

At night,

Emma grabs her pillow and a blanket. She doesn't want to share a bed with him right now. Vincent is in his study and having a meeting with his clients. Because of Sia, he didn't go to the company.

He has been giving all the signs of his priorities. Sia before his work, Sia before his wife and Sia before himself. There is an obsession that works deeply within him.

If she is honest with her feelings, she is in pain, writhing in agony. She has to watch and witness her husband's priority who is Sia. Above everything - He must check on Sia. She doesn't believe Sia's all words. That he replaced Sia with her. Because it was a long process before they actually gave in this relationship.

The Day Sia met her for the first time, she rejected him immediately. Saying, she wouldn't marry someone who sent someone else to approve.

Although the relationship wasn't friendly enough for each other to care about, Vincent who didn't see her in real life, just decided to give up.

After Sia went abroad. In another evening, Emma crossed her path with him in a steakhouse.

The exact steakhouse which is Vincent's favorite place.

She got promoted and treated her friends there. Although both of them took a significant moment to recognize but Emma was on cloud when she realized that she was actually falling in love at first sight.

Vincent didn't hesitate reacting the same way.

Both of them once again wanted to talk and share numbers before leaving.

So, no matter what, she can't bring any possible bad intentions behind those days.

Yes, If only there is something that Vincent didn't express or confess about. And she doesn't have any interest to find out.

With a deep and forlorn sigh, she lies on the couch and closes her eyes. She is hurt emotionally but her self-respect and self-value are being treated badly. The self-doubt about her ability to become the person that she wanted has been decreasing because of Vincent's constant refusal to divorce.

She loves him so much that it hurts. But she doesn't want to live like a second option. It hurts her ego and she doesn't care if it's not a suitable move.

Placing her arm on her forehead, she keeps lying on the sofa. She hasn't been able to eat or sleep properly. Constant headache and dizziness have become a part of her life now. She knows at this point, she may collapse but the motivation to do something or eat something happens to go down to zero. She doesn't feel like moving around or enjoying anything.

Almost half an hour past, Emma is slowly drowning in the deep slumber. It's calm yet something in her brain keeps her conscious awake.

However, she flinches when she can actually feel like someone is holding her and walking towards some direction.

But because of the sleep, she can't detect if it's a dream or real.

She just curves into a ball, loving the warmth. However, her eyebrows knit in sleep when she feels the touch on the tip of her nose and slowly it trails her lips slowly.

She can feel it but she can't move her body to reject those touches.

" Why are you sleeping in your dress today? It's getting warmer!" A familiar voice echoes in her eardrums, making her frown.

His hands slowly reaches her waist and the back to unzip her dress. She looks uncomfortable in this dress as he knows that she hates to sleep with her dress. It's much comfortable with hoodie or PJ's.

Vincent who just finished the meeting, found her sleeping in the couch which obviously offended him. But he can't get upset with her. After hearing her words last time, he has reflected lots of things. Although he can't push away his responsibility for Sia but he will do his best to keep her aside. Once Sia is gone after everything is done, he will never let her feel this way.

After taking unzipping her dress, he almost pulled it off her body, But he flinches when Emma looks at him, directly with her red-rimmed eyes.

" What are you doing?" She asks coldly. She clenches her fist and shakes angrily.

" Well! I saw you sleeping with this dress. You don't like to sleep without PJ's. So-!"

" Get off!" She snarls at him.

How did you wake up? I was just -!"

" Get off of me." She screams, pushing him away. She hates this face which looks different when he is with that woman.

However her eyes widen when he grabs her wrist and cages them in his grip. Pinning her against the wall, he raises her chin and looks into her eyes,

" Did I ever said that when you get angry, you look like a adorable bunny?"

" Shut up and fuck off! Don't touch me!" She tries to kick him off her but Vincent grabs her leg and wraps it around his waist before getting closer to her lips,

" Enough! Emma. You know you can't win against me." His lips are inch away from hers, " There is no benefit of getting angry with me. As I said, I only love you and I will never Divorce you. So be good girl. I really miss kissing you so much!"

He grips her wrists tightly and kisses her lips in a second.

Emma's heart beat skips for a second. Before his strength, she feels weak and vulnerable. Especially when he kisses, she loses her control.

However, right now, she doesn't want to be weak woman who will give in this temptation. No matter how much she likes that face, those lips and that scent, she still doesn't want to be a fool and give in.

He won't give her divorce! Fine ~

She won't give him the satisfaction.

Vincent hisses in pain when he tastes the saltiness of his blood and a strong and sharp pressure against his lips.

Emma bites the corner of his lower lip, making him stunned.

" Do you wish to die?" She pushes him away, wiping her lips.

Vincent who didn't expect, looks at her, with disbelief.

" Do you hate my touches now?" He asks, still in daze.

" Yes..It's fucking disgusting and -!"

Emma's eyes shut when a strong pull towards him body makes her imbalance. Vincent grabs her waist and makes her sit on his lap.

" You are hurting us. Emma! Let's talk it out. I hate when you talk to me like this!"

" Shut up!" She grits her teeth, clenching her fist. " I don't want to take to someone who is a -! Mmnp!" Her words are cut off by his lips as he smashes them against hers.

This time, the struggle of her doesn't work against him. He throws her on the bed and looks deadly into her eyes, " Don't do it to us. Don't - You are my wife and I don't care whatever it is. You must know there is no going back, no way to escape from me."

He digs his teeth in her neck and whispers against it, " This bracelet is a permanent one. I know you already know what it's for. So don't think of running away either. I don't care if you think I am crazy, I don't care if you don't like me loving you but you can't be free from me. Not even in your dream!"

In very next second, Emma finds herself facing something that she has never imagined herself being in this situation with her own husband. She cries out loud unable to think that she would actually be physically assaulted by the person who she loves.

" Don't do it!" She shuts her eyes, and begs.

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