
Chapter 9 - Suzie

I wasn’t the only one that was impressed watching Austin fight Paul. Paul has never been much of a fighter. He was below average in our pre-wolf training.  

But even being a below-average fighter with an Omega wolf, people thought Paul would have fared better. They didn’t think Austin would be able to fight as quickly with his injury. He proved them all wrong. 

I, of course, was betting on Austin. Even before losing his leg, Austin was no slouch as a fighter. After months of working with him as my physical therapist, I know how strong he is and how easily he can move even without a prosthetic.  

That doesn’t mean I didn’t feel bad for Paul as he got embarrassed. I’m sure he won’t be living that down any time soon. 

And while I initially thought Austin could have taken it easier on him, he made a valid point. Even though Paul is an Omega, he will need to grow stronger if he wants to work with the pack’s children. He will have to be able to protect them if something happens.  

And as surprising as that revelation was, all thoughts seemed to go, poof when he kissed me. Okay, so it was a kiss on my forehead. But it was still a kiss. It was still his lips touching me.

It was sweet and tender. It took me off guard as he shifted to his wolf, not letting me have the chance to react. 

‘Let me out, and I’ll react for you.’ Kayla assured. 

That, however, worried me more than the potential pain of shifting for the second time. I don’t know how much I can trust her.  

‘Fine. But I swear to the Goddess you go too far with him, and you are NEVER getting free again.’ I conceded with a warning as I let her come forward and shift. 

It didn’t hurt as much. It hurt even less than last night when my parents were with me. So this is how much of a difference the mate bond can make. Even when unmarked.  

I was worried when Kayla rubbed against Jax. So help me if she does something that crosses a line. Thankfully she behaved, and we could go on the run with everyone else. 

As we returned, I was contemplating where to shift back. I’m still not the most comfortable shifting around some of the boys. I don’t want to deal with their looks. 

Kayla, however, was more concerned with she-wolves looking at Austin. He had no issues with being naked around everyone. And well, from the glimpse I got before Kayla went protective mode, he certainly has no reason to feel shame about his body. 

‘You realize this is ridiculous. We don’t need to shield Austin with our body. He doesn’t care that he’s naked.’ I sighed. 

‘I don’t like those bitches looking at him. He is ours.’ Kayla growled, narrowing her eyes at Melody, who still kept looking.  

I didn’t particularly appreciate how Melody was looking at him. I just wanted to see the stub from his missing leg. Yeah right. What a shitty excuse.  

And she better not think I didn’t notice how she swayed her hips walking away. I saw her glance back, hoping Austin was looking.  

‘We should rip her apart.’ Kayla suggested. 

‘Tempting. But no.’ I shook my head. 

“Hey, Kayla, come on. Time for Suzie to shift back and get dressed.” Austin encouraged stroking Kayla’s fur. 

‘He’s right. We should shift. Grab my clothes, and let’s go shift in the bathroom where we can get dressed in private.’ I suggested taking more control back to ensure Kayla did what I said. 

Kayla snorted, scooping my clothes up in her mouth and pushing the training center’s doors open. We went directly to the girls’ bathroom, knowing Austin couldn’t follow.

Okay, so he could if he wanted to. But I smirked as I heard another she-wolf tell him he couldn’t follow me in and called him out as a pervert. 

‘I don’t know why you wanted to change away from him. Let him see you naked. He’s going to see it sooner than later. Very up close and deliciously personal.’ Kayla rolled her eyes.

‘Because mate or not. Austin will have to earn every touch, every kiss, and most definitely has to earn seeing me naked.’ I snorted as I shifted back.

I cracked my neck and rolled my shoulders, adjusting to being back in my own skin before slipping on my training clothes and pulling my hair up into a messy bun. I sighed, checking my reflection in the mirror.

I’m not the sort that gets down on her looks. I know my limits. I’m not like a supermodel or some incredible beauty. I know I’m attractive enough, but…

I frowned, looking down at my chest, remembering how Denise was more endowed than I am, even in scrubs. 

And even if Austin said they weren’t together, I can’t help myself. I was comparing myself to her and worried that he was full of shit.

