
Chapter 6 - Suzie

The most awkward thing about being a werewolf is the nudity part of shifting. Sure we grow up around it because every adult you know shifts, and not a single kid in the pack hasn’t seen their parents naked because of it.  

It makes us more adjusted than the humans who are just so conservative and worried about nudity. Are some people’s naked bodies more impressive than others?  

Oh hell yes. I’ve seen Ivan Furlan naked. Now that’s impressive.  

So while nudity is normal and part of the culture, it is still awkward to shift around the other kids getting their wolves for the first time. My parents took me out to the woods on the full moon night, where everyone was taken to shift for the first time. 

It was me, Shannon, Paul, and a few others. Overall there were about ten of us shifting on this full moon. So it was our families and Alpha Logan and Luna Aurelia with us. 

“You’ve all been preparing for today your whole life. Shifting to our wolves is as natural as breathing.” Alpha Logan started to explain. 

“Unlike breathing, it will hurt. The pain will eventually fade the more you go through the transformation. Your parents are here to help alleviate some of that pain. Remember, only family or a mate can help dampen the pain of the transformation.” Luna Aurelia picked up where her mate left off. 

“The moon is about to rise, and your wolves will feel the urge to push forward. Remember your training.” Alpha Logan continued. 

“In your mind, it’s like a control room. You and your wolf share this space. All you have to do is make the hand-off. Let your wolf come forward. Don’t fight it, just let it flow, and it will hurt less.” Luna Aurelia assured us.

‘Just let me take the lead, and everything will be okay.’ Kayla assured me. 

I sighed, feeling the moon’s call as I closed my eyes. Like everyone here, I was in tear-away clothes, ready to shift.  

I could picture the room in my mind as Luna Aurelia explained it. Kayla was sitting on one side. She’s beautiful. Not that Kayla needs me telling her that. She knows it. 

Her fur was almost a mirror of my honey brown hair with the same chartreuse eyes as me though they seemed brighter. She looks like mom’s wolf Adelina. Which makes sense, given I take after mom more than dad. 

‘It’s time.’ Kayla announced, getting to her feet and walking towards me. 

‘Just breath, baby girl. It’s going to be fine.’ Dad’s warm, reassuring voice entered my mind.  

I sighed and started to walk to Kayla. I trust her. She knows what to do. I trust my Alpha and Luna. And I trust my parents are here for me. 

I whimpered as my bones cracked and reshaped as I gave Kayla control. But soon, it was over, and I was standing on all fours in wolf form, looking around. The rest of the sixteen-year-olds had shifted. 

‘You did great, honey bee.’ Mom encouraged as Adelina rubbed against me. 

I was smiling, feeling this unimaginable freedom now that I’ve shifted. I looked around at the others who turned, sniffing the air. None of the males here is my mate.  

I don’t know if I should be happy or disappointed. I know Stan will be happy. I’m not saying I’ve been dating him.  

We’ve hung out some though dad still doesn’t like him because of the accident. I know Stan hoped I’d be his mate, especially since I told him I wasn’t getting involved with anyone but my mate. 

I made the mistake of being interested in a guy once. A delicious cherry pie was ruined in the aftermath. So I decided not to get involved with anyone but my mate to save myself the heartbreak. 

‘You have all done well.' Alpha Logan praised us in the pack link. 

“Luna Aurelia and I will lead you through the forest for a run to join up with the rest of the pack for a full moon run. Tomorrow, you will report to the training hall to start training with seasoned pack members to control your wolves better." He instructed. 

It was a fantastic night running with the pack. Even if I didn’t scent my mate among those there, it was still a great night. 

“You look incredible.” Stan’s voice started me. I nearly jumped out of my skin as I hurried to get dressed after shifting back. 

I’m sure I was blushing brighter than the ripest cherry my family grows. I glanced over and quickly looked away, realizing Stan was still naked.  

