
Chapter 15

Hailey's POV

It was a workday, and there were only a few customers in the café.

The sunlight poured through the window, casting a warm glow inside. Everything was calm and serene.

Nancy and I were busy preparing desserts and coffee beans for the day.

Then, several customers walked in. While they looked ordinary, their scrutinizing gazes made me feel uneasy.

They took their seats, and all they ordered was a glass of free water.

However, they didn't seem interested in drinking it. Instead, they were whispering among themselves, casting furtive glances our way.

Their behavior struck me as suspicious, so I warned Nancy to keep an eye on them.

Not long after, one of them suddenly clutched his stomach and exclaimed loudly, "Something wrong with this water! I've got a terrible stomachache after drinking it."

Nancy immediately rushed over and asked, "Sir, are you alright? Should I call for a doctor?"

The man persisted, "A doctor? Call the police! There must be problems with your water. You have to take responsibility!"

"Our water is of the highest quality, and it has been rigorously tested. There shouldn't be any issues." Nancy patiently explained, though her brow furrowed slightly.

Suddenly, the man slammed the table and stood up, saying, "That's not my concern. My stomach hurts, and you have to compensate me!"

"How's that possible?" Nancy appeared somewhat helpless.

Feeling compelled to intervene, I joined Nancy. "Sir, if there really is a problem with the water, we are willing to take responsibility, but please do not make a scene here."

The man turned to me, his tone growing harsher. "Who are you? Are you new here? Listen, if you don't compensate me today, your café won't stay in business."

Nancy, straightforward as usual, shot back, "If you're here to start a fight, then please leave."

In the midst of the argument, a man roughly pushed Nancy. Catching her off guard, she fell and hurt her arm.

I immediately rushed forward and stood in front of Nancy. "How could you do this!"

Just as the situation escalated, Connor walked in.

He didn't waste much time, giving those men a cold, menacing glare.

His presence was so intimidating that they hesitated and backed away.

"Get out!" Connor said coldly.

His voice, low but commanding, echoed through the café.

Those few people exchange glances and hastily retreat.

As they left, I quickly checked Nancy's injury. Her arm got scraped, with blood slowly oozing out.

The blood alerted me, for I knew how vulnerable humans are compared to werewolves. Even a small wound could become serious due to infection.

I turned to Connor, my voice tinged with urgency. "Connor, Nancy needs to go to the hospital. Can you send us there?"

He had a complicated look on his face, seeming to hesitate.

But after a moment, he agreed, "Alright, let's go immediately." I could see his tightly pursed lips slightly relaxed.

I nodded gratefully, relieved that he was willing to help.

We were waiting outside the emergency room when Vernon arrived, out of breath.

I gently reassured him, "Nancy will be fine."

He nodded, his eyes filled with gratitude.

I gestured to Connor, and we walked out of the hospital, making our way to the car.

In the car, he remained silent for a moment, then suddenly spoke with a hint of reproach in his tone, "Hailey, are you a fool? Why did you help her? I've heard that you are bullied by Nancy."

"No, that's not true," I replied, baffled by his words.

"No? Didn't she push you down yesterday?" he asked back.

I was stunned. How did he know about this?

I hurriedly explained, "No, she pushed me because I was too close to the coffee machine, and she was worried I might get scalded by the steam."

He turned to me as his deep eyes stared at me intently. "You're always so naive, easily swayed by others."

I was a little unpleased, sticking to my position. "Nancy is a good girl."

Connor didn't push the matter further, and he shifted the topic. "Grandpa is coming to the villa for dinner tonight."

I nodded and immediately said, "Don't worry, I will go back. I assure you Frank won't find anything wrong. Shall we head to the supermarket now to buy something for dinner?"

Connor agreed, and we drove to the supermarket.

The supermarket was bustling with people and filled with a wide variety of fresh ingredients.

We selected some vegetables, meat, and seasonings, planning to make a sumptuous dinner tonight.

Soon, the shopping cart was filled with everything we needed, and we walked toward the cashier.

There I took out my wallet to make the payment.

Looking at the little money inside, a sense of heaviness settled in my chest.

Most of my money had been sent to Alpha Johnny to help the Mountain Pack.

Besides, I wouldn't receive my salary from the café until next month, so every penny was precious to me at that moment.

Despite this, I would pay for the meal, for Frank had helped and cared for me a lot.

Just as I was about to pay, Connor called out to me, "Hold on."

I turned to look at him with confusion. Connor looked surprised as he questioned, "Why are you the one paying?"

I felt a bit strange, answering, "The food and groceries at your house before were all paid for by me."

Connor looked stunned, and a hint of embarrassment flickered across his features.

He swiftly took the shopping basket from my hands and said, "This time I'll pay."

It surprised me but also kindled a warmth within me.


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