
64: Fighter


For the next few hours. I remained in bed with Atlas, waiting for him to wake up. But he never did.

He stirred a few times, which made my hope skyrocket. Only to be disappointed when his heavy breathing resumed and he went back to sleep.

Sarah found my phone. She said the man from last night had dropped it when I didn’t come back. I felt horrible because I totally forgot about Damien. I needed to find a way to call him and apologize and then thank him for his help.

I needed to also call Jaiya. My head was starting to hurt from all these thoughts.

When I woke up from one of my multiple short naps, which was what I had been doing for the whole day. I decided to check on the device.

The doctor said he should be alright now and not need me to stay glued to his side. I couldn’t bring myself to get off the bed so I just moved a bit and picked my phone up.

I had about a hundred missed calls and voicemails. Most of them are from Jaiya. Who had been teasing at first but then after Damien
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