 dollars. It was enough money for a month's worth of lunches.

Then, she thought about how handsome and muscular he was. She decided to think of it as yet another payment made to the gigolo.

She could only console herself with the thought that 650 dollars wouldn't normally get her a man as incredible as he was.

When she entered the office, she noticed that the atmosphere wasn't right. Everyone was hanging their heads. They looked very listless.

Calla's colleague, Alicia Beckett, went up to her. "Did you see the announcement on the company's intranet last night?"

"What announcement?"

Calla had been enjoying the handsome man's "services" the whole night. She didn't have time to check for announcements.

"You don't know yet?" Alicia was shocked.

Calla turned on her computer in confusion. She was instantly stunned when she clicked into her inbox.

The rumors had come true. Atlas Enterprises was moving its headquarters to Riverford. The branch office that she was in would be assimilated into the headquarters.

The most important thing was that half of the branch office's staff would be laid off.

"Only half of the finance department will be kept around?" Call asked as she looked at the other staff of the department.

It was no wonder everyone looked so depressed. Times were hard. It would be nearly impossible to find another job with benefits as good as theirs if they were let go.

Alicia patted Calla on the shoulder and comforted her. "You're a capable worker. You'll definitely get to stay."

"Let's stand together. If you go, I go!" Calla said grandly.

Alicia shook her head. "You shouldn't be impulsive. You have to provide for your mother and your sister, who's in college. You should stay if you're given the chance to."

Calla lowered her head dejectedly when she heard that. Her situation simply didn't allow her to do as she pleased.

Alicia didn't have an easy life either. She needed to pay for her mother's living expenses and hospital fees.

Calla didn't know what she could do to help.

When it was almost time to go home, Edith Paulsen, manager of the finance department, also known as the Iron Lady, walked to Calla's desk.

She looked at Calla condescendingly and announced authoritatively, "Calla, the HR department is short on manpower. From tomorrow onward, you'll go help out at the HR department in the morning and come back here in the afternoon!"

Calla looked up and was about to say something, but Edith had already left.

Alicia came over and whispered in Calla's ear, "This must be Peggy's doing! She's trying to set you up!"

Peggy Horn was Calla's worst enemy. Over a decade ago, Calla's father, Rudy Sherman, cheated on Calla's mother, Carol Shaw, with Peggy's mother, Jill Horn.

In the end, he left Calla and Carol for Peggy and Jill.

In a weird twist of fate, Peggy came to intern at the company a few months ago. She managed to hook up with the HR manager, Carter Byrne.

She was able to pass the internship and get an official position because of that.

Ever since Peggy was an official employee of the company, she has repeatedly tried to cause trouble for Calla. Calla was able to fend her off time and again, but she never stopped trying.

"What can I do but do as I'm told? I can't exactly defy the Iron Lady's orders, or I'll be the first to be laid off." Calla shook her head dejectedly.

"Good luck," Alicia said solemnly.

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