“You should put clothes on. It’s cold out. Shrinkage is a terrible thing.” I commented as I quickly got my clothes on as a gust of cold winter air hit me. 

“Shrink…age…” Stan sounded confused before he finally realized what I was referring to.  

I snickered as he hurried to put his clothes on. 

“Trust me… it’s bigger than that.” He tried to recover. 

“Don’t worry about it, Stan.” I assured him, finally facing him since we were both dressed. 

“Yeah, everything looks small compared to her giant brother-in-law.” Shannon laughed as she walked over, holding hands with Sullivan with a grin. 

I arched an eyebrow at her, and she nodded, still smiling. “Congratulations on being mates.” I smiled, hugging her.  

“Good for you, man.” Stan did the bro hug thing with Sullivan. 

“What about you two?” Sullivan asked, looking between us. 

“Nope. Guess I’ll still be looking.” I shrugged, making sure there was space between Stan and me.  

“I better go. My parents are waiting. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I made an excuse, waving goodbye as I hurried to my parents. 

Before going to bed, I logged onto my computer to video chat with Amelia, Stephen, and little Grace. I grinned when Grace’s face filled the screen. 

“Zia Suzie!” she exclaimed, signing as she spoke.  

She’s five and has been learning sign language since before she could talk. So even when she’s not talking to her mom, she uses signs while speaking. It’s so adorable. 

She doesn’t have to sign to her mom, given Amelia’s hearing is perfect. Signing is how Amelia talks, and little Gracie doesn’t think twice about it. 

“Hi, Gracie baby. Where are your parents?” I asked, following her lead signing back. 

“They’re right here.” Grace said, moving so I could see Stephen and Amelia in the living room behind her.  

“Grace! Bring the computer over here. Your mamma is not waddling… ouch… not walking over there.” Stephen called out, wincing as Amelia hit him for saying waddling. 

I’m so envious of my brother and parents. They are still sickenly adorable. Especially as I watch him bend down, giving her sweet kisses, then kneel, kissing her very round belly.  

I can’t believe we are so close to her due date. Soon I’m going to have a nephew! At least if the ultrasounds didn’t lie.  

“Okay, papa!” Grace called out as she carried the laptop over to her parents.  

I waved, smiling as Stephen sat down next to Amelia on the sofa, pulling Grace into his lap, so they were all on-screen. 

“Hi, guys. I just wanted to call before I go to bed. I shifted tonight.” I greeted, signing as I spoke. 

“Kayla, my wolf, is beautiful. She looks like Adelina but with green eyes. Tomorrow I start my wolf training.” I explained. 

‘That’s wonderful. Did you happen to scent your mate during the pack run?’ Amelia questioned. 

I sighed and shook my head. Of course, my brother looked relieved while Amelia felt some sympathy. 

‘Well, I’m sure not all of Bloodmoon was on the run. And if your mate isn’t there, maybe you’ll find him when you visit after baby Asher arrives.’ Amelia signed with a smile. 

“Let’s not have my sister focusing on her mate. She just shifted. She should be focusing on learning her gift and controlling it and her wolf.” Stephen suggested. 

Amelia rolled her eyes. ‘As long as her mate isn’t a jerk, everything will be fine. And if he is a jerk, Suzie isn’t the type to stand by and take it.’ 

“Amen, sister. I’m not going to let some male mistreat me because he’s my mate.” I scoffed. 

“Exactly. So right now, focus on you and your wolf. And get some rest. The first shift is always the most draining.” My brother encouraged me. 

“Alright… I’ll go to bed.” I yawned, damn him reminding me how tired I am.  

“Goodnight. Have a good day.” I signed and then waved as the call ended. 

I was so excited this morning when I woke up. I rushed through breakfast and hurried to meet everyone at the training center. It wasn’t just us newly shifted, though. 

Stan and Diann were with us. They, of course, aren’t the seasoned wolves Alpha Logan was talking about. They only shifted last year. 

