
Promise me

Sara POV

"Why are you hiding your hand? Show it to me." I looked at him in confusion when he didn't show me his hand, even after my request.

"Sara, it's ok; I accepted your compliments. What's the need for kissing in my hands?" Why wouldn't he show me his hands? I noticed something fishy about his behavior.

"Aaron, show me your hand right now." I'm not sure why I asserted my dominance over him.

He slowly opened his palm in front of me.

"Oh my god, your palm burns so severely." I gasped as I glanced at his palms. He has many cuts and burns on his palm.

"Why did you not put any cream on your cut?" I promptly removed the first aid box and bandaged his wound with ointment.

"I didn't have time to apply bandages; I was busy cooking." He replied to me like an innocent child. His childlike face always melted my heart.

"If you are not a skilled cook, why would you need to cook?" I chastised him.

"I intend to apologize to you. If I don't cook for you, you won't talk to me."

What sudd
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