
Chapter 4 - Suzie

OH, MY GODDESS!!! How can he be that dense!? How can I be this stupid!? Ugh! 

Why would I think after three months of talking and what I thought was subtle flirting meant a damn thing to him? It was all just in my head.  

I BAKED him a PIE! I don’t bake for ANYONE! I can’t believe I baked him a pie.  

I went through the effort of styling my hair, putting on makeup, and picking a cute outfit. And none of it mattered. 

I walked in on Austin with one of his coworkers. I can’t believe I was so wrong about this. 

I grumbled, digging out my cell to call Diann to come back and get me. I’m going to feel like such an idiot for this.  

I had told Diann about my cute physical therapist and the flirty vibe I’d been picking up. She’s the one who encouraged me. Hell, I’m wearing her skirt! 

“Hey, girl. Why are you calling? I dropped you off like a minute ago. Was he out sick or something?” Diann asked with a chuckle. 

I, however, wasn’t laughing.  

“Suz? Oh no. We misread his signals.” Diann lamented. “I am so sorry, girl. I’ll be right there.” She assured me.  

“Thanks…” I sighed, hanging up. 

Closing my eyes, I tilted my head up. I will not get upset over some asshole like Clement Shelton, who can’t even get a clue. 

My back straightened as I heard voices, and I quickly tried to get out of sight. I do not need anyone from the therapist’s office to see me. I’m sure they aren’t as dense as Austin. 

“So you finally made your move?” The receptionist questioned. I don’t remember her name, but I recognize her voice from coming here for three months. 

“Yep. For a moment, I thought it was going to go south. That client walked in, and he chased after her.” A different voice I recognized answered. 

I gritted my teeth from my hiding spot behind the pillar. It was that woman who was practically in Austin’s lap. And she’s talking about me! 

“Yeah, I saw that. It was hard to watch. Austin’s cute, but he isn’t bright. The girl has been looking at him for a couple of weeks now. And he didn’t realize she had a crush.” the receptionist scoffed. 

“Yeah, he did seem to be not only oblivious but very certain there was no way she’d be into him. Not sure about the history there. I don’t care. He’s not interested and agreed to a date tonight.” 

The slut… no, I won’t call her that. I am better than that. 

I don’t know her, so I shouldn’t judge her. Austin is single and free to be involved with anyone he likes until he finds his mate.  

Then girls like that one, and I will not stand a chance. The mate bond is something you do fuck with. With how much Amelia suffered when her original mate cheated against the bond, I wouldn’t put anyone through that. 

“Way to go, Denise. You’ve had your sights set on him when he was just a client for Grant.” the receptionist chuckled.  

“What can I say? I’m a sucker for a broken man working on picking up the pieces. And I’ve watched him work hard over the years. I like work in progress guys, but now he’s more stable, and all the workouts for his training have made him hotter.” Denise laughed. 

“Well, have a fun night. I want a full report tomorrow.” the receptionist laughed. 

I peered around the pillar to watch Denise head for the parking lot. 

“Oh, you bet, Piper. I know you can’t wait to find out if he’s good in bed.” Denise laughed as she got in her car. 

I clenched my jaw as the urge to growl was high, even if I didn’t have my wolf yet. I can’t believe these women. He’s not some broken toy to fix or be played with.  

I was glaring in the direction Denise drove off when Diann honked her horn. I nearly jumped out of my skin, startled by the sudden sound. 

“Yo! Suz! Come on, girl, why are you hiding behind that pillar?” Diann called out, rolling her window down. 

I groaned and came out from hiding and hurried into her car. I frowned as I slumped into the front seat and buckled up. 

“So what happened?” Diann questioned, eyeing me as we started driving.  

I sighed because where do I even begin. “So I went to find Austin. I walked in on him and one of the girls that work here… Denise.” I wrinkled my nose as I said her name. 

“What were they doing? Hot and heavy? You see skin?” Diann tried to lighten the mood with a job, but I’m not in the mood. 

“It wasn’t hot and heavy. Denise looked to be propositioning him and halfway in his lap. I dropped the pie and ran. He chased after me when he realized I’d been there. But he was oblivious. And it just pissed me off more. So I walked out.” I quickly explained. 

