

The situation weighed heavily on Hailey as she moved to her room almost in a zombie-like demeanor. The moment she walked in, Jane stood up and followed her to the bed where they sat down. Concern visible on her face, “What is it? Why are you like this?” Jane asked, her voice filled with worry.





It was apparent that Hailey was still very emotional because as she spoke her voice cracked. “I am getting married and there is nothing I can do about it,” she said in a low tone before she started crying.




Jane could only fathom the pain her friend had to go through, and so, embraced her tightly in a sisterly hug. “Oh, Hailey, I’m so sorry,” she whispered soothingly, her own eyes becoming slightly teary. “You know, I really wish there was something I could do to assist.”




Hailey waved her off with a bitter laugh, her tears flowing unchecked. “Don’t beat yourself up, Jane. If my own mother couldn’t help, I don’t expect anything from anyone,” she said her eyes filling up with tears of disappointment and anger.




“But still I wish I could help” Jane responded in a tone of sympathy




Hailey immediately wiped her tears she had to move on, and seeing as she couldn’t control her impending marriage she decided to divert her mind. "I need to get out of here. Let's go shopping for outfits for the ball." She announced to Jane




Jane looked surprised but nodded in agreement, recognizing Hailey's need for distraction. "Alright, let's do it," she said, mustering a smile to lift Hailey's spirits.




The duo went to the nearby town to find the right clothes for the upcoming ball. The streets were busy with people selling things, but the girls wanted to go to a special store famous for its beautiful dresses.




When they went inside, they felt really excited seeing all the fancy clothes and shiny jewelry on the racks. “What do you think?” Jane asked holding up an emerald colour v-neck gown.




Hailey’s eyes grew wide when she saw the beautiful gown. The dark green fabric sparkled under the shop’s lights. She reached out to touch it, feeling its smooth texture beneath her fingertips. The dress seemed to call out to her, its color reminiscent of the lush forest that surrounded the Silver Spring pack. Hailey knew instantly that this was the one.




“It’s perfect, Jane,” she breathed, her voice tinged with awe. “I can already imagine dancing under the stars in this.”




“Since you like it, your dress is sorted, let’s pick mine before we decide on the accessories to match them” Jane nodded, her eyes scanning the racks for the perfect dress to match Hailey’s exquisite choice. Her gaze landed on a midnight blue gown, its flowing skirts whispering promises of elegance and allure. As she held it up against her frame, a smile tugged at her lips.




The dress seemed to embody her essence, a reflection of the depths of the night sky and the mysteries it held. “This one,” Jane declared with certainty, her eyes shining with excitement. “I can already picture myself standing beside you at the ball, the moonlight catching the shimmer of this gown.”




Hailey beamed at her friend, a thrill of anticipation running through her. Once they had settled for their dresses, the next item on the list was accessories for the outfit. A thin string of silver chain with a charm in the form of a crescent moon attracted Hailey’s attention while a pair of sapphire studs was selected by Jane to match her selected dress.




Once they were done shopping, they headed back to the Palace. The girls were chatting about how nice their outfits would look in them as they strolled through the corridors to Hailey’s room when her mother intercepted them, her expression strained. “Hailey, the Alpha and his pack are here”




“Already?!” Hailey’s heart sank at the news




“Yes, and you need to get ready quickly. We’re having dinner with them,” she informed her, her voice tinged with urgency.




Reluctantly, Hailey retreated to her room to prepare herself for the evening ahead. By the time she emerged, the rest of the guests were already seated, including Alpha Duncan. Suppressing a sigh, Hailey took her place at the table, her demeanour guarded.




Alpha Duncan couldn’t resist making a snide comment as she approached. “Took you long enough, Hailey. We’ve been waiting, he spat out, irritation dripping from his voice.




Hailey rolled her eyes trying to remain as calm as possible. “I am sorry for the delay, Alpha Duncan,” she answered calmly, staring at him in confrontation and challenging him back.




As they sat down to dinner, Hailey’s father attempted to lighten the mood by bringing up the pressing issue of tackling insecurities among their pack. The tension in the room seemed to ease slightly as they began discussing potential solutions.




Midway through the conversation, Alpha Duncan interrupted, directing his gaze towards Hailey. “And what do you have to say about this, Hailey?” He was filled with curiosity.




Hailey prepared to speak, to provide her opinions, but no sooner had she begun to open her mouth than her father interrupted. “Hailey’s input on pack matters is not necessary at the moment,” he stated firmly, cutting her off.




Hailey’s frustration brewed beneath the surface as she clenched her fists in her lap, her desire to contribute to the discussion thwarted once again. She knew she was just a lady whose place was beside a man but she would love to be able to contribute to important stuff and she hated the fact that her father was selling her short.




After dinner, Alpha Alexander pushed for Hailey and Duncan to spend some alone time and get to know each other before tomorrow’s event. “Hailey, why don’t you and Duncan go for a walk around the garden? That will be a good chance for you two to get acquainted,”  he said, his voice showing strictness but also hope.



Hailey was tired from the events earlier that day and did not want to face Duncan any more than she had to; so, she came up with an excuse. “I’m sorry, Alpha Alexander, but I’m feeling quite exhausted from shopping today. I think I’ll retire to my room and rest,” she replied, her voice polite but firm.




Without waiting for a response, Hailey excused herself and walked away, her steps brisk as she made her escape without looking back.

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