
Chapter 17

Hailey's POV

Just as I was about to leave, Connor suddenly stood up. He strode directly towards me with a calm yet resolute look. "I'll send you back," he said.

I was taken aback, then smiled and shook my head, "No need, I can handle it myself."

He ignored my answer, grabbed the car keys, and walked out. As he walked past me, he commanded coldly, "Follow me."

Surprised yet oddly touched. I followed him to the car and got in.

Soon, he drove me to the warehouse near the café, where I was living.

Connor glanced around my place as if scrutinizing there. "You live here?"

I quickly said, "It's good and safe here. And Vernon said I don't have to pay rent."

Hearing my words, his lips tightened. After a moment, he took my hand and said, "Come back with me."

"I really like it here," I pulled my hand back and explained earnestly.

He didn't press further. He just nodded gently before turning on his heel and walking away.

I watched as he receded into the distance, leaving me somewhat at a loss for words.

Why was he always so unpredictable, and always slipping away without a word?

Back in my cozy room, after freshening up, I was about to rest when a sudden knock interrupted the quiet.

Opening the door, I was surprised to find Connor standing there, holding a few bags.

"Connor? What brings you back so soon?" I asked, puzzled.

He didn't answer that, merely handing me the bags. "These are for you."

I took and opened them, in which I found an array of expensive items: Jo Malone scented candles, organic vegetables, steaks, and a bottle of premium olive oil.

"Connor, these..." I stammered, my eyes widening in astonishment, feeling a mix of gratitude and bewilderment.

"They're all from our trip to the supermarket today. I don't need them," he said before leaving straightly.

I stood there, dumbfounded. I wondered, 'What was Connor up to? Relieving the poor? How could he suddenly change so much? Where was the aloof overlord I used to know?'

I found him too strange. Despite his abrasive behavior, I had tried to tolerate and appease him in the past, but he remained untouched.

Yet now, I had scolded him and left, he seemed different.

Pondering, I suddenly felt a bit shy.

'Could it be that Connor... liked me?' the thought popped up.

I shook my head vigorously, dispelling the absurd thought.

'No, that couldn't be. He had made it clear that our marriage was a forced one, devoid of any true affection.' I told myself.

I couldn't understand why he had changed, but thanks to him, I didn't have to endure daily meals of just bread.

The following day, the sunlight streamed through the windows of the cozy café as I bustled about inside.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed—it was a call from Alpha Johnny. "Hey Hailey, we've got trouble here."

I was flustered, and quickly asked, "What happened?"

"It rained heavily in the mountains, and the roof of the classroom was damaged, injuring several children," he said, a little helpless.

Anxiously, I pressed, "What about the twenty thousand dollars I had transferred earlier? It could be used to renovate the classrooms and treat the injured children."

"All went for classroom repair. Most of the children sustained minor injuries, but two are younger ones and are still recovering at home," he replied.

I fell silent. The Mountain Pack was impoverished, and the children were malnourished. They were all underage and didn't have their own wolves yet, which meant they weren't as resilient as adult werewolves.

"I will transfer some more money to you as soon as possible," I said firmly.

"Thank you, Hailey. You've already done a lot for our pack," he said gratefully.

After ending the call, I decided to look for another job.

All day long, I searched high and low but couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

As I was walking home in the evening, a few people stopped me. I had a good memory and generally wouldn't forget people I've met before. At a glance, I recognized these people.

I met them at the party the day I first went to Connor's house. Matt was their leader, and he was the one who criticized my coffee as terrible.

I looked around, checking for passersby, for their presence would be dangerous for a fight.

However, Matt seemed not as arrogant nor mischievous as he used to be. He wore a smile, saying, "Hailey, there seems to have been a misunderstanding last time. Today, we're here to invite you to hang out."

"Huh?" I blinked my eyes. Inviting me to hang out? I could still recall his attitude last time. It was hard to believe he would extend such an invitation.

Shaking my head, I declined, "Nah, I have something to do."

I refused them without hesitation. I had been thinking before about beating up these guys, but their sudden friendliness had me hold back.

However, my refusal immediately caused their dissatisfaction. "We invited you out of respect, and you're not going to reciprocate, are you?

"With your background, you'd do anything to get into our circle. So, why pretend to be so high and mighty?

"What can you possibly have to do? Looking for a job? Don't waste your time. Cross us and you won't be able to get a job in the whole of Los Angeles."

My anger surged. The reason I couldn't find a job was right in front of me.

Matt sized me up with a smug grin. "Isn't it just about finding a job? There are plenty of enterprises in Los Angeles that belong to the Dark Night Pack and the Blaze Pack. Hang out with us, and we will arrange a job for you tomorrow. How's that for a deal?"


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