

The scent of disinfectant gives her headache since she was a kid. The hospital is never been a place to give her any sort of willingness to go.

The afternoon falls when they arrive at the hospital. She doesn't know much about her grandparents. She hasn't met them for a long time. So she doubts that she will recognise any of them.

However, the moment she gets closer to the impatient ward, few faces appear in her sight who are looking at her with anticipation. Two of them same as hers but she doesn't remember any of their faces, two couples in their mid fifties.

She looks at Ash whose feature turns gloom but as soon as he notices her attention to him, the usual smile appears on his face,

" They're our family!"

" Brother Ash!" One of the girls runs towards him and hugs, " I missed you."

Emma scans her. Although she has no common features with her, but she is beautiful. Her dyed blonde hair looks good on her.

While she is observing the girl who looks same age hers, her eyes meet the girl's eyes. Instantly, her eyes rise when the girl pushes Ash away and jumps onto her.

" Are you Emma!?"

Although she is taken aback by her sudden jump, she somehow balances not to fall. She nods, balancing a full-grown woman who is hugging her.

" Oh Gosh!!! You have indeed turned into a Beautiful Swan. We used to play together. Remember me? Ashley! Brother Ash's younger sister!"

It becomes difficult to recognize or remember about the past since she was staying away from her father and stayed with her mother until she died. So she doesn't remember anything.

Still, a polite smile embrace her feature, accepting her words as memories.

However, it's clear to see that she is not actually interested in remembering.

Ashley notices the visual discomfort and uneasiness and she sighs, " I am a stupid! It's been years. Anyway, Let's meet granny and Grandpa. They're waiting for you!" She smiles, ushering her way to the room.

Emma just remains as silent as she is. She doesn't expect much of anything. All she wants is meeting her grandparents for the last time and then stop communicating.

Emma has stopped caring about her anything, any family long time ago. She has been living a life of rogue, like a darting star with no connection with anyone. Couch surfing to land a job and moving in a small apartment, she has done everything to make sure she doesn't have anyone to string with.

And it's been ten years she left her father's house and she was very young when she met her grandparents. So they're nothing but strangers.

" Grandpa, Grandma! Look who is here!"

Ashley walks towards the couple who are talking to another couple with a young kid.

The moment Ashley walks in the room, their attention fully shift on Emma who is standing with Ash silently.

" Is this Emma?" The Elderly Woman almost yells. Maybe because of the age is depending on her shoulder, her voice is weak and dull.

" Yes, Grandma! Emma. This is our Grandma!" Ash introduces, walking inside along with her.

" Hello!" Emma greets and places the shopping bags that she bought on way here. " For you two!"

" Come here! Sweetheart! I missed you!" Grandma smiles, holding her hands. " You have gotten taller and become beautiful! How have you been?"

" Fine!" She smiles a bit.

" Aren't you going to talk to me? My Princess!" Grandpa who is staring at her finally speaks. His eyes are filled with tears.

" Hello, Grandpa!" She smiles and nods her head little.

" Hi. Sweetheart! We have been waiting for you. It's been fifteen or more years... I don't expect you to recognize or remember us." He sighs in sadness.

" I am sorry!" She mumbles.

" No.. Don't be. You had a painful life. We can't blame you for anything.. Please sit next to us."

Emma sits next to them. Loving the attention she is getting from someone who calls her family. She has severe trust issues. But they seem safe and comfortable to talk.

Soon, her grandparents introduce everyone to her. The young couple is the eldest couple with his spouse and child. The quiet girl who is same as Ashely and her is adopted daughter of oldest uncle.

They introduced each of them exclusively so that she doesn't have to worry about any kind of questions.

After spending a whole afternoon on this, Emma finally got time to breathe.

In front of the restroom, as she sits on the chair to wait, Darla, 25, her cousin walks towards her and sits next to her silently.

Emma looks confused since while introducing Darla was like dismissive and silent. So sitting closer to her with no more interaction makes her feel weird about the whole situation.

" Sorry for earlier!" Darla takes a beautiful blue rose and puts it on Emma's purse. " From my garden. When I heard about having another cousin who I never met, I wanted to give you that!" She chuckles, " But seeing you made me realize, maybe I should have brought an entire bouquet!"

Emma looks at the fresh rose. She smiles, thinking it's been a while someone gave her rose. "It's beautiful. Thank you!"

Darla nods and looks above from where they can see the vast sky. " It was me who found your social account."

" Oh! How did you get?"

" I heard your name from someone. Although as I said I learned about your existence when your grandparents read their Will. Nobody ever mentioned your name before!"

" Well. It's normal. I left home for more than a decade!"

" I don't think it's because of the time. They never wished to meet you at all!"

Emma looks at Darla who is still staring at sky. She frowns narrowly but her lips part away as Darla shows something on her phone screen.

" What is it?"

" The family group chat. You don't deserve it."

Emma's heart seems to be numb enough to digest the messages that she reads. She has been facing the betrayal again and again. So it doesn't matter at all. But how can people be so disgusting?

She exhales sharply and laughs a bit. " I am not surprised! But why did you tell me? Your family!"

" You are their biological relatives and I am adopted. If they treated you like this. Don't you think how I was treated? Also it doesn't matter. I have moved on. I am here just to meet them for the last time!"

Darla said, standing up. " Best of luck. And I suggest you. Take the part of your share. Don't give away. They don't deserve it!"

Darla heads to leave but Emma and Darla both of them pause when Ash approaches them. In the whole message, Ash was the only person who kept rejecting the idea of forcing Emma to give away her inheritance to them.

" Hey! Darla. Did you apologize to Emma? I didn't appreciate this rudeness!" He hits her head as if she is a kid. Darla puts as reaction but both of them turn towards Emma who is watching them silently.

" Emma! Grandpa said to stay over tonight. Are you staying?" He asks, fully expecting her positive response.

She pauses for a while.. Knowing she has to face her husband coddling another woman in front of her. She would rather stay here tonight. Darla and Ash give her a positive vibe so..." What about having a drink? Three of us?"

Darla and Ash share a glance before grinning... " Gosh! It's been a while since we had a drink. Shall we?" Ash sounds excited.

" What about Ashley?" Emma asked. Although Ashley is like a bird. But her actions prove that she seems uncomfortable. Still, she can't become the reason for Ash and Ashley's relationship getting strained.

" That's a bad idea. Nobody in our family actually likes to have a drink with her. We'll pass it!" Ash grunts, rolling his eyes.

" That's true. We three are fine!" Darla supports Ash.

Emma remains as she should be since the decision depends on them.

On way to a nearby bar, Emma finally decides to switch on her phone. On way here, Vincent kept messaging and calling her. But now she doesn't want to make him more angry.. She wants an amicable divorce. If she keeps making him angry..He will never agree with her decision.

But as soon as she turns the phone on, at least hundreds of messages, uncountable calls make her phone numb for a while.

She immediately puts her phone in the purse and looks outside through the car window. She doesn't want to hear the exact words again and again.

" Are you married? Emma!" Darla asks, noticing the ring on her finger.

" Ah! Yeah."

" Really? Congratulations."

Emma smiles thanking her. Although her attention goes to Ash who is shaking his head not to talk about it more.

She just remains silent. She doesn't want to talk about it. This way or that way.

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