
164-queen for the night


“S-so I'm going to be okay then? It was just a stupid fright?” I nudged, hopeful as his almond-shaped blue eyes flickered behind me before coming back to my face, some of the smile he had earlier gone.

My stomach dropped but he was speaking over me before I had a chance.

“It was just a stupid little fright Elena, for now. But we aren't out of the waters yet until I've had our nursemaids take a good look at you.” Michael whispered and the rogue grunted in agreement.

I had been scared of this happening. Of needed to go back to Gotham with my tail in between my legs, but alarm sizzled through me when I turned to see the rogue’s somber expression.

I couldn't leave him out HERE! With no one to care for and nothing to do but bide his time until Alaric came back to finish him off for double-crossing him.

“Please don't argue with me on this Lena, I'll throw you over my shoulder if I have to,” Michael warned and I jerked away from him.

“I'll come with you on the condition that Mar
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