
Chapter 14

Connor's POV

I walked into Twilight Café, a coffee shop that stood in stark contrast to the familiar haunts I frequented.

Hand-painted coffee cups adorned the walls, and the wooden tables and chairs radiated a rustic simplicity.

My gaze swept through the store, finally locking onto Hailey.

She noticed me too, and seemed surprised by my presence.

She did not come over immediately, but instead watched me from afar, her eyes a mix of emotions I couldn't quite describe.

A subtle displeasure emanated from her stare, stirring up an inexplicable feeling within me.

My wolf, Derek, seemed to sense my emotional turmoil and began to stir from the depths of my heart.

Walking to her, I tried to keep my voice steady and composed. "A cup of coffee, please."

She didn't say a word, merely nodding before turning to prepare the coffee.

As her figure receded from view, a wave of complicated emotion welled up in my heart.

I found a seat by the window and looked at the street outside, my thoughts drifting.

After dealing with some matters at the packhouse today, I found the villa unusually silent upon my return.

Without Hailey's presence, the entire villa was empty and quiet. Surprisingly, I felt uncomfortable.

I immediately mind-linked Benjamin. "Find out where Hailey is now."

Not long after, Benjamin replied, "She's working at a café called Twilight Café."

I hesitated but eventually decided to visit the café myself.

"Here you are." A voice interrupted my thoughts.

It was Hailey.

She placed the coffee in front of me, the rich aroma filling the air.

But it wasn't to my taste. It was far from the coffee I was used to.

I took a deep breath, attempting to steady my nerves, and then said to Hailey, "Sit down, let's talk."

She paused, then shook her head, "No, I'm still working."

Frowning, I expressed my discontent, "I would provide you with enough money, so you don't have to work."

There was a hint of determination in her eyes as she said, "It's not about the money. I have my own life to live."

I looked around, sneering, "Your own life? Do you mean working in this shabby café?"

"What's wrong with this place? I think it's just fine." she retorted.

"Come back to the villa with me." I was a bit impatient.

Hailey didn't hesitate before she firmly refused, "No, I'm not going back. It was you insisted I move out yesterday, and now you want me to return? Is it amusing for you to toy with people's emotions like this?"

I was seldom confronted with such direct rejection, and it ignited a spark of anger within me.

The next moment, I thought about Benjamin's words and the true reason for the visit.

So I suppressed the anger and tried a gentler approach. "I apologize for what happened before."

Hailey was shocked. Her large, watery eyes, reminiscent of a doe in the forest, were alive and clear as she gazed at me.

Suddenly, she smiled and said, "I accepted your apology."

She seemed like the type of person who could catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

If pushed to a confrontation, she would not yield without a fight.

But if I apologize, she wouldn't hold a grudge.

I breathed a sigh of relief somehow, a slight smile forming on my lips. "Then come back to the villa with me."

My only purpose for coming here was to bring her back.

I had no special feelings towards her, nor did I appreciate this sudden entanglement between us. Apologies were just a means to an end for me.

It appeared simpler than Benjamin had anticipated.

However, the next moment, Hailey shook her head, her decision unchanged.

She said, "Connor, I won't go back with you. I've got a job and a place to live. I wasn't aware of your misunderstanding before, and I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused. I know that you don't want me around, so once I get a suitable chance, I'll discuss ending our relationship with Frank."

Her resolve was unyielding.

My smile died on my lips.

She noticed my displeasure and spoke tentatively, "Connor, is there anything else you need to discuss? If not, I should get back to work."

"No," I replied coldly.

My pride wouldn't let me continue pursuing her. I turned around and left the café.

Returning to the villa, Vita had already prepared dinner for me, but I had no appetite.

That evening, Derek grew restless, and I felt a powerful urge to unleash the chaos within me.

I shifted and ran outside, letting my wolf vent his emotions.

By the time I got home, I was completely exhausted and took a shower.

Lying in bed, I realized the truth—I needed Hailey.

The next morning, I made up my mind to go to her again.

Rather than entering, I stood outside of Twilight Café. There through the floor-to-ceiling window, I witnessed a scene, which filled me with anger—Nancy pushed Hailey down.

I mind-linked Benjamin, and he responded almost immediately.

"Benjamin, I need your help," I said with an unmistakable determination.

"Connor, what's wrong?" Benjamin's voice revealed a hint of curiosity.

"Remember the café I asked for? Teach it a lesson," I commanded coldly.

After a brief pause, Benjamin responded, "Got it. I will handle it."


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