

From across the room, Hailey saw Jane running out of the hall, her face a mix of shock and confusion. Concerned, Hailey quickly excused herself from the dance floor and went after her, calling out her name. "Jane! Jane, wait!"

She ran after her, panting when she finally caught up with her. ”Jane, what is wrong? ” She asked with a look of worry painted on her face.

Jane looked at her, blinking slightly, as if she was in a daze. She murmured, "I think I just met my mate," her voice shaking slightly.

Hailey’s facial expression transitioned from being shocked to being happy."That’s amazing, Jane! I’m so happy for you!" But noticing Jane's lack of excitement, she frowned. "You don’t seem excited. What’s wrong?”

Jane frowned and threw her head back, nervously ruffling through her hair. "I don’t know, Hailey. Maybe it’s because it happened so unexpectedly.”

Hailey nodded slowly, trying to understand. "Who is he? Do you know him?”

Jane let out a breath and slipped down the wall. “I do not
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