
Chapter 22 - Stephen

This was nerve-wracking. Since high school graduation last spring, I haven’t been on a stage in front of a crowd. And even then, it hadn’t been this many people. Just the family of those in my graduating class. 

Several hundred Madonie wolves are sitting in the amphitheater. That’s a lot of people looking at us.

The only thing keeping me from freaking out is that I’m touching the small of Amelia’s back. She’s just as nervous as I am. I need to remain calm so we both can remain calm. 

‘How am I supposed to make my oath if I can’t talk to anyone but you?’ Amelia frowned as Darren stepped aside so Alexander could take his oath.

‘Drink first to make the link, then say your pledge to Alpha André.’ I suggested. I certainly can’t say her oath for her. It was the only way I could think of. 

‘You’ll be fine.’ I encouraged her as it was her turn.

I watched as Amelia nervously approached and carefully knelt, not wanting to ruin her dress. In silence, she took her sip. 

I saw André smile as he gestured her to rise, so I knew she must have said her oath in the link. I involuntarily winced when she had to cut her wrist to include her blood in the goblet.

I took a deep breath, slowly letting it out as I moved to kneel before André. ‘It’ll be okay.’ Amelia whispered through our link. 

“I, Stephen Rhett Walterson, solemnly swear that I will faithfully serve the Madonie people, ALpha André, and Aleph Darren as their Gamma. And will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Madonie Pack.”

Having said my oath, I took my sip, standing as André gestured me to rise. I cut my wrist, letting my blood drip into the cup before stepping aside.

Amelia quickly took my hand in hers. ‘You both did well.’ Darren encouraged through the link, his eyes on the crowd.

‘The hard part is about to come. Be ready. We can’t let anyone who’s looking to harm André through.’ Alexander chimed in.

I blinked because shit, that was weird. The realization dawned on me that a new Madonie pack link was created as we pledged. I hadn’t thought about it until I heard Alexander speak.

I’m used to Darren as we were both Bloodmoon. I felt sad that my bond to Bloodmoon was forever severed, except for my family. 

‘We are so proud of both of you.’ Mom beamed from her seat in the audience with tears in her eyes. 

‘Stephen. Amelia.’ André’s voice filled my head, making me stand at attention. ‘Now is your time to shine, darlings.’ 

Right. Now we have to watch the crowd and point out anyone that will be a danger. 

A chorus of gasps started as Ivan Furlan stood up from the crowd and made his way down the center aisle and up the steps to the stage. Amelia and I weren’t surprised. 

We knew he’d pledge. He didn’t have loyalty to Ignazio. Anything he did was to protect Amelia. Even if he spends his life under house arrest, he would rather do it as a loyal pack member watching over his sister than a rogue.

“I, Ivan Noé Furlan, do swear by the Moon that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Alpha André of Madonie, his heirs and successors. So help me, Goddess.”

‘Conway, we need to put all our energy into this. There are many people, and we can’t let anyone get through.’ I called Conway, who was at the ready.

‘We’ve got this.’ He assured me as I felt his power pushing forward. 

Whoa, this was new. Conway has grown stronger since Amelia and I mated, but this was different. This must be from becoming Gamma. I certainly won’t say no to a power boost.

I started focusing on the crowd taking a deep breath, and sorted through the collective scents around me to seek those with malice. Those with the intent to hurt or even kill. 

Amelia and I started to point people out in the crowd through the link. Darren was quick to inform his family, who started popping up without warning in the crowd to take away those we were pointing out. 

“Be calm.” André called out to everyone, and some of the people were making a scene at being taken away.

“Tonight is a celebration as we move forward as a pack. Anyone you see being detained is not here for those reasons. Place your trust in your ranked wolves and me.” André assured the crowd. 

Everyone who’s already pledged seems to be at ease with his words. But those yet to pledge still emitted unease. 

Crap! A strong scent of malice was close. ‘ALEPH! The male next in line! I’m sorry I didn’t pick it up sooner.’ I called out just before the male rushed for the stage. 

“I won’t bow to an outsider! Madonie belongs to those born here!” The male shouted. 

I was worried my warning was too late. But in a blur of blue, André went from center stage to having one hand on the male’s throat while the other still gripped the goblet. Not even a single drop had dripped from the goblet.

“Madonie belongs to those who will live, breathe, and fight for it. Madonie belongs to the one who will protect and serve its people. Madonie belongs to me!” André’s wolf snarled as his eyes turned yellow.

