
Epilogue - Stephen

Things have been going rather well for us these past five years. Madonie is prospering, and our people are happy.


It has been difficult for Amelia and me when others have babies. It reminds us of what we cannot have, especially for Amelia, as she watched other she-wolves, including her sister-in-law, going through their pregnancies.


But that makes us appreciate having Grace all that more. Grace is an intelligent girl, she may not have understood fully, but she always knew when Amelia was feeling down because she’d climb into her lap and give her hugs and tell her how much she loved her. She has been a bright spot for us.

Just as Grace’s arrival into our lives helped Amelia through the news that she couldn’t have children. She then helped her get through watching others she is close to having pups with their mates. So rather than focusing that we will never have a pup that Amelia birthed, we have poured our love into Grace and the pack.

I’m always amazed Grace doesn’t behave like some spoiled little girl. She gets all of our attention and love. Then Ivan spoiled her something fierce, and while he cut back after he and his mate had their pup, he still dotes on Grace.

Don’t get me started on how much Alpha André spoils her, though he treats all the young amongst us ranked wolves in the same over-the-top manner he does his own. Then, of course, even though they are a world away, my parents and sister dote on Grace as much as they can.

So Amelia and I have accepted that Grace will be the only pup we raise. And I know I’m satisfied with that. Amelia, I can sometimes sense she still yearns for a pup she birthed, a pup that is the blending of us. Her wolf Faith pulls her out quickly in those darker moments, not letting her sink into the depression again.


I couldn’t stand to lose another mate. It would be my end if I ever lost Amelia. I know it in my heart. And while the idea of a pup makes me smile, I’m happier to have my mate.

So I accepted that we couldn’t have children. I focus on the good things I have. That by the grace of the Goddess, we have our daughter. And that Amelia is healthy and at my side.


Though I suppose healthy is debatable. After dropping Grace off at school, I took Amelia to Doctor Gloria. She’s been feeling under the weather as of late. A month of her being unable to keep anything down is long enough for me.

‘It’s just a stomach bug or something.’ Amelia rolled her eyes as Doctor Gloria left the room to run some tests on her urine and blood.

‘Not for a month. Please, don’t minimize your health. If Grace were not keeping food down, you’d have brought her in after two days.’ I countered.

Amelia pouted because she knew I was right. She wouldn’t take chances with our daughter’s health. I wish she’d put the same concern into her own.

The last time she was unwell for an extended period, she hid it from everyone, and I could have lost her. I cannot go through that again.

It wasn’t long before Doctor Gloria returned. She looked a bit confused and nervous as she looked at the chart. Please, please, Goddess, don’t let this be bad news.


“Allow me to be the first to congratulate you, Gammas Amelia and Stephen.” She bowed her head.


Now it was our turn to look confused. What could Doctor Gloria Pace be congratulating us for?

“What is that supposed to mean? My mate has been ill for a month, and you tell us congratulations?” I questioned.

“I… please forgive me, Gamma Stephen. I thought you would be happy to learn Gamma Amelia isn’t sick but rather is experiencing normal symptoms of her pregnancy.” She explained.

I was stunned.


After she had her surgery five years ago and Alexander said her chances of conceiving were lower than expected, we didn’t think it would be possible. I mean, hell, we stopped using protection as what was the point if we weren’t trying to prevent pregnancy.



Doctor Gloria is shorter than me and, well, compared to Amelia, she looks more like a child. It probably helps that she’s shrinking back, intimidated by Amelia’s rage.

I don’t blame her, my mate might not have my mother’s strength, but she still has the size and is strong.


“I… I am not… I would never….” Doctor Gloria stammered.

I sighed, taking Amelia’s hand to bring her back to my side and help temper her rage with the bond.

“Explain yourself, now.” I insisted.

“Well, I know from Gamma Amelia’s medical history that Beta Alexander performed the surgery to remove the damaged fallopian tube. The fertility testing showed the chances of conception were much lower than expected.” Doctor Gloria began to explain, feeling slightly more confident in her words as Amelia had started to calm down.

“Which is why I drew blood when the urine test was positive. And your blood test also came back positive. I understand that you may have assumed a low chance meant none but well… the Goddess has blessed you and our pack with a Gamma heir.” She smiled.

I just managed to catch Amelia as her knees buckled at the news. I saw that Amelia was crying as I helped her sit on the exam table again through my tears.

“I understand that this news is a shock. I want to perform an ultrasound to determine how far along you are as you stated, your periods have been inconsistent since the surgery.” Doctor Gloria explained.

If you follow me to the ultrasound room, we will see how the Gamma heir is progressing..” She instructed.

Amelia nodded, sniffling as she shimmied off the exam table to follow Doctor Gloria. I was right behind them as we entered a different room, anxiously waiting to see if the tests were accurate.

