

Calvin didn't leave Hazel's office right away after the screaming incident which was followed by Hazel's frightened face turning pale. The scribbles he saw in the bathroom mirror made him keep wondering what had happened to Hazel. She wasn't typical weak coward. He knew the woman very well. Even though she was under threat and very scared, she wouldn't be so hysterical, even trembling in a man's arms. Something bad must be happening to her. But what?

He kept ruffling his hair in frustration in the car. He was really curious about what happened in the women's restroom. Somehow he had to get into the building again and find out.

With a huff, Calvin closed the car door and walked back to Hazel's office building quietly. His footsteps were steady without a doubt. He looks like visitors who are mingling among the crowds of people who are crowding the lobby of the state law office. He sharpened his eyes as best he could to get any information that sounded important from Ha

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