
Chapter 2

Hailey's POV

What the heck?

I was about to give him a piece of my mind, but he just walked away without a backward glance.

"How rude!" Iris grumbled in my mind.

"Well, perhaps his wolf is a proper gentleman. You never know. Did you guys have a nice chat?" I asked.

"All he did was howl nonsense. He wouldn't even tell me his name," Iris snorted before fading out from my mind.

Just then, someone tapped my shoulder. When I turned around, I saw Frank smile at me.

"Where did he go?" he asked after looking around.

"You mean Connor? He just left," I replied, pointing towards the door.

Hearing what I said, Frank flew into a rage. "What? He left right after he completed the mating ceremony? How dare he?"

"No biggie. Just give me the address and I'll find my way there," I comforted him.

"Problem is, he doesn't live in the Blaze Pack," Frank sighed. "What a gruff and clueless kid. Now you see why he couldn't find a mate. You're not gonna reject him, are you?"

I replied in a serious tone, "Of course not. We made a vow under the witness of the Moon Goddess. Surely I won't reject him that easily. Don't worry. I'll help you take care of him."

Frank finally cracked a smile. "Alright then, I can breathe easy. Connor's holed up in his own villa. I'll have my Gamma take you there."

After saying that, Frank strode away, like he was afraid that I'd change my mind.

Then, I was back in the black luxury sedan again.

Day one in L.A., and I was already bouncing around the city.

Looking out the window, it hit me how vast L.A. really was.

Soon, the car drove into a quiet villa area.

It didn't look fancy at all. In fact, I even found it a bit plain, as it was stocked up with some vintage-style buildings.

"It's not about cash to live here," the Gamma told me.

After he parked the car, he helped me unload my luggage. Then he paused before saying, "Alpha Frank just mind-linked me. I gotta go back to the pack. Looks like you have to go in there by yourself."

I nodded and waved him goodbye.

After the black sedan drove out of my sight, I turned around and marched forward, a backpack on my shoulders, two suitcases in hands.

Finally, I spotted Connor's house name plate.

It was a simple two-story house with a courtyard, looking ordinary.

Holding that thought, I walked in. Some folks working in the yard shoot surprised looks when they noticed me, yet none of them talked to me.

'Not as welcoming as the Mountain Pack,' I thought to myself while reaching the front door.

Then, I took out the key that Frank gave me and opened the door.

Once I stepped in, I saw Connor lounging on the living room sofa.

He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers that hugged his body to perfection, his collar casually undone, revealing his tempting Adam's apple. Though he didn't say anything, everything about him just screamed elegance.

My heart was racing before I realized it. Geez, he looked as good-looking as a star from those huge billboard ads.

Then, I looked up and surveyed the living room of Connor's house. Everything, from the sofa to the coffee table, was brand new. Even the carpet was spotless.

I couldn't help but glance down at myself—faded sneakers, jeans worn out looking paler than pale...

Despite cringing, I mustered up the courage to greet him sincerely, "Hello, Connor."

Instead of responding, he fixed his gaze on me, his expression cold, his eyes wary.

Then he hissed, "Get out!"

Startled, I froze, thinking, 'No wonder you couldn't find a mate. I've never seen a guy so aggressive.'

But I'd sworn to Frank I'd take care of Connor, so bailing wasn't an option.

"Why? I'm your mate, and this place is as much mine as yours," I stood my ground.

"Lady, a kind reminder, we're not in the Blaze Pack. It's my personal space," he uttered with arrogance, tilting his head back, all high and mighty.

"But we're mates, and mates are supposed to take care of each other. If you don't want me to stay here, fine. Let's come back to the Blaze Pack."

"You? Take care of me?" Connor scoffed like it was the funniest thing.

I had no idea what he was laughing about, so I simply answered, "Yeah, I've promised Frank."

Hearing my reply, he gave a chuckle. It sounded so creepy, like he was a monster who just spotted his prey. "Since you crave staying, then alright."

I cracked a smile, thanking him for letting me stay. Then I tugged my suitcases into the house.

Connor turned to a middle-aged woman, ordering, "Vita, find her a room. Send those Omegas responsible for cleaning back to the pack. She'll be handling the daily stuff from now on. Just treat her as an Omega."

Vita paced over, taking a suitcase off me.

Then she led me to a small room, saying, "From now on, you'll be staying here. Connor's room's upstairs. He hates to be disturbed, so remember not to go up there without permission."

Hearing that I didn't have to stay in the same room with Connor, I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't ready for it, tbh.

"Thanks." I flashed Vita a smile.

"Vita!" Connor's impatient voice came through. "Got guests coming! Have her make a few cups of pour-over and then bring 'em to the study."

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