
Chapter 9

Hailey's POV

I thought Connor had already forgiven me, as he didn't mention what happened this morning again the entire day.

Now that he was kicking me out, I realized I was being too naïve.

But I never meant to hurt him. It was just my gut.

Iris let out a whimper in my mind, seeming disheartened.

"It was all my fault," she murmured.

"No," I immediately reassured her. "It's great to stay alert. It's what saved us from those boars, remember?"

She just replied with a grumble.

I tried to cheer her up, saying how living here wasn't free. There were too many rules, and we both needed some breathing room.

"Iris, I know it's tough, but we gotta stay strong," I concluded.

She signed, "Hailey. I get it, but it sucks seeing Connor treat you like that."

"He doesn't get us, and probably never will," I replied, feeling a bit down.

"But we can't just throw in the towel. We've promised Frank," she said, sounding all determined.

"Hell no, and honestly, I'll have to spend all my time doing chores if I stay. So maybe it's for the best," I replied, trying to pep myself up.

At night, when I was packing my stuff, ready to leave the next day, Connor showed up, expressionless.

"Hold off on packing. Come to my room now and sleep by my side, now," he ordered.

I eyed him warily, knowing he was definitely up to something.

"Why? I thought you didn't want to see me again," I asked in confusion.

"I don't think it's necessary for me to explain my decision to you. Just tell me, you're coming or not? If you say yes, I'll give you $20,000." His words were direct yet cold.

My eyes widened in disbelief as I thought, 'That would be a game changer for me and the Mountain Pack!'

The images of our rundown packhouse and those poor pups then popped up in my head, making it impossible for me to say no.

"Deal." My voice was so low that I could barely hear myself.

After Connor left, I quickly patted my face, muttering to myself, "Come on! It's okay. You are here to repay a favor."

Then, I went upstairs and knocked on Connor's door.

Hearing no response, I waited for a while before nudging the door open.

As I stepped in, I saw Connor leaning against the headboard with his eyes closed.

Securitizing his face, I couldn't help thinking, 'During the day, he appears lazy and arrogant. But now that he's asleep, he's giving off some serious bad vibes. That's odd. Shouldn't he look more chill?'

Just then, Connor's eyes snapped open, looking fierce.

Recalling how he attacked me when I got close while he was asleep, I stepped back in fear.

"You asked for me," I said hastily.

As if holding something back, he said in a hoarse voice, "Come here."

I stood still, stammering, "So I just need to sleep next to you, right?"

I watched Connor vigilantly, while he calmly replied, "Don't get it wrong. I'm not interested in you. It's just a deal."

"Can I put a pillow in between?" I asked.

He nodded, snapping, "Fine. Hurry up."

So, I lay on Connor's bed, trying to keep my distance.

He soon fell asleep, but I tossed and turned, my mind in turmoil.

The fact that I was able to help the Mountain Pack with the sum gave me a sense of achievement.

But then the way I earned it got me blush with shame.

I turned around, fixing my gaze on Connor. Unlike just now, he looked super calm. Could it be that my existence brought him peace?

The next day, I left the villa with the money from Connor, going on the hunt for a condo.

Blown away by L.A.'s crazy rent, I realized I gotta find a job that offered accommodation.

After searching for a long time, I finally secured a job at a coffee shop named Twilight Café.

I told the owner about my dilemma, and he agreed to let me stay at the warehouse as long as I helped clean it.

After signing the contract, I transferred the money to Alpha Johnny and told him about my plan. Though worried, he still supported my decision.

"Hailey, you always make us proud." Johnny's voice came through the phone, all raspy.

"Just doing what I gotta do, for the pack," I replied, feeling determined.

After hanging up the phone, I returned to Connor's villa to take my luggage.

When I pushed open the door, I saw a woman in a blue dress standing in the middle of the living room.

She gave off an elegant and gentle vibe, with soft curls cascading down to her waist, her face all pretty and delicate. The high heels set off her long legs.

Noticing me, she gave a warm smile, saying, "Hello, I'm Elena, a friend of Connor's."

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