‘We are his mate. All others will pale in comparison. And he has no reason to lie to us.’ Kayla attempted to reassure me.

I scoffed. ‘Kayla, you don’t know him. Maybe you should take some time and sort through my memories beyond the recent ones that involve him.’

‘His past is not my concern. The man he is now is what matters. And if he has truly bettered himself, there is no reason to pass judgment because of his past.’ Kayla rolled her eyes.

I frowned because she had a point. It isn’t fair to Austin to hold past misdeeds of Clement against him. I’d seen how he changed and became a better man over the months he was my physical therapist. He is still a clueless man but better than he was.

I sighed, pushing the bathroom door open, wincing as I heard someone grunt in pain. I snickered, looking around the door, seeing Austin was who I smacked with the door. 

His blue eyes narrowed at me, not as amused as I was. “Why do I feel like that was on purpose?” He grumbled, rubbing the side of his head. 

“Happy coincidence.” I shrugged, snickering as I let the door shut.

“I doubt you’re concussed or anything.” I teased, reaching up to touch the side of his head.

The moment my hand touched him, he froze. I worried for a moment I’d done something wrong touching him. But his eyes softened, lips turning into a smile as he leaned into the touch. 

Gently I rubbed where he’d been hit, getting to touch him for technically the first time. There were moments during my physical therapy we would touch, usually him touching me to help guide me through a stretch or activity. 

This is different. I’m not Austin’s patient. I’m his mate. The look on his face, the way he’s looking at me. My heart started beating faster, butterflies filling my stomach as his scent overrode my senses.

His eyes darted to my lips, and oh shit, is he going to kiss me? Wait, didn’t I say he’d have to earn such things. 

I quickly brought my hand down, stepping away from him. Kayla whimpered as Austin’s brow furrowed, and his smile turned into a slight frown.

“I should head home. You said you’d drive me. And there was mention that there would be a conversation.” I arched my brow at him.

Austin sighed, nodding as he pushed off the wall. “Alright. Let’s go then. And we can talk about that stunt you pulled.”

I rolled my eyes, falling into step with him as we left the training center.

“Hey! Suz! Are you coming!?” Stan called out, waving his arm.

I arched an eyebrow, hearing Austin growling next to me. Goddess knows what shit he’d say. I better say something before he does.

“No thanks, Stan! I’ve got a ride!” I assured, taking Austin’s hand.

I don’t know why I did that.

Okay, that’s a lie.

I wanted to make sure he didn’t do something stupid.

Alright, that's a half-lie.

I also just wanted to hold his hand to clarify to Stan and others that I had found my mate.

“Um… right. Get home safe.” Stan nodded, casting a worried glance at Austin.

“Safe.” Austin scoffed. 

“Snot-nosed little shits that cause car accidents shouldn’t talk about getting somewhere safe.” He grumbled, tightening his grip on my hand and leading me to his jeep.

“You’re never going to let that go, will you?” I sighed, shaking my head.

“Hell no. I decided I didn’t like that shithead when I found him after the accident. I knew he was the one driving. And I also saw the state of his dumb pal and your friend.” Austin snorted.

“Oh, look at you being subtle. Don’t want to call it like it was? We got into the accident because Stan was busy watching Shannon giving Sullivan a blow job.” I chuckled.

Austin shook his head, running his hand over his face. “You have no filter.” He chuckled, opening the passenger door.

I blinked at the gesture. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not the girl who would get upset at someone opening a door for me. I, well, I didn’t expect it from him.

“Never have and probably never will. You knew that.” I shrugged and jumped into the passenger seat.

“Thank you, by the way. For opening the door.” I added quietly.

He just smiled, giving me a wink as he shut the door.


Oh, these two. I don't think Austin will ever forgive or forget that Stan was driving that truck.

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Annette Barber
he not going to because he could have kill them all and one being his mate
goodnovel comment avatar
Rene Miller-Ledford
But without the accident, they would have never gotten to know each other really.
goodnovel comment avatar
Jae Pickett
They are the cutest!! The Goddess knows what’s she’s doing! Clement would have never been this chill and attentive to Suzie, but Austin is a new man!

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