

Hi my dear readers, I wanted to apologize in advance for I won't be able to update this book. I know I'm going against the words I gave to you and for that I am really sorry.

I have so much going on that my mental state is a mess and I can't seem to focus or do anything for that matter. I have an upcoming exam and I have to prepare for it.

I love this book and I have great ideas for it, but with my current burnout I'm afraid that I'll ruin it. I already feel it's not flowing like it was supposed to. It won't be fair to you or the book not to give it my all or just write for the sake of writing.

Please understand that I'm not abandoning or giving up on the book, I just need a bit of time to sort out my head before I can go back to writing. You deserve an awesome story and I would be disappointed in myself if I didn't give you that.

I won't be gone long, hopefully a maximum of one month will be enough.

Thank you for understanding and again I'm really sorry for any inconveniences.

Lots of loves💕

Stay safe and take care.

Raven Writer.

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Raven writer
Regardless don’t forget to leave a review on my book page. Thanks
goodnovel comment avatar
Raven writer
Final year, a nursing student.
goodnovel comment avatar
Meenu Goyal
it's ok take your time exams or any personal works are more important give your best to your exams anyway which class or year you are in

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