‘That guy is in for it now. He’s pissed Duilio off enough to come out.’ Alexander smirked, folding his arms as he watched, poised to move if our Alpha needed him.

“Anyone that supported Ignazio, that felt the whelp who would slay his own parents for power was a worthy Alpha doesn’t belong in a pack, least of all mine!” Duilio’s voice boomed throughout the amphitheater.

“Know this. If you felt Ignazio’s massacre of your previous ranked wolves, his massacre of the peaceful Nebrodi, and his war against the Incubi were justified, leave now. Leave now and live your life as rogues because you are not welcome in my territory!” He commanded.

The male was gasping for breath as Duilio still held him tightly. 

“Then kill me.” The male demanded. 

“If you think I am such a danger to your authority, kill me. Prove how strong you are.” He tried to sound confident as he spoke between gasps for air.

Duilio scoffed, dropping him to the ground. “I kill only to protect my pack and only when I am left with no choice. A true Alpha’s power isn’t in how ruthless he is. I give you your life. That is my mercy. Now get out of my territory, rogue.”

The guards finally got to us and hauled the male up by his arms. “Take him to the edge of the territory and let him go. Do not harm him.” André instructed, his eyes returning to their natural blue. 

A clear message was being conveyed on stage. I could smell the change in the wind. The amount of malice and hate for those of us on stage was diluted. Duilio’s words had their effect. 

As the last person pledged there had only been fifteen people taken away. Five of them Amelia had called out for being influenced by magic. Five sleeper agents, I suppose, leftover from Melania’s influence on Ignazio.

“My people! Thank you for joining us tonight and solidifying our bond as a pack. To celebrate this first step to the future of Madonie, we shall have a pack run! If you cannot shift, please make your way to the pack villa where the party is waiting to get started!” 

André exclaimed, his excitement infectious as the crowd eagerly started to either change clothes to shift or filed out to head for the packhouse. I followed Alexander’s cue and went off stage to start undressing for the run.

‘Are you still shy about shifting in front of people?’ I questioned Amelia through our mate link.

Amelia blushed, shrugging a little as I shrugged off my dress shirt. I was down to my slacks and underwear when André and Darren joined us. 

“Alissa? Amelia? Not joining the run for any particular reason? Or just bashful about being naked?” André arched an eyebrow as he started to undress.

“Oh… um well… Alpha, I’m….” Alissa shyly smiled, holding a hand to her stomach. 

“Oh, that’s wonderful news! The first ranked heir is already on its way. Congrats to you and Gildo. And they get to have the distinct pleasure of growing up with my little brother or sister.” He grinned.

New life. After a war that resulted in so many deaths it was good to know those numbers will grow again. That is good news indeed.

“Thank you, Alpha. I’ll make sure everyone’s clothes are taken back to the villa and that the party starts without issue.” Alissa bowed her head as she gathered her mate’s clothes, kissing his cheek before he shifted to his wolf.

“Amelia? Are you going to tell me you have a pup on the way too?” André arched an eyebrow with a teasing smile at my blushing Gamma.

My back stiffened as he asked Amelia if she was pregnant. I know that heat is the most likely time for a she-wolf to get pregnant. 

But we were careful, for the most part. We still ensured before coming to Madonie if she was, but the test was negative. And I’m okay with that. I want to be a dad, but Amelia and I are both too young and need more time together before adding a pup. 

‘No… I… it’s not that. But I’m just not the most comfortable….’ Amelia explained through the pack link. 

“Don’t worry, darling. The only person who will take notice of your nudity before your shift is Stephen. And no one is ever going to bad mouth you again. You are Gamma of Madonie, a gorgeous she-wolf with a hottie for a mate at her beck and call. Own it, sister.” André winked, shedding his clothes last before shifting to his massive black wolf with blue streaks along the flanks.

I’m not sure how I should feel that my Alpha called me a hottie. But whatever, I’ll chalk it up to André being André.

Darren rolled his eyes, turning his attention to Amelia. “You can shift last if it makes you more comfortable.” He suggested. “Then meet up with the rest of us at the front of the pack.”

Amelia was blushing bright red, looking up at the sky to not look at Darren as he stood naked for a moment before shifting to Cardinal.

With a howl, André led everyone else away to start the pack run. Leaving just Amelia and me standing in the side area of the stage. 

‘It’s just us now. You should undress so we can join the others.’ I encouraged. ‘Do you want help?’ I offered, toying with the zipper of the dress.

Blushing, Amelia nodded as I unzipped the dress. I was careful as I removed the dress. It was her mother’s, after all. 