“On snap. I’m so sorry, Suz. Males are so dense. This is why the Goddess gave us mates. You scent your mate, so there’s never this issue of misunderstandings and bullshit like humans do.” Diann sighed. 

“Yeah. Maybe I should just wait till I find my mate. No point getting interested in a guy who isn’t my mate. And honestly, it’s not like he’s the type of guy I’d want for a mate.” I frowned. 

“Girl, don’t say that. Sometimes it takes years to find a mate. And no harm in having companionship until then. And you said this Austin guy was hot. And if he’s a physical therapist, he is probably pretty flexible and knows just how to make your body bend.” Diann laughed with a wink. 

I couldn’t stop it. I blushed. Because I was thinking about some of the stretches Austin helped me with and the feel of his hand applying just enough pressure to my body to push my limit without hurting me.

“See, I’m right. So don’t give up so easily. So some girl is also into him. What could she possibly have that you don’t?” Diann scoffed. 

I glanced down at my A cup chest and remembered even in the scrubs, Denise was more endowed. “I can think of at least one thing beyond being old enough to drink.” 

Diann threw her head back, laughing. “Oh, who cares about that. Maybe he’s more of an ass man. You’ve got a lot of junk in that trunk.”  

“It doesn’t matter. Today was my last session. I won’t see Austin again. He made his choice. I overheard Denise talking to the receptionist. She’s going out with him.” I sighed, shoulders slumping. 

Diann frowned, glancing at me. “Are you sure? We could find out where they are going on their date and crash.” 

I chuckled, shaking my head. 

“As fun as that might be. It also sounds super embarrassing and stalkerish. I’ll just put him in the spank bank and move on. Not like he’s someone I’d want to be with forever. He’s…” I tried to think of what to call him. 

“Dense. If Austin didn’t realize you were into him or what a catch you are, he’s stupid.” Diann smiled. 

“True that. I want my mate to be sweet and endearing—someone like my dad and brother. I want someone who will support me through good and bad times. And I mean, it wouldn’t be one-sided. I’ll support my mate just as much as he supports me.” I sighed. 

“I think we all want a mate like your dad. Your parents are mate goals.” Diann smiled as she pulled into my driveway.  

“Keep your chin up. You’ll shift soon, and then you can join me to go around the world to gatherings looking for our mates.” Diann smiled. 

“Yeah. It’ll be fun and a good reason to visit my brother’s family in Sicily. They have some hot guys in those packs.” I chuckled.  

“Thanks for the ride. I’ll wash and return your skirt.” I waved goodbye as I got out. Diann waved as I went inside.  

I decided I would put Austin out of my head. He’s not the type of guy I want. It was pointless when I thought about it.  

“SUZIE! You’ll never guess what’s happened!” Mom shouted the moment I walked in. 

I was worried for a moment, but then I realized she was happy. “What’s going on?” 

I was not sure what news could make mom this excited. She hasn’t been this excited since Grace joined the family. 

“Stephen just called. Amelia is pregnant! Two months along, they wanted to wait to say anything. The Goddess has blessed your brother and Amelia with another baby.” Mom squealed, pulling me into a tight hug in her excitement.  

“OMG! That’s… Oh, that’s wonderful! I’m going to be an aunt again! Grace will get to have a brother or sister!” I let myself get swept into the excitement. 

Amelia had been told she couldn’t have children. We were all so happy when Grace appeared on their doorstep four years ago.  

The pregnancy news took my mind off Austin and everything that happened with him. I spent the next six months focused on school, preparing for my first shift, and contacting Amelia and Stephen.  

Like the rest of my family, we had learned Italian sign language to video chat with Amelia even when Stephen wasn’t there. It’s been so fun keeping up to date on her pregnancy and seeing how excited Grace is to become a big sister.


*SMH* Austin, you dense boy. At least the announcement Amelia and Stephen are having a baby can take Suzie's mind off things.

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Alshon Michaels
Why is Austin criticized for being dense, but Suzie isn't for making making hasty assumptions and judgements? Double standards, I tell ya.

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