
Sixty nine

Sara POV

"What do you look for in people before letting them into your life, Sara?" His curious eyes stayed on my face. Sometimes, I feel like he considers me to be his research paper.

"Aron, I am a normal human being; I didn't give it much thought before letting people into my life."

I reflected on my past mistakes for understanding the true nature of people.

"It's amazing, Sara. You know people so well, so I'm sure no one has ever taken advantage of you."

What should I tell him now, knowing that I've never made a rational decision in my life? I always evaluate people solely based on their emotions. The only sensible decision I've made is to marry him. However, that decision now resonated with my emotions, causing me to fall in love. He believes that I have never made a mistake in my life, but the truth is quite different. People have always taken advantage of my kindness and used me. However, it suited them.

"Sara, could you please explain to me how we can determine whether a p
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