‘We should also take care of the jewelry.’ I suggested kissing her bare shoulders as I carefully removed her necklace, earrings, and hair comb. 

I smiled as she shivered, not because she was cold, her body melting against mine. ‘We… we need to catch up with the others.’ Amelia sighed as I unclasped her bra.

‘We’ve got time.’ I assured, slipping her bra off, taking the opportunity to palm her breasts. 

‘But if you want me to stop, I will.’ I assured, scraping my teeth over her mark as my hands slid along her curves to start tugging down the lacy white underwear.

Her breath hitched as her ass unconsciously, or maybe it was on purpose, rubbed against my crotch. I groaned, nipping at her mark.

‘Do you want me to stop?’ I questioned, letting my hand slip between her thighs. I growled, finding her wet. 

‘No…’ She whimpered, arching into my hand. 

Oh, thank Goddess. I know I would have stopped if she said so, but I’m glad she didn’t. And well at least I don’t have to feel bad or weird that I did put condoms in my jacket pocket. Even if we have to be quick.

It was probably a good thing everyone was gone because the sounds of our quick lovemaking echoed in the amphitheater enough that I was embarrassed. We’d just shifted when Nicolao, the butler from the packhouse, stepped out.

“Just here to collect any discarded clothes, Gamma Amelia and Gamma Stephen.” The older male bowed his head to our wolves. 

I nodded to him before rushing to catch up with Amelia and Faith. ‘Oh, Goddess. What if he… what if he heard us? What if he saw us?’ Amelia questioned.

‘I doubt he did. And if he did, he obviously isn’t going to say anything. We are the Gammas now. It’ll be okay, And honestly, with an Alpha like André, I’m sure stumbling on us together is the least scary thing Nicolao will deal with.’ I chuckled.

Amelia sighed, shaking her head as we finally caught up with everyone else. The run was fun. It was good to stretch Conway’s legs, and he always enjoys getting to run with Faith.

‘Alexander, you will come with André and me to deal with those we detained. Amelia and Gildo, and your mates, will be responsible for entertaining at the party till we can get there.’ Darren instructed as we reached the packhouse.

‘We can handle that.’ Gildo assured through the link before trotting off in the direction of his mate to change. 

‘We’ll do our best.’ Amelia agreed. ‘We won’t let you down, Ca…I mean Aleph.’ I nodded before spotting Ivan and my family waiting for us.

My mom and Suzie had Amelia’s things and went with her for her to change while dad handed me my clothes as I shifted without much concern about being naked while I got dressed.

Ivan grunted, picking something off the ground and nudging my ribs. I raised an eyebrow as he opened his massive hand, and I paled when he handed me a condom that had fallen out of my jacket.

“Um… thanks.” I gulped, putting it back into my pocket, avoiding eye contact. 

“At least they are practicing safe sex.” Dad, the helpful man, snickered.

“Come on, Ivan, let’s find you a large glass of something to drink.” Dad patted his shoulder, directing the giant inside.

Ivan left but not without glaring at me over his shoulder. If he had laser vision would have cut straight through me. 

‘Everything okay?’ Amelia questioned as her hand slipped into mine.

‘Perfect now that you’re here. Let’s go mingle and show ourselves to be good Gammas.’ I suggested. I smiled and kissed her temple. 

With smiles on our faces, we entered the party. There were some cautious glances thrown our way. And a few people that Amelia tensed when they approached. 

But Amelia showed she held no hard feelings against those who bullied her. She is genuinely the better wolf. 

There is not a petty bone in my mate’s body. And tonight, as she smiled and was kind to her childhood bullies. She even consoled a few who lost their families to this war. 

She’s proving to them that she will be a caring and supportive Gamma for the pack. As I watched her with people, especially the orphan children, I could see how perfect she is for this role and how great a mother she’ll be someday.

This is our new life. We will support this pack, support Alpha André and Aleph Darren. And always support each other. I will spend my life supporting her and showing her every day how much I love her and how happy I am that she chose me.


The END! Or at least of this part of their tale. There will still be two Epilogues from each of their POVs to show a glimpse of their future.

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Comments (8)
goodnovel comment avatar
LaLa Adz
Such a sweet story ...️ I love Stephen and Ameilia. He is Al just perfect for her!
goodnovel comment avatar
Nan kcl
Thank you author..loved it
goodnovel comment avatar
Tressa Wainright
I love this book !!. I am so happy that they got their happy ending!

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