

Kiara's pov:

That was the least I could do for her. Eric would be returning by noon tomorrow from his one month trip. I have to reach home before he discovers I'm out.

"Thank you!! now drop the bags before you change your mind," she said with a wink and we both burst into laughter.

This is why I love being here - I forget my worries and laugh like I want to.

Past 9:48 pm.

I was still Cautious about exposing my identity like Eric warned, that was why I wasn't a stage dancer. I didn't find the courage to do it. I might endanger myself as well in the process. But now, going to the gala with Emma meant I was walking into the world, a place I've been deprived off for too long.

How do I go about this? Again, my brain ran some numerous reflex functions and I finally let out a deep breath, quietly assuring myself that it would be fine.

As long as no one recognizes me, I'm safe.

I didn't want to disappoint Eric but Emma wasn't just a friend either. She let me use her stuff and that was enough for me. I should at least remember our last fun moments before leaving.

To my surprise, it wasn't just going to be a gala night but an anonymous one. Everybody would wear a mask.

I almost got choked with happiness, God was on my side after all. I get to keep my identity and my best friend too.

I smiled, "that's fair enough," I muttered reading the banner which I didn't notice was there until now.

Emma and I have been getting things ready for the gala night as well as others. Among the girls, I was the only one who wasn't a stage dancer.

To be on the safe side, I only associated with Emma and the manager who let me stay after paying a huge sum. The other girls were more like shadows in darkness because making more friends would mean - sending them a death invitation.

I didn't want to be held responsible so I avoided each and every one of them, except Emma of course because she seemed somewhat interested in me. I didn't know why but I eventually gave in to her bright smiles and friendly gestures.

I quickly put on a skimpy dress that barely covered my knees. Looking at myself in the mirror, I smile with confidence but on a second thought, the dress is too short.

A little more adjustment would do.

I tried dragging the dress down but it wasn't working. Silly me!

Maybe I should change into something else, my eyes searched the wardrobe for maybe something longer...

Emma interrupted my thoughts with her joyful scream. "Fuck! I didn't know you had such nice legs under those baggies," she smirked.

"The dress is short. I don't think I can -" I tried to protest.

"no, no, no. It's perfect! oh my! you're going to make heads twirl." she chuckled, her voice prolonging the 'twirl'.

A bad idea. I don't want to make heads twirl. I have to protect my identity! Can someone please remind me why I'm doing this life threatening stunt?

"I think I should wear my own -" I still protested but she cut me off immediately.

"Don't even go there. Who wears baggies to a party? c'mon girl, I can go naked if I want. you don't understand what a gala night is? We are attending a gala for billionaires ONLY!" she queried with pouty lips and emphasized on the word 'only.'

Yeah. Emma is that type. The one who can go naked for anything.

"okay. Time for your makeup." She pushed me gently on a chair and spun the seat to face the mirror, not giving me space for further argument.

After some minutes of silence... since Emma talks less when she's busy.

I sat silently as her hands roamed my face either applying one thing or the other. It was my first time having makeup done and trust me, I was damn curious and impatient as well. I wonder what art she's doing on my face.

I just need something simple. Something that would make me look so dry and not attract eyes. The thoughts of swirling heads still made me cringe.


Looking at myself, I frowned. I turned to Emma. "Who is this?" I asked, pointing at the mirror.

Clearly, that reflection isn't me. It was someone way prettier and cuter than I was. The make up was done neatly and each element aligned smoothly like she was a pro. A perfect face, I liked it and I hated the thought that I liked it. I shouldn't. Didn't I want something dry?

Emma just chuckled, covering her mouth a little. She looks really satisfied with her creation, "Mira you look gorgeous!."

I went pale as she called out my fake name. I think I've started getting used to it. Protecting your identity also means forging a name when required. I wanted her to know my real identity, to know who I actually was. I felt like a fraudster in front of her, I wanted so badly to stop lying and finally have my own freedom but I couldn't. It wasn't possible. Not in this life.

"I don't think that's me. I look so different," I exclaimed, still pouting my lips. I tried to touch my face and she playfully slapped my hand off.

"don't you dare spoil it." She feigned a glare.

I nodded and she released a bright smile. "Let me get dressed as well."

"please be fast. we don't have all the time." I replied jokingly, slapping her butt as she dressed up.

"ouch!" she rubs her butt and I laughed.

"Arriving late is the best part of attending a party. Trust me." She replied, buckling her heels.

"why?I don't think so." I doubted her. You have to be early to catch up with the fun, right??

"That's because all eyes would be on you. It's like a magical moment, like walking through an aisle with all eyes staring." She smiled as she created magical imaginations inside her head.

Oh God! What does this girl have with attraction? it's like she's unintentionally opposing my plans tonight. Surely heads must turn which I'm against.

"You look amazing." I complimented her dress. She was really stunning. Her dress was shorter and exposed every inch of her curves. It had a carved oval that showed part of her soft boobs. She was dressed to kill.

That was the code for a strip dancer. Short wears, heavy makeup and exposing dresses.

I'm sure she's going to kill it tonight!

"Thank you. Just some more blushes and I'm done." She turned to the mirror and started another artwork.

I knew just a blush wouldn't be enough...

By the time we left, it was after midnight.


Lucas's pov:


I let out a heavy breath, staring unbelievably at the grandfather Clock with my bleeding heart. Each tick, reminding me of how much time I wasted. How could I have been so stupid??

She was just a fucking pretentious golddigger who claimed to love me because I had money? Fuck wealth! I just need a true woman, is that difficult?

I sighed as I smashed the empty glass on the wall. Glass pieces shattered all over and my secretary barged in on hearing the noise. He thinks I hurt myself, duh...I can't go crazy because of a woman!

I didn't spare him a glance but instead kicked the table out. He broke in and tried to calm me.

"You can't hurt yourself because of that slut. Don't give her a chance to-"

"Shut up Ray!. You think I'm angry because she betrayed me? Because she was only feigning her love?" I glare at him, raising to my full height.

He looked confused with my questions, "if you aren't angry because she dumped you....then what?"

I'm disappointed he still hasn't studied my nature. He's been working for me for almost 5 years and he can't tell what I like and don't like. Though he's mastered the rules and never broke any.

I chuckled and drank lazily from the champagne bottle, "I Fucking wasted my precious time on her. That's why I'm angry. I could have made billions if I hadn't wasted time with her!!!" I clenched my fist, pointing them at Ray.

He moved back a little and heaved a sigh when I dropped my hands. "oh, I thought that -"

I cut him off again, "I want to party before I end her life."

That's the kind of monster I am. Someone who parties in preparation of killing someone.

"partying would only waste more time... do you..." He stuttered.

I admit, it's difficult to understand me.

"I should get drunk. She has to take responsibility. No one messes with me and goes scot free. I should celebrate her death before she even dies." I chuckled and gulped more wine.

I can be a sociopath if I want too, as long as I fulfill my duties to myself. A deadly Mafia King, no one messes with me.

"Now tell me, do you have any ideas?" I tapped his shoulder, giving him a friendly smile but my gazes shot bullets.

He gulped hard. He could read my emotions sometimes and he knew that slut should pray she dies before I catch her.

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