

"Hailey, wake up! It's the day," Jane exclaimed, shaking Hailey gently to rouse her from sleep.




"Uhmm," Hailey mumbled groggily, blinking her eyes open.




"Wake up, sleepyhead! We're getting our wolves today. “I can’t wait”, Jane added more energy to her voice, and she became full of anticipation.




This finally made sense to Hailey, and she straightened up immediately from her position on the bed, getting a rush of adrenaline. “Is today…?” she asked, unable to complete the question as the reality of the day's occasion set in.




"Yes, it's finally happening," Jane confirmed, her excitement mirrored in her bright smile.




As the day wore on and anticipation built, Hailey and Jane found themselves eagerly counting down the hours until the shape-shifting ceremony would commence. It was like their real birthday, they were so eagerly waiting for it and the air was full of energy.




As the day stationed itself to make way for the night, all were called to gather at the open field for the ceremony. Mature werewolves with hardened liners on their forehead stood around the participants who needed to be ready mentally for the changes that were to witness and experience.




An older man among the participants moved closer, the tone of his voice putting everyone around into silence. “Listen to me, my pack mates, tonight begins a new phase in the lives of the young initiates among us,” he said in a formal tone punctuated with the spirit of reverence. “Before they can step into the realm of the transformations, let them know we stand beside them, ready and willing to guide. ”




He continued his words resonating with the gathered werewolves. “What many of you fail to understand is that shape-shifting is not only a physical change but a metaphysical one as well that makes us who we are – true werewolves. It is a testament to our strength, resilience, and unity as a pack.”





As his speech concluded, a chorus of howls filled the air, echoing across the open field and signalling the beginning of the ceremony. Hailey and Jane exchanged excited glances, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they prepared to embark on this momentous journey together.




Each participant stepped forward, guided by the elder werewolves on how to shape-shift. Chants played softly in the background, filling the air with a sense of mysticism and anticipation, while every member of the pack watched with bated breath to see the outcome.




When it was Jane’s turn, she followed the instructions diligently, despite struggling with the pain of the transformation. With determination in her eyes, she embraced the process, and after a moment of intense effort, she emerged as a beautiful, hairy grey-coloured wolf. Cheers and applause erupted from the gathered pack members, their pride evident as they witnessed Jane’s successful transformation.





Hailey watched with a mixture of awe and pride, her heart swelling with admiration for her best friend’s achievement. But as her own turn approached, a sense of anxiety gnawed at her insides. She stepped onto the platform, determined to succeed like Jane, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not summon the transformation.




Panic raced through Hailey as she fought the unseen wall keeping her from shifting. Disappointment and frustration captured her and she began to cry. “No,” she whispered, pleading as she dropped to the ground defeated.




The crowd watching the ceremony began to whisper, and Duncan and his mum stood speechless — grim-faced.




Hailey’s failure to transform had cast a shadow over the otherwise celebratory atmosphere, and tension hung thick in the air.




 Hailey, consumed by shame and humiliation, bolted from the platform and ran into the forest, her heart heavy with disappointment. Jane, her loyal friend, dashed after her




“Hailey calm down, you are running too fast I can’t keep up” Jane called out to Hailey in a desperate plea for her to slow down and talk.





Alpha Alexander’s jaw tightened, his brow furrowing in disappointment. “Find her,” he ordered his guards firmly, his gaze fixed on the direction Hailey had disappeared into.





Jane finally caught up with Hailey “Sweetheart please let’s talk about it” she said as she panted heavily




"Talk about what? You saw all that happened; I couldn't shapeshift," Hailey lamented, her voice tinged with frustration and self-doubt.





"Yes, I saw, but that shouldn't define who you are," Jane reassured her, her tone gentle yet firm.





"Who am I? I am neither human nor werewolf?" The confusion and instability in Hailey’s voice reflected the internal conflict that she faced due to her identity crisis.





 “Please don’t say that,” Jane said soothingly.





"Don't say what? How can I be a werewolf without a wolf?" Hailey's distress was palpable, her tears threatening to overflow.





"Stop crying; we will figure this out," Jane promised, her determination shining through despite the uncertainty of their situation.


"How? Did you see the disappointment on my father’s face?" Hailey questioned, her voice heavy with the weight of her failure.





"Yes, I did, but look at the bright side of things," Jane replied, her tone gentle yet hopeful.





"What's the bright side to being an embarrassment and an outsider?" Hailey retorted, her frustration evident in her voice.





"Well, I have never heard of a Luna without a wolf..." Jane trailed off, her words laced with cautious optimism.





"So you think Alpha Duncan would call off the engagement because I didn’t get my wolf?" Hailey asked in a hopeful tone, her mind weighing the option that Jane just presented





"Let's just hope he does because that's a logical reason to end things," Jane replied, her expression reflecting the uncertainty of their situation.





At the ceremony ground, the Alpha took the stage, his commanding presence calming the murmurs and whispers that had filled the air. “My fellow pack members,” he began, his voice resonating with authority. “I understand that tonight did not go as we had hoped. However, I urge you all to remain calm and return to your various houses.”





As the pack members began to disperse, the Alpha’s voice cut through the lingering tension. “The ceremony will continue tomorrow night,” he announced, his tone resolute. “We will not let this setback deter us from our traditions.”





Duncan turned to his mother who had an unreadable expression on her face “What happens now that Hailey didn’t get her wolf?” he asked, his voice tinged with urgency, his eyes searching hers for answers.

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