Everyone was talking, buzzing with excitement to start our training, when we walked into the building. As the doors closed behind us, a scent filled my nose, overriding every other smell around me. Kayla perked up, moving closer with interest.  

‘Mate.’ she purred as I took a deep breath, and that scent engulfed me. 

It was like summer, and I wanted to wrap myself in it and live in the scent. The scent of fresh-cut grass, garden herbs, and wildflowers was wonderful.  

I shrugged Stan’s arm away and started pushing through the crowd to find where that scent was coming from. I didn’t smell this last night, so they weren’t at the pack run, whoever my mate is. 

When I finally pinpointed the scent, I was in utter shock and disbelief. Standing in front of me in the pack tear-away shirt and shorts was the same person who months ago was too dense to realize I liked him. 

Kayla growled when Stan called my babe.  

‘If our mate doesn’t kill him, I will. I already didn’t like him putting his arm around your shoulders.’ Kayla growled. 

I gasped, unable to focus on anything but Austin is my mate. And oh fuck. His eyes changed to silver as his wolf came forward. 

I shouldn’t get turned on by him threatening Stan. But his wolf just claimed me in front of everyone, which was hot.  

I’ll have to thank Diann later for getting everyone, especially Stan, to go away, leaving just me and Austin staring at each other. 

Has he gotten hotter since I last saw him? Or is it the whole being my mate thing that makes him more attractive?  

‘What’s it matter? Our mate is hot and staked his claim.’ Kayla preened with excitement.  

‘Kayla, control yourself. This is still Clement. A shithead by any other name will still smell like….’ I started to explain. 

‘Heaven. He smells like heaven. Don’t try to lie to me.’ Kayla snorted. 

I wasn’t going to show weakness to him. I wasn’t going to yield to him, but that bastard distracted me.  

His tongue darted out, licking those kissable lips. And damn it, my eyes looked at his lips, imagining what they would feel like and taste like.  

Of course, he celebrates it like it’s some victory. I had to think of something to say. 

Something to put him in his place. So I lied, and he called me on it.  

But when his hand gripped my chin, it wasn’t roughly, and the surge of sparks from the bond made my brain fizzle. I couldn’t form a sentence if I wanted to. It’s his fault I lost control over Kayla. 

“She’s still holding what happened at the physical therapy office against you.” Kayla spoke through me while I desperately tried to pull her back. 

‘Don’t tell him shit like that!’ I yelled, pulling at her. 

Austin chuckled softly, fingers gently rubbing at my chin, moving to cup my face.  

“I bet she’s pissed you told me that. Why don’t you tell me your name before she manages to pull you back.” Austin suggested stepping in closer, leaving an inch between us barely. 

“You know her well, mate. And you can call me Kayla.” Kayla purred, closing that gap, so my body was now touching him, our lips so close we could be kissing. 

“Nice to meet you, Kayla. Jax can’t wait to meet you when we shift soon. How about you let Suzie take control? She’s gotta be seething.” Austin rubbed his nose against mine as he sweet-talked Kayla. 

Seething? I’ll show him seething. Fucker teasing and messing with my wolf like this. 

“Fine, only because I’ll meet Jax soon.” Kayla conceded, finally stepping back and letting me take control. 

The first thing I did was smack his face and take a step back to put space between us. 

“Asshole.” I glared at him.


Oh, the confusion of a girl who has been trying to forget her crush only to find out he's her mate.

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jill Carroll Raber
isn't she only 16 and he's what 24? he's same age as her brother and I think there's an 8 yr difference right?
goodnovel comment avatar
Alshon Michaels
Right so...... physical violence? If this were a guy it would be labeled as abuse. But since it's a woman, it's just considered funny.
goodnovel comment avatar
You can tell she’s a teenager because she’s acting like he betrayed her when all he did was not realize she had a crush on him and then get flirted with by a coworker.

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