

The loud sound of music and people's chit chat isn't her cup of tea. Because of this she always stays away from bars. But what gotten her today is something she can't even understand herself.

She wants to call Vincent but somehow she can't do it. She has stopped missing him for good but she feels empty inside.

When she was like a wandering soul, he sheltered her with hope and a dream of the future. But now she is turning into that wandering star who has no destination to reach.

" Hey! Emma. Let me take a picture of you!" Darla grins, holding her phone.

" I don't like -!" Before she could say, Ash pulls her closer, " Let's do it. It's been decades since I took a picture with my sister. Do you have any complaints?" He raises his brow with question.

Emma shrugs and laughs little, " I don't remember but shall we?"

Ash and Darla laugh. They can see that she is opening up.

" Let's take you two first."

Emma places the phone near her on the couch before sitting next to Ash. However she has forgotten that she didn't turn it off and kept Vincent's contact information open.

After taking photos, Emma slightly moves from her position to make space for Darla to sit. However, her wrist accidentally presses against the number.

" Hey! Do you want to have another glass of wine? I am going to order for myself!" Darla stands up, asking them.

" I will take a soft drink." Emma replies.

" What about you? Ash!"

" Champagne!"

" Okay. I'll be back!"

She leaves, leaving them alone.

Seeing the chance of being alone with Emma who is just staring at the people who are dancing, Ash pats her shoulder.

" What's it?"

" Are you sure about the divorce?" He asks. Emma has told him briefly about her situation.

" Yeah. It's not something I can endure anymore."

" What about moving in with me then? I have spare room to share!" Ash asks since he can't let her be in street. Ash doesn't know that she is already an employee with high earnings.

" It's fine. I don't think I can move out without divorcing him first. I am just glad that - " She sips the rest of her wine and heaves, " There is no kid in our relationship. I am glad that I don't have any kids with him!"

As she keeps talking, the person from the opposite side of the phone becomes red and heartbroken.

Last few hours, he was madly calling her. But she kept her phone off. Now she is enjoying her time with another man who knows about everything and even feeling great about not having a kid.

" Do you want me to contact any lawyer? I can help you with this!"

" No need. I have already contacted my lawyer. I want to escape from him. In this entire relationship, I was the one who kept it alive. In every aspect, his priority was someone else. Even he started dating me after that girl approved me. Can you believe it?" She laughs, seemingly she is drunk.

" You are drunk, Emma."

" You don't know how lonely it feels. Ash. I'm tired of everything. I am glad that I chose to stay with you here. I don't want to see those faces. Not today at least. They'll ruin the happiness I felt after a long time!"

As she sniffles inconsolably but silently, Vincent clenches his fist and jaws. Muscle feather as he realizes that she is determined to get away from him and this is utterly unacceptable.

" I don't want to go there at all. I regret loving him!"

This is the last straw for Vincent who stands up abruptly. The chair creates a loud sound as it falls on the floor after he pushes it away.

The location on her phone is still on. He can easily see her location after she switched on the phone.

With the heavy and angry grunts, he grabs the car keys, heading towards the door until his attention goes to Sia who rushes out after hearing the sound of chair falling.

" Where are you going?" She asks, her eyebrows knitting with annoyance.

" Go to bed. It's none of your business!" Wearing his pajamas, at this hour, he is leaving. Sia doesn't take a second to understand where he is heading to. However, she can't make him go back to her and make up for everything so easily.

" This bitch has bewitched him. He is mine. You should leave from our lives!" She dials Emma's number but unfortunate to her, the number is busy. She chews her bottom lip harshly while dialing the number constantly. She must mess Emma's mind once again to kick herself out of the house. However, Sia doesn't know Vincent is listening every single word that Emma is saying because of the drunken state.

Meanwhile, each and every word increases the fear of losing her and the obsession of keeping her with him forever. Emma doesn't know what is going to happen with her soon enough. But she keeps talking to Ash. Everything that she feels about the relationship.

Vincent drives down the road, knowing it will take another hour to reach hair. Since the traffic would be less than daytime. He will arrive before the estimated time.

" Why didn't he give me his priority? Why did you keep me with him? I hate to wait in the house month after months with the thought that my husband is out there with another woman. How would I know if he is sleeping with her or not? I don't care anymore. I just want divorce. I will take it by any chance!" She laughs and cries all together.

Darla who just happens to return, notices her crying. Ash immediately holds the napkin in front of her.

" You are drunk. Let's stop here. We will head to my apartment!"

Hearing Ash's words, the grip around the steering wheel tightens along with the speed of the car. His eyes turn red and dark. The anger rushes through his head, messing up with his mind. Someone else will touch his wife. He will kill them instead.

" I hate him. I fucking hate him. I regret every ounce of loving him so dearly. Let's go." She yells, standing up.

" She is in bad position. Ash! Take her to your apartment. I will call your family to inform that you two won't make it."

" Thanks, Darla. I really wanted her to meet rest of our family!"

Vincent's eyes widen in shock when he hears their conversation... " She has already met another man's family! Haha! Good Job! Emma. I thought you were a good and understanding person but you are actually -..." His mood becomes gloomy, eyes are dark and stern... " You are mine. There is no way you can escape from this marriage!"

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