
Chapter 35;

(First Person's POV;)

Our training with aunt Athena was quite tough. But we did our best to learn everything that she instructed us to do. Because it's for everyone's sake.

"Now, I want you to spar with each other," she said that made us all nervous. The three of us stared at each other nervously.

"This is it Ana Mae! You've got no time to waste, you've got two worlds to save!" I encouraged myself.

"First, Lyndon and Diane."

Diane swallowed the lump in her throat three times after hearing that she and Lyndon will be the first pair to spar. While Lyndon just smirked at her making me laugh silently.

At first, their fight was in favor of Lyndon. But knowing Diane, she's not that easy to give up. Their fight caused her a lot of bruises that made her more persistent to win. She smirked as she ready herself to attack Lyndon. She's like a mad wolf ready to devour her prey.

"Arrrrrrrghhhhhh" Diane started running towards Lyndon's direction and when they were a few meters away she charged her weapon. Everything went on so fast that I wasn't able to move or say a thing. I just stood there and watch the arrow making it's way to Lyndon's chest.

Lyndon froze in horror as well, that was some kind of an unexpected gesture from Diane.

"Oh my God!" was the only thing I was able to say. I want to run and stop the arrow from hurting Lyndon, but how?

"No! I have to do something," I whispered to myself. And just as when I was about to run towards him , a barrier appeared before the arrow could touch his chest.

The three of us sighed, that was a relief! I really thought Diane's arrow would kill Lyndon.

"Oh my Gosh Lyndon ,I didn't mean to hurt you," Diane apologized as she hurriedly went to Lyndon. Tears were falling from her eyes already.

"I really did not want to hurt you. I was just..." Lyndon cut her words off by putting his middle finger on top of her lips. Geeez what a sweet gesture!

Diane froze and I saw how her cheeks turned red. Seems like someone had fallen deeply inlove before they could even figure it out.

"Shhh, I know it. It's alright, stop crying," he wiped her tears using his bare hands that made me smile. These two love pda so much. How sweet, I could see imaginary hearts already!

"Eheem," aunt Athena cleared her throat which made me laugh a bit. Gosh, she really knows how to destroy the moment.

The two lovebirds hurriedly move away from each other with their cheeks as red as ripe tomatoes. So cute!

"One of the things that you need to learn is to control your emotions. Don't let your rage overcome you because you might get hurt. Stay calm and focus, because the calmer and more focused you are, the higher chance to victory," Aunt Athena reminded them. Then they both nodded their heads.

"Next, Ana Mae and Leanna." I was shocked with what she said. I looked around to find Leanna but she's no where to be seen. Am I going to fight with an invisible Leanna?

"I'm sorry aunt Athena, but Leanna's not around how-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because someone attacked me from behind.

"Ouch!" I groaned as I felt my face touched the floor.

"Oops! Sorry your highness." I heard Leanna's voice and when I turn around to see who attacked me, I saw her standing infront of me with a big smile on her face. Oh my Gosh this is so embarrassing!

"Alertness is also very important. You have to be one with your surroundings just like how you were with your weapon. Don't let even a single screech pass your ears," Aunt Athena said.

I stood up and started fixing myself then I pouted at Leanna. Why does she have to be so aggressive to attack me?

"Come on your highness, let me see what you've got!" she challenged me.

I attacked her with my sword. But I think it's not that easy to defeat her. Because every time I would attack her ,she would use her sword to protect herself.

"Focus Ana Mae, remember not to let your emotions win against you during battles. Don't show mercy whoever your opponent is. You were enemies because you have different beliefs and you have your own missions to fulfill. You must not let some human emotions ruin your focus!" I was awakened by aunt Athena's words. Leanna is my friend, but at this moment she's my opponent and I need to defeat her!

I attacked her and to my surprise my speed were no longer the same as it was before. I felt like I'm too fast that Leanna did not even know where to point her weapon.

"Wow! You're too fast!" Diane shouted.

How? How did this happened?

My attacks were too hard for Leanna to handle because of my extraordinary speed. It seems like I was turned into a different person. A more fiercer and dangerous one.

I used all my force to draw my final attack and Leanna were pushed through the wall with bruises all over her body.

"Ouch!" she yelped in pain. I hurriedly run towards her to check if she's okay.

"Oh my Gosh I'm sorry Leanna," I apologized while checking her bruises.

"You did well your highness." She slowly stood up and bowed down her head.

"Yeah, but I hurt you. I'm really sorry." I actually don't want to hurt her. But I really don't know why all of a sudden I felt like a great amount of powers ran through my veins and they were too unstoppable.

"You just did what you have to," she told me with a smile.

"That's all for today," Aunt Athena announced which made as all sigh in relief. Finally, it's over!

She waved her hand again and a bottle of antidote appeared. She gave one to Lyndon and the other one to Leanna.

"It's the healing antidote, drink it and you will be fine," she told them before she vanished.

Lyndon and Leanna took a sip of the antidote and then the magic happens. All their bruises and wounds were gone.

"Diane should drink it as well, I think aunt Athena forgot that she's got a lot of bruises than Lyndon," I said which made them all laugh.

"Yeah," Diane pouted and then she forcefully took the antidote from Lyndon's hand.

She took a sip and just like Lyndon and Leanna her bruises disappeared as well.

"So, what's our next lesson?" I asked them confusedly. Aunt Athena did not even utter a word about our next lesson.

"It's power control training with Zeus and Hestia," Leanna said with a smile.

"Power control?" Diane blurted out. "We don't even have powers."

"Yes, she's right. How will we learn this power control when we lack the most important thing. And that is power," Lyndon protested as well.

"Calm down people, the Gods know what to do," Leanna said and then she winked at us.

"How?" I asked her because I was so curious as well. I know they told me that the chosen one is too powerful, but since I was just a kid I haven't seen my powers yet. Well, except for the unpredictable speed earlier.

"We'll find out later your highness," she said. Then to our surprise, a hollow appeared right behind us. And before we could even protest we were swallowed by it leaving our screams behind.

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