
Imagine Yourself

" Boss! If you don't mind, can I reapply for the position I was? It was a mistake last night!"

Emma chews her lips as she requests to reclaim her poison in her department. She has always been so interested in Computer that she took loans for completing her degree and secured the job in a high paying job on first try.

She worked hard on giving away the loan, buying an apartment and living the life that she always dreamed of.

However, right now, she can't find herself anymore. All the hardwork, tears, depression and hope that she has invested in this job has been gone thanks to someone she loves so much.

" Ms. Downey! I am so sorry. As you know the position is so much demanding. Also the new CEO has given this position to someone who has the ability to replace you. I am sincerely sorry about this. I know we have been friends for years. But I am --!"

" No! It's fine." She wipes the tears that reaches her chin and ready to disappear into the ground like her all hardwork for years.

" I think I need some break as well. Thank you for all those years. I am really grateful that I worked under you. Let's meet someday for a cup of coffee.--- As a friend!"

" That's great. I will call you once I get free time!" Her Boss sounds excited.

" Yeah. Anyway, I have to go now. I won't disturb your work!"

Emma hangs up on her and walks towards the basements. But she feels her legs are so heavy that each step of her legs is taking all of her strength.

She couldn't pass the walkway to the basement because her knees have given up.

She sits on the ground, staring at the empty place. Her eyes are lost and empty.

" Emma! What happened?"

Vincent who is heading to the second floor, rushes to her after noticing her sitting on the floor silently.

He tries to hold her shoulders but she looks at him, eyes are dark and sharp. Her gaze is full of pain and betrayal. " Don't touch me with those filthy hands!"

Vincent takes a few steps and exhales deeply.

" Let's talk! Emma!" His voice sounds cold this time.

However, to his surprise, she stands up, looking at him with those eyes which are screaming that there is a significant distance between them appeared and he is the one to blame.

" Yeah. Let's talk!"

She walks towards their bedroom, silently and coldly.

She has spent her life with uncountable misfortune but seemingly this marriage has turned into another misfortune for her.

As both of them enter their bedroom, she looks at him, with a dry gaze, " I will sign the divorce papers. You sign it or not.. I don't care. Let's go separate way. There is no future for us. At least not with each other!" She says in casual and calm tone as if she doesn't care about the marriage anymore.

" Nobody is divorcing. I told you not to mention it ever!"

" You have to right to stop me. I don't love you anymore. I am not your paid slave to stay with you!"

" Emma!!!! Please mind your language. So far I have been tolerating your nonsense. Instead of understanding me and my situation, you have been pressuring me for divorcing you. I know that I have left you alone on our important day but you shouldn't -!"

" You destroyed me." She looks directly into his eyes... " You killed me. The identity I have earned for years, the future I was looking for - You destroyed it selfishly. What's actually happening with you? Be honest and explain what you want?"

" Emma! Look!" He tries to hold her hand.

" Don't touch me! Why? Are you afraid that your first love will reject you and the perfect replacement you found will be slipped away from your hand?" She screams at him...

" What-What are you talking about?" He stammers confusedly... " Why would you think this way?"

" Vincent Angelo! I think you should think carefully. I don't want to spend my whole life here with you. I didn't love you to become a replacement. I love you but I would rather die than being under the same roof with you and that woman!" She yells, pushing him away.

She tries to storm out of the room but Vincent grabs her wrist and presses her against the wall.

" I said we should talk. Stop shouting at me!" He grits his teeth.

" Fuck!!! You have been disappointing me again and again. I don't know what gotten into you but I wanted you to understand -!"

" Understand you with what? And disappointment " She scoffs,

"Imagine - you went to your first date to meet me but I sent my first love to approve you. Imagine - I proposed my first love and he rejected me.. So I found you as his perfect replacement - Imagine!!!" She pushes him away from her and grits her teeth,

"Imagine that I spent three months with my best friend... My male best friend, I spent days and nights. Leaving you, waiting for me after a long day working, you were waiting for me after cooking, cleaning. But I never returned... Just imagine!!! You Jerk! How will it feel if I spend Day and night for three months with my male best friend and when you call me, I will reject and turn off the phone. Imagine when you took a day off on your wedding anniversary, drove three hours to go to my hometown to bring the best steak that I liked, the best wine with ten thousand dollars from your own savings and cook them for hours to make it perfect. But I called it a mere meat and went to that fucking male friend of mine. Can you imagine yourself standing on the place and keep waiting just to listen that you were never been the priority and was the replacement?" She questions, her tears have lost its limits to control itself...

" You couldn't even control yourself when I left last night. You dared to stalk my location and brought me home. What's worst - For what I will never ever forgive you! You destroyed my career. You - You ruined everything. Everything. I don't need someone like you. I don't need a scar on my heart. I don't need anyone like you whose existence is like a selfish leech in my life. So I am not changing. Kill me or do whatever you want. Force me to get pregnant with your child? Do it. Go ahead but - I will walk away from this fucking life. This time, my priority is nobody but me and of course - Someone who will prioritize me for who I am!"

She announces. Her voice is clear and determination is palpable in her tone.

However, Vincent hasn't said anything. He just listened to her silently. He watches her crying but her determination in her eyes.

His fingers firmly clench as he walks towards the desk and grabs a document. Emma frowns, watching him to grab something and then holds a document in front of her.

It's clearly not a divorce file but something important she can see.

" What's that?"

" Read it"

" I am not interested in some stupid -!"

" Read it before commenting." He looks away.

Emma takes the papers out of the file and reads them slowly.

" I don't appreciate it!" She grits her teeth... " I don't want to become your slave... I told you!" She grits her teeth as she reads them. She can't believe how selfish he became... " You want to cage me, right? Even professionally!"

" Yes. To keep you in my life, I will be the worst person. But you have to be with me- FOREVER!"

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