
Chapter 5 - Austin

I haven’t seen nor heard from or about Suzanne Walterson in months. She hasn’t had to come to the office now that her sessions are over. And I tend to keep my distance from pack gatherings so we don’t cross paths.  

Even if she lives down the street, we don’t generally cross paths. I went years without seeing that kid. Since her brother moved to Madonie, I haven’t had any reason to go by her house.  

Not that Stephen and I were ever good friends. Mostly I was his ride since I had my car. And given how we left things, his fist in my face, we will not be mending fences. 

I hadn’t thought that three months of seeing her three times a week would change anything. I got by just fine, not talking to or seeing her before. 

So why have I missed seeing her? Miss the low-key banter during her sessions. 

I’ve attempted to distract myself with Denise. She’s not a bad person. I get along with her well enough, but she’s human and not my mate. 

Unlike the she-wolves at the pack who have snubbed and gossiped about me since I lost my leg Denise doesn’t care. She’s a physical therapist, just like me. She knows that losing a limb is painful on many levels, but it doesn’t make you less of a person. 

We’ve been going out for the last few months. We went on a handful of dates early on, but nothing serious. 

Granted, nothing serious did still include sex. Don’t judge me. The likelihood of finding my mate is no greater than any other werewolf but the possibility that she would accept me with my missed leg… it’s low.  

So sue me for taking comfort in the arms of a human woman that sees past my injury. I’m not looking for forever. This is the woman that doesn’t believe in the supernatural. 

I subtly prodded when talking about books and movies. Denise doesn’t go for any of the fiction that talks about vampires, demons, witches, angels, or werewolves.  

So obviously, I can’t tell her about what I am. And because of that, I’m in this limbo-type relationship with her. I always had one foot out the door, ready to walk at any moment.  

Something she’s noticing. She’s not an idiot after all. Last night’s fight certainly proved it. I sighed as the night replayed in my mind. 

Full moons always make me on edge. Every werewolf is on edge at a full moon. I usually don’t come to Denise’s place on full moons, but the pack run tonight isn’t mandatory, and it’s her birthday. 

So I skipped the run and took her to her favorite restaurant, and we ended up at her place after. I was a bit nervous as I gave her the gift I had picked out.  

The only woman I’ve ever given a gift to was my grandma. Okay, I’m sure I gave gifts to mom before she died, but I don’t remember them. 

And this was the first gift I was giving Denise, so I wasn’t sure how it would go. 

“I got you a present too.” I explained, digging the square box out of my jacket pocket after getting to her apartment. 

“Aw, how sweet of you, Austin. You didn’t have to get me a gift. Taking me to dinner and being with me today is enough.” Denise assured me, but given how her eyes were lighting up as she took the gift, that was a half-truth. 

If anything, she probably didn’t expect me to get a gift. I had considered not getting her a gift but felt like an ass if I didn’t.

“Oh, it’s beautiful. Thank you!” Denise squealed as she took the rose gold bracelet out of the box.  

I’m a dick, but I’m not a total dick. So I tried to go safe but personalized. The bracelet had her favorite flower, jasmine, and her birthstone.  

“Who knew you could be so sweet.” Denise teased, pulling me into a kiss.  

A kiss turned into making out on her sofa. Making out turned to move to her bedroom, a trail of our clothes being left in our wake.  

I will give credit where credit is due. Denise’s a damn good lay. Okay, I was a little rougher than I have been, but the full moon is to blame. 

“Whoa. That was... Wow.” Denise sighed, resting her head on my chest, fingers stroking my chest, tracing lines of my muscles. 

“Happy birthday?” I tried to play it off since I couldn’t explain to her that the full moon makes me a bit more aggressive. 

Denise giggled and kissed my chest. “Happy birthday to me indeed.” 

She sighed, and it was one of those heavier, thinking sighs. I braced myself for whatever serious conversation she’s decided to talk about.  

I’ve not had any serious relationships before, but I can only assume it can’t be good when a woman wants to have a serious talk after sex. And oh, how right I was. 

