
My housemaid

Aron POV

"Aron, who was that girl?" That's the thing I'm most terrified of.

Why did she receive my phone? I'm not sure how to answer Aunt Jerry's question now.

What should I tell her now? I don't want to tell her about Sara. I need to invent a lie to respond to her inquiry.

"She was my maid, Aunty." I looked at Rosy and thought of a response to her question.

"Why was your maid answering the phone? Don't you set a limit for her?" She sounded frustrated over the phone call. I am well aware of her dominant behavior, so I choose to be quiet. She didn't have any emotional connection to me, so I don't understand why she continually wanted to run my life. She only used me as her sex slave, but she also invited her friends to present me as her sex toy in front of them.

"Sorry, Aunty. I will tell her not to repeat this mistake." I want this to end so she won't discover anything about Sara.

"No, Aaron, I don't think that's sufficient. You have to fire her from this job and hire a new eld
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