
Warrior's Redemption Intro

The chapters will be for the short story Warrior's Redemption from this point forward. 

Clement “Austin” Shelton: Everything can change in a blink. I went from a promising military career to having no direction. I was told, “The Goddess guides us on our paths. But we all have to put in the work to find our destinies.” and encouraged to look within to find out who I am. I’ve taken those words to heart. But is it possible for a guy like me to find redemption?  

Suzie Walterson: Growing up living down the road from the Shelton family, I knew that Clement Shelton was a dick. I have known it my whole life. And I didn’t think losing a leg could change him. But an accident put me in his debt in more ways than one. Has he changed, or is it just a ruse?

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Amanda R
Love that you are doing these short stories. Love hearing about these characters that we have come across even though there is not enough for full books. Great idea and implementation.
goodnovel comment avatar
tiki hotaling
I just want to let u know I love all your book's esp this series and the side story's keep up the awesome work and soo many blessings to u

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