
Fated Mate
Fated Mate
Author: Kayiora


At the Blood Moon throne room, Alpha Duncan was fuming with anger and pacing from one end of the room to another. The Luna his mother, sat calmly watching him react to the news she just broke. She knew how upset he was but it was time for him to know the truth. As Duncan's pacing slowed, she spoke softly, "I understand this is difficult, but we must consider the welfare of our pack."




"The welfare of our pack? Did you just say... I am the one getting into some loveless marriage, not the entire pack?" Duncan's voice was filled with incredulity and frustration as he halted his pacing to confront his mother.




"And I understand, but considering who she is, the union would help you politically. Your union might not even be as bad as you fear," his mother replied calmly, her tone trying to reassure him despite the tense atmosphere in the room.




Duncan clenched his fists, his frustration evident in the furrow of his brows. “Politics shouldn’t dictate matters of the heart,” he retorted, his voice tinged with defiance.




His mother sighed softly, her gaze unwavering. “I know it’s hard to see now, but sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good of our pack,” she replied, her tone gentle yet firm.




“There is no way I would succumb to an arranged marriage” He shouted in anger, his veins almost popping out.




“You have no choice in this Duncan, the decision was made years ago so get yourself together,” She said trying to mask her true emotions. She wasn’t aware of the betrothal until her dying husband was about to take his last breath. At first, she was mad at him for keeping something as important as that away from her but she decided to sweep her emotions under the carpet and fulfil her husband’s promise to the Silver Spring pack.




"What do you mean? Of course, I have a choice. It’s my life, and this isn’t ancient times when a parent gets to pick a bride for their son," he retorted, his tone defiant




"Well, if you had gotten your mate, we probably wouldn’t be in this mess," she countered, her voice tinged with frustration.




"And that’s my fault?" He couldn’t believe his mother was now blaming him for not getting a mate. Shouldn’t that blame be directed to the Moon Goddess? He could not contain the burst of anger due to the unfairness of the situation.




“No that’s not what I mean, I know from what your father told me that you can only get out of this arrangement if you secure your mate before your betrothal's coming-of-age ceremony which starts soon and also if you want to ascend your father’s thrown, that means you need to get married.” The Luna explained calmly




“Well I have a girlfriend whom I love so much does that count” he asked, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes.




“If she is your mate yes, if not it holds no water” she replied, in a matter-of-fact tone.




“This is irritating!” He complained even more angrily this time.




“Sorry about that,” The Luna muttered apologetically; she had sympathy for her son but could not help him get out of this situation.




"How on earth am I expected to live with someone I don’t love for the rest of my life?" Duncan exclaimed, his frustration bubbling to the surface.




"With time, you would get to love her," his mother replied, her tone attempting to soothe the tension.




"I don’t want to. I’m in love with Lisa; it’s her or no one else," Duncan declared, his voice resolute.




"Don’t push me, Duncan. You might be the Alpha, but you are still my son," his mother warned, her tone carrying a mix of authority and concern.




“What if we break the arrangement and call off the wedding?” He inquired curiously




"First, that would mean going to war with the Silver Spring. Secondly, we are royalty, and our word is our bond. Your father gave the Alpha of the Silver Spring his word and as a good son, it's your obligation to fulfill that promise.” she explained, her voice firm with conviction.




"Well, I think we have enough resources to defeat them, and my father is not even here to keep his promise to them," he countered, determination lacing his words.




"Still, a lot of people would die before the war ends just because you don’t want to accept a simple arrangement. Are you willing to sacrifice your people for your selfish desire? Is it worth it? Duncan, you are the Alpha and the welfare of the pack should be your utmost priority remember with power comes great responsibility.” She said, her tone carrying a sense of empathy and wisdom.




“Mother, you know I love my people and would never want to hurt them, but this is so hard,” Duncan confessed, his voice heavy with emotion as he looked into his mother’s eyes, seeking understanding and solace in her presence.




“And why is it so hard to fulfill your late father’s wish?" she questioned, her frustration evident because her stubborn son refused to comply with the promise her arrogant husband made without consulting her.




“Because my heart yearns for another, and I intend to marry her, I’ve been saying it but you refuse to listen,” Duncan emphasised, his tone firm, yet tinged with frustration.




"You're the Alpha and Leader of this pack. No one is stopping you from having more than one wife, but Hailey must be your queen, that’s all," she stated, her tone unwavering.




"And how do you think my girl would react when she finds out about Hailey?" he inquired, concern lacing his voice.




"Your girl’s reaction is not my problem. She knows you are a leader to a great pack; therefore, you shoulder so much great responsibility, so she should understand," she replied, her tone unsympathetic.




"I can’t believe this. So there is nothing I can do to change this?" he lamented, a sense of resignation creeping into his voice.




"No, there is nothing. So I would appreciate it if you get on board really quick because we are going for her coming-of-age ceremony. We leave tomorrow," she said, her tone leaving no room for further argument.

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