
Billionaire Husband Doesn't Want To Divorce
Billionaire Husband Doesn't Want To Divorce
Author: Purple Acacia


" Don't go!" She begs, grabbing his hand tightly... " At least not tonight! Give me this night... Only me!" She pleas, pulling him towards the dining room where she prepared a romantic dinner since it's their third marriage anniversary.

" Emma! Let go!" His eyes darken, voice icy.

" Today is our marriage anniversary! So please - Don't go." She cries heartbreakingly, wishing for once her husband will listen to her begging.

" EMMA!!!!" He yells at her, " Come to your sense! She is all alone. Her father just got drunk and throwing tantrum. Do you want me to enjoy some meat and wine with you when she is in trouble?" He grits his teeth, unable to hold his anger back.

" I am here alone too. And you promised that today you will be with me only! Why are you -?" She can't finish her words as he cuts off her sentence.

" Stop being so selfish! Emma. You are disappointing me. I have told you thousands times, I can give my life for her. She is my family. My best friend, my sister. No matter how much the day is important for me, she comes first!" He declared, yanking her hand away from him.

" Even before me?" She asks, loosening her grip around his wrist. Her eyes well up but a bitter smile embrace her quivering lips. " Is she?"

His eyes widen when she becomes silent, staring at him for a reason...An honest response.

" Don't be silly. Have dinner and go to sleep. I will make it up for you!" He says, avoiding her tearful gaze.

" How will you make it up? What will you do if she asks you to sleep with her? I think you will do it as well. After all, she is above everyone to you. Anyone but her is nothing but some side characters of her and your life! It will be great if you two end up together. The male lead and female lead!" She scoffs while tears are just gathering all over her beauty lavender dress.

" Emma!!!!"

The sound of a slap across her face erupts the silent room. Her eyes widen with tears dropping nonstop. Her lips quiver just to process what happened right now.

She looks at her beloved husband who is stunned as she is.

" If- If you keep saying something like that and don't trust me... Then you should leave-!" His lips part away with realization. He crosses his lines.

" You mean you- you want divorce?" She asks, air is stuck into her throat. His every word is giving her a stab from behind with the sharpest knife.

Before he could process what he just said and how he could say such a thing like this, his attention goes to incoming message to his phone.

" Calm down and take some rest! I will talk to you later!"

Emma Downey watches his husband leaving the house with no more regrets. It's not new. But the slap and talking about divorce, have crossed the limit of her patience.

For Last three months, the life she has been leading with her loving and caring husband has become a nightmare. Once her husband Vincent Angelo told her that his female childhood best friend who is always been an important part of his life is experience her parents' divorce, he turns into someone inconsiderate, neglectful and rude. As if she is the one who is breaking the perfect relationship he has with his best friend.

There is no boundaries between them. There is no rules between them. Even the slightest boundaries of male and female... Nothing. And she tolerated till now.

Although it was like a worst scene a wife could imagine to have, but she felt relieved when Vincent confirmed that the girl is too close with his friends circles. So she isn't doing it to Vincent only.

Other than her, Vincent is a caring and loving husband what most of the women want them in their lives.

He is breathtakingly handsome, gorgeous, brilliant, extraordinarily strong. He is the self-made billionaire with his picture being covered in every single biggest Magazines in the world.

So, having a husband is like blessing. Especially for a woman like Emma Downey who lives up to her heart not wealth, she is fully satisfied with his love and attention until three months ago, his best friend returned home because of her parent's divorce.

She was in the least worry before that. However, she has been Indeed ruined lots of important things of their marriage life, by being in the center of the attention.

Vincent never says No to her... Never for once what makes Emma feel the position she has in his heart.

And she is exhausted.

Right now,

She grabs the cake she baked for six hours. She throws the steak into wrappers and packs them finely. Since nobody has touched the food, she pours the soups in a big container and Shrimps in a lunch box.

Her left cheek is burning hell. Needs to press ice but she cares less about it. Tears have stopped long ago. The last three months, she cried enough, begged enough and tried to understand enough but she is exhausted right now.

She grabs her keys and goes to driveway. She has her own job tomorrow and she must have to attend the meeting. So she will drive to the nearby highway where she met newly homeless family reside.

Thankfully she prepared more of the food that she needs. With love, hopes and excitement that she will finally have a moment after three months of their very first big fight, she prepared everything, for her husband. But she scoffs in pain now. Looking at the food that is left untouched.

She doesn't deserve it.

Giving away the food to the family who looked so happy to have freshly homemade food with high quality meats and vegetables, instead of driving, she walks on the bridge. A place where her mother jumped off after her father cheated on her.

Emma looks at the shiny water which is reflecting the moonshine. Fate is cruel. It's repeating again - She thought.

Her fate is syncing with her mother's. She is going to end this painful episode of her life by following her mother's path.

" Did you always feel this kind of insecurities and pain before dying?! Mom! Now I think it was a great choice.. When you aren't the priority, what's the point of everything? Loving someone who doesn't love you the way you want... It's meaningless, isn't it?"

She smiles, slowly stepping onto the parapet. Her mind has been fuzzy the moment she has walked out of the room. She can't think rationally. She has nobody to go. Her grandparents live across the country. No relatives except for her only husband who doesn't want her anymore.

She laughs hysterically, looking at the shiny water. She wants to drown in the depths of the river. The coldness of the water should engulf her the moment she will drown herself. She wants to go to her mother and ask why she didn't leave her somewhere else so that her father didn't have to make her life hell. Maybe she could have led a life where she didn't have to carry all the pain she has been burying inside.

But it's time for her to let go of everything. Attachment, love, caring, everything is just fake. She doesn't want that.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. For a second her attention goes to her swollen cheek. Remembering all last three months which have eaten her slowly and painfully. She watched herself being caged by his unspoken hurt. In his life, she is nothing but the side character. She doesn't want to become a side character or someone's emotional punch bag. She doesn't want to hear him talking about another woman constantly. She wanted him to look at her for once. But he looked like stranger. It looked like she was the mistress of their relationship. She was the one who separated them from their future.

She wants to stop it. The overthinking, the constant fear and anxiety have killed her long ago. She wants no more hopes or love anymore. Her shaky legs somehow balance, ready to jump anytime! But-

" Sister! Do you have some medicine?"

She flinches, almost taken aback when the six years old girl of that homeless family stands behind her. She is shivering in this cold night. Her eyes are still sparkling with hope of life.

She looks at the direction where the homeless family is staying.

After having a second of thought she looks at the girl who walked here alone. This made her immediately jumped down.

" Why are you here?"

" Mom's sick and Dad has no money. Do you have medicine?"

Emma stays silent for a significant moment. While staring at the six years old girl, something inside her head snaps.

She lifts her onto her arms and looks at her with a smile, " Let's go!"

The kid hugs her neck and rests on her shoulder. She looks exhausted and weak. What she deserves or not, she doesn't know. But she knows that this girl doesn't deserve it.

She knows there is something that has changed inside her. Something that makes her feel less pain and agony. Something to shake her to wake up.

Months of begging and pleading for attention, getting neglected by her own husband who spoiled her with love, she decided to give her life a chance. A chance of life with new beginnings. And to do it, First of all -

She will Divorce her husband...

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