“Austin, we’ve been together for a while now. And I think we should take it to the next level.” Denise moved to lean upon her elbow, looking down at me, her long black hair falling over her shoulder, the ends brushing against my chest. 

“The next level?” I arched my brow.  

I’m not sure what it means for a human, but it’s probably not good for me. She has no idea I’m a werewolf.  

She’s never met anyone in my family. She never stays or even comes to my place. She’s accepted that I don’t invite her to my home since I live with my dad to save money for college.  

So what does this ‘next level’ mean to her?  

“Yes. I think it’s about time I met your family. And while I get you still living at home to save money so you can continue your education and get your doctorate. But you could still save money if we moved in together.” Denise explained, smiling down at me.   

I froze. Does Denise want to meet my family? Yeah, that won’t be happening. Dad may be cool about it, but even he is hoping I find a mate.  

She sure the fuck won’t be meeting my grandparents. Even if I were on speaking terms with grandpa, he’d lose his shit if I introduced him to a human. That would blow up in my face. 

And move in together!? That would not work. There’s no way to live together and keep what I am a secret.  

My panic at her suggestion must be readable because she looks pissed now.  

“You don’t want to introduce me to your family? Or live with me? What the fuck, Austin? Do you not love me?” She demanded, sitting up, her entire mood shifting. 

I sighed, running a hand over my face as I sat up. How the fuck am I supposed to answer any of that? Jax wasn’t helpful as he just sat silently looking at me, basically saying I was on my own. 

“Denise…” I groaned. 

“My family is complicated, okay. They expect me to be with a certain kind of person. Someone from a family they approve of.” 

I tried to explain without saying I had a soulmate out there, and my family wouldn’t accept anyone but her.  

“So what? I don’t want their approval. But they should know about us. And you still haven’t answered about us living together or if you love me.” Denise huffed as she wrapped the blanket around her sliding out of bed. 

“Tell me now. Answer me, Austin. Do you love me? Can you see this going somewhere? Because I can. I can see us being more. I can see a life with you. I can see a family with you.” Denise demanded. 

Oh fuck. I groaned, running my hands over my face. There is no way I can answer this, and it ends well. 

“I care about you. Love? I don’t know. It feels too soon to throw a word like that around. And… I don’t know what my future holds. I don’t generally think too far out beyond my career.” I was trying to be diplomatic and trying to spare her feelings. 

It wasn’t working. Denise’s eyes were brimming with tears, her features and stance changing to anger.  

“GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT! I will not be with a man who doesn’t love me! A man that can’t commit to me!” Denise started shrieking at me. 

“I thought we had a future. That this feeling you always had one foot out the door was just your insecurities. But ugh… I was fooling myself. GET OUT!” She ranted as I hurried out of her bed. 

I got my prosthetic back on and started gathering my clothes. I got dressed as I followed the trail to the living room. 

“Denise… I…” I wasn’t sure what I would say, but she cut me off. 

“I don’t want to hear it. We are over. Hot sex isn’t enough for me. I want someone to build my life with. And, to you, I’m just someone you’re passing the time with.” Denise scoffed, throwing her birthday gift at me as she shoved me out of her apartment. 

I still don’t know if there was ever a way to have made things work. I liked Denise well enough. But I would always know that out there is my mate.  

Even if my mate rejected me, what life could I have built with Denise when she can’t know what I am? Maybe it’s for the best we broke up.  

‘We shouldn’t have been dating her, to begin with. She’s not our mate, and I will never accept anyone but our mate.’ Jax huffed. 

Yeah, that too. I rolled my eyes, focusing on my breathing as I used the leg press at the pack gym. I know, pack gym? What the hell am I doing here? 

Last night was a full moon, so a dozen or so youths shifted for the first time. And usually, the first day after the full moon, a few seasoned pack members get voluntold to babysit. 

Babysit might be dramatic. We are supposed to take them out for a run and some light training with their wolves. I had the misfortune of getting my name drawn. 

I got to the training center early to work out before dealing with newly shifted. My presence here hasn’t gone unnoticed, given the looks cast my way and the whispers asking what I’m doing here. 

