


The doctor rushed into the room after Jade ran out. She left me confused and lost. Not even knowing where I was going to start from.

He looked at me. Giving that judgey look old people usually gave those much younger than them. I didn’t know what to tell him. As it was, I’m as shocked and as lost as he was.

Why had she run? Things seemed to be gong all right. Well, we had been kissing and I was lost in it.

I’m not innocent by any means. And I have been with a few women besides Annie when we were younger. I never cheated on her. Except the Annie situation but that had been a drunken mistake that I couldn’t even remember.

Then the other night when Damien sent me that picture. But we were’t exactly together then. So, did it classify as cheating?

Kissing has always been a means to an end for me. I din’t like it much and I avoided it if I could. But with Jade. It felt like so much more.

I’d felt her everywhere even though we were barely touching. And fuck it, I wanted more.

I was slo
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