I held Amelia’s hand as we watched the monitor while Doctor Gloria began to move the wand over Amelia’s abdomen. My heart felt like it stopped as the little dot appeared on the screen with the flicker in the center showing the heartbeat.

‘PUP! Our pup!’ Conway was bouncing around like some pup in my head with excitement.

‘We…we’re going to have a pup.’ Faith gasped in awe in the link while Amelia watched in stunned silence, tears running down her cheeks.

“Here we are. I am taking the Furlan genetics into account. Given the state of development, I would say you are seven weeks pregnant, Gamma Amelia. Congratulations. I would estimate your due date in late December.” Doctor Gloria smiled as she wiped the gel off Amelia’s belly.

“Thank you.” I nodded at a loss for words.

“I’ll leave you two alone to absorb this information. We’ll be in touch to set up future appointments, and in later appointments, we can discuss the birthing plan.” Doctor Gloria bowed her head, leaving us alone.

I don’t know how long we stayed in the room, crying and hugging each other. We never thought this was possible, but we are expecting a pup.

When we told our family and friends the news, everyone was thrilled. Grace was excited to be a big sister running up to Amelia, hugging her, and whispering to the pup that she would watch out for them and love being in our family.

To the surprise of no one, André decided he was throwing our gender reveal party when it came time. It may not have been as over the top as others he’s thrown for his family, like his father, step-mother, or sister. But it was undoubtedly more than Amelia, and I would have planned.

He went with an ‘over the moon theme’ so everything was golds and dark blues with various moon cut-outs in different phases. He said it was absolutely perfect as this little pup, like their big sister, is a gift from the Goddess.

We were thrilled at the reveal when we let Grace pull the rope attached to a full moon pinata dumping blue crepe on the three of us. Grace squealed with joy and started shouting, ‘I’m going to have a baby brother.’ Cutest thing ever.

My parents were excited about having a grandson and, as dad put it, ‘evening things out’ regarding grandchildren’s gender. Suzie was happy for us. Not sure she cared if she got a nephew or another niece, she was just delighted that Amelia was getting her dream.

Suzie was very involved, even if only over video chat. She and Amelia often talked over video chat. Suzie may be annoying, but I’ll give my kid sister props. She made an effort to ensure she could always communicate with Amelia, even learning LIS, which she’s fluent in these days.

As we got closer to Asher’s arrival, it should have raised red flags that we heard less from my sister. But I thought with her shifting for the first time, she was probably busy with training, and then we were more focused on making last-minute preparations for his birth.

Twenty-nine hours. That’s how long Amelia was in labor with Asher. It wasn’t an easy delivery as strong as she is and as good of a medical staff we have.

Due to Asher’s Furlan genetics, he was on the larger size and stubborn given how long he waited to arrive. During his delivery, he caused many troubles for his poor mother.

First, his shoulders got stuck. Alexander called it shoulder dystocia. I don’t care about the proper name.

I just knew my mate was in pain and my son was in danger. Alexander was able to rotate Asher to allow his shoulders to pass through and be born.

However, that wasn’t the end of our troubles. The complications took a drastic toll on Amelia. She was bleeding badly, and even her wolf couldn’t get her through it and heal her fast enough.

Alexander made me leave the room and wait in the recovery room with Asher while they worked to stop or slow the bleeding. Even holding my son couldn’t thaw the fear that had settled in my heart.

I couldn’t lose Amelia. I couldn’t lose her. Even knowing I have two children to live for, I don’t know if I could survive losing her.

I had called my parents, knowing they’d want to know Asher was born and that Amelia had complications. Selfishly, I was happy they said the family would be on the next flight. I don’t care if I’m too old to say this, but I wanted and needed my mom.

Thankfully things seemed to have gotten better as Amelia was out of danger and able to be moved to recovery where she could hold Asher. Even sweaty, exhausted, and a bit pale, Amelia was the most beautiful woman as she held Asher for the first time.

While they were both resting, I took the chance to shower, change my clothes, and get Grace from Ivan’s place. Being responsible for Grace was the only reason he didn’t storm the hospital while Amelia was in labor or when I told him she had complications.

Grace wanted to see her mother and baby brother, but I soothed her annoyance at being told she had to wait by telling her we were picking up her grandparents and Aunt. I know she hadn’t forgotten her excitement to see Amelia and Asher, but it helped.

I was excited to see my family too. Or I was until I saw Clement Shelton coming through the arrival gate holding my sister’s hand. What the fuck!?

THE END! Stay tuned to find out how Clement ended up with Suzie Walterson in the short story Warrior’s Redemption.


The final chapter and epilogue! Coming soon, continuing in this book, is Warrior's Redemption!

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Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
Selma Cole
Clement!!! Wow, I hope he’s a better person now
goodnovel comment avatar
Lenea Hopkins
Not Clement! SMH. I hope he has it together
goodnovel comment avatar
Rene Miller-Ledford
WOW. Was far from hearing about him again.

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