I sighed as I heard this exact thing again. I turned my head as I pushed the seven hundred pounds with my good leg. 

“What’s it fucking look like? I’m doing leg presses, you dumbass.” I snapped at the group as the doors opened, bringing in a burst of cold air and a group of young wolves. 

My head turned to the door, not because of the teenagers’ loudness or even the bitter cold air. I turned my head sharply, letting the leg press clang back into place because the scent of honey and cinnamon hit my nose and had Jax on high alert. 

‘MATE!’ He shouted, trying to surge forward.  

The force Jax put into trying to shove me out of the way had me stumble off the leg press machine. I ignored the group that I had just called out for whispering. 

Managing to get my footing, I made a beeline for the group that had just walked in the door. My eyes were shifting through the faces looking for whoever would be reacting to my scent. 

And fuck me, the source of the warm sweet scent had just shoved a boy’s arm off her shoulders and pushed others out of her way. Green eyes were shining brighter-looking around with purpose until they landed on me. 

Suzanne Walterson was staring back at me, lips parted in a soft gasp as she realized I was who she was looking for. I didn’t have to be close enough to know her heart was beating faster than a hummingbird’s wings.  

Mine was doing the same thing. When the boy whose arm she shrugged off tried to touch her, I let out a menacing snarl.   

I recognize him. He’s the idiot driving the truck when Suzie got in her accident.  

“Touch her, and I won’t be the only pack member missing a limb.” I growled.  

“Y… you?” Suzie finally spoke. 

I arched an eyebrow, not sure how to answer that. Let alone how I was supposed to take that. For all I know, this is the beginning of the end.  

Granted, Bloodmoon law forbids rejection unless your mate would be abusive. But that doesn’t mean she has to accept me, let alone right away. 

“Me.” I answered back for lack of anything better to say. 

The group she had walked in with here all hovering unsure what was going on. The dumb boy was still hesitant to leave her side. 

“Suz? Babe? You okay?” He asked. 

I growled again. Jax pushed me out of the way, not okay with some punk-ass pup calling our mate ‘babe.’  

“My human wasn’t clear enough. So let me enlighten your dim ass. Walk the fuck away from my mate or lose some limbs.” Jax snarled. 

I saw Suzie’s breath hitch when Jax blatantly claimed her as our mate. The boy at least had the sense to take two substantial steps back at Jax’s threat.  

A blonde girl, I recognize her too. She was in the accident with Suzie. The shifted she-wolf. She stepped out of the crowd throwing her hands up. 

“Nothing to see here. Move along. We have places to be people. You act like you’ve never seen two people find they are mates before.” She shooed the group grabbing the boy’s arm. 

“Let’s go, Stan. That ship has sailed and ain’t coming back.” She rolled her eyes, pulling him away with the rest of the crowd. 

It left just me and Suzie staring at each other. It was a staring contest or something. Neither of us was blinking or talking.  

I was waiting to see who would flinch or break the silence first. Suzie was the first to break, green eyes dating to my lips when I licked them. They felt like the desert, and the urge to wet them with her lips was so much I almost gave in. 

“I win.” I smirked. 

Her eyes darted back to mine, narrowing. “Asshole.” she grumbled. 

“You stink, by the way.” She rolled her eyes, intentionally looking away from me as she folded her arms. 

Like the rest of the group, she came in with she was dressed in the tear-away clothes our pack uses. It suddenly dawned on me she was one of the newly shifted wolves I was supposed to be taking on a run.  

“Liar. Your wolf seemed to like how I smelled. She was shoving punk-ass pups out of her way to find me.” I smirked, gripping her chin and turning her face back to mine. 

Her wolf flashed in her eyes as the mate bond sparked at the contact. Jax was practically purring at the touch.


I knew I didn't like Denise. I mean, I can understand wanting to be serious with Austin, but he's not interested. But all good since his mate is Suzie! So hands off, Denise.

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jae Pickett
Awesome extras!! Suzie and Austin’s story is a great ending. I had a feeling Suzie was going to be mated to Clement, he needs a strong woman that will stand up to him. I like the changes he’s made in his life and thinking!! Awesome book!!!

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