

Hailey’s heart skipped a beat, her mind struggling to process her father’s words. Leave with her husband? The thought sent a jolt of confusion and anxiety through her. She had always imagined choosing her mate to be a moment of connection and understanding, not something decided for her by others.




“Dad, I... “I don’t understand,” she said, her hands trembling at her sides. Her dad looked serious, not changing his expression as he told her something that destroyed her hopes quickly.




“It’s for our pack’s good, Hailey,” he said firmly. “This marriage will make our bond with the Blood Moon pack stronger and help us succeed for a long time.”




Hailey felt like everything had fallen apart. Her special ceremony, which used to make her excited, now felt like punishment. She felt really sad, realizing that her dreams for the future were gone because of her duty.




Looking at the moonlit forest around her home, the familiar trees felt strange. Their shadows seemed to tell her ancient secrets and warn her about a path she had to take now. Turning back to her dad, her voice shook with both defiance and sadness. “But Father, what about what I want? What about love? What if he isn't my mate?” Her words hung in the night air, a fragile plea.



Her father’s gaze hardened for a moment, a flicker of greed passing through his eyes before he schooled his features once more. “I understand your feelings, Hailey. But our pack’s survival depends on this alliance. Love will come eventually,” he said, his voice tinged with a sadness that mirrored her own.




Hailey felt anger surged within her, a fire that threatened to consume her very essence. Love would come in time? How could he be so dismissive of her own desires, her heart’s yearnings? She turned away from him, “Father please don’t do this, I don’t even know this person” Hailey begged with tears in her eyes




“Well he would be at the ceremony so brace yourself for what is to come, Hailey,” her father replied frivolously.




Hailey knew her father too well, there was no way he would agree to this if it wasn’t beneficial to him, she didn’t believe he was doing this for the sake of the pack. She couldn’t shake the feeling that this alliance, this forced union, held darker secrets beneath its surface.




“Is Mom aware of this? Hailey asked sadly




“Well she will find out soon, I am the king and my decision is final” He raised his voice as he was on the verge of losing his cool.




“I hear your words, Father, and I understand our pack’s need for this alliance, I will go pack my things” She replied. As much as she wanted nothing to do with this arrangement, she wouldn’t dare defile her father’s order because he wouldn’t hesitate to punish her severely




Hailey returned to her room, each step weighed down by her father’s expectations. She shut the door behind her, feeling choked by the walls that suddenly felt like they were closing in on her.




“Hey girl, are you okay? You look pale” Jane asked with visible on her face




“I’m getting married” Jane laughed so hard at Hailey’s declaration. Realizing that Hailey wore a serious expression, she stopped laughing “You are not joking?”




“Jane, I wish I could say that I was joking with you, but my father just told me this,” Hailey said in a very low tone as she sat on the bed.




Jane could not believe her ears, her reaction was the same as Hailey who could still feel the jolt of shock running through her body. “But...but who are you supposed to marry?” Jane asked, her brow furrowed with concern.




Hailey shook her head, the reality of the situation settling heavily upon her shoulders. “I have no idea. I don’t even know his name or what he looks like. All I am aware of is that he holds the position of an Alpha within the Blood Moon pack and that the marriage is meant to solidify an alliance of some kind.”




Jane let out a low whistle, her mind clearly racing to make sense of the sudden turn of events. “This is insane, Hailey. How can they just decide your future like this?” Hailey let out a deep breath, feeling the heavy burden of her future weighing on her like a massive rock.




Lying on her bed, the room seemed more empty than it had ever been. Her mind was filled with countless questions and fears, racing endlessly. What kind of man is this Alpha from the Blood Moon pack? Would he be kind and understanding? Hailey felt a painful tug in her heart, unsure of what lay ahead. Her hopes for love and companionship were crushed by her father’s harsh commands.




“Jane do you know the Alpha of the blood moon pack” Hailey asked hoping to gather some sort of information about her betrothal




“No I don’t know him, I’ve only heard stories about him” Jane replied with a hint of intrigue in her voice




“What kind of stories?” Hailey’s curiosity was piqued, she wanted an insight into the man she was about to marry.




“Well the ladies who have seen him always say that he is the most handsome man they have ever set their eyes on while the men specifically the warriors say that it's impossible to overpower him in battle because he is so tough and merciless” Jane explains all that she has heard regarding the blood moon Alpha.




“I can’t believe this is happening to me” Hailey burst into tears




“Hailey please stop crying, ” Jane said calmly trying to pacify her friend




“How can I stop when my whole world is crumbling before me, my father is giving me out to strengthen his political alliance and my mother is doing nothing about it” Hailey kept lamenting.




“Hailey don’t blame the Queen, you know she is as helpless as we are, You know your father too well, nobody defiles his orders.” Hailey refused to let her father’s plans crush her spirit and dictate the course of her life without a fight.

With a steely glint in her eyes, she turned to Jane, her voice laced with newfound resolve. “I won’t go down without a fight, Jane. I may not have a choice in this forced union, but I refuse to be a pawn in my father’s game,” said Hailey, assertion in her voice.




“So what do you intend to do?” Jane asked this question with much expectation and enthusiasm to hear Hailey’s answer.



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