

The morning sunlight is filtering through the crack of Hailey’s window. It looked like getting up from her bed was a difficult task but she had to force herself up. She could not liberate herself from thinking about what occurred the previous night.

Today was the ball and she felt an increasing feeling of unrest within her. A soft knock on the door brought her back to her reality.

“Hailey, are you awake?” Jane’s familiar voice called out.

“Yes, come in,” Hailey replied, her voice still groggy.

Jane entered with a bright smile on her face. “Good morning! Ready to get all dolled up for the ball?”

Hailey tried to mimic Jane’s energetic tone, “Yes Jane, I am as ready as I can be.”

A team of servants quickly entered the room wheeling trolleys filled with hair styling tools, make-up palettes, and accessories.

One of the servants, a kind woman named Elise, carefully brushed out Hailey’s hair. “You have such beautiful hair, Miss Hailey. We’ll make sure you look stunning tonight.”

Hailey o
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