
Flash Marriage With Cruel Alpha
Flash Marriage With Cruel Alpha
Author: Lana Mora

Chapter 1

Hailey's POV

The roar of the airplane faded into the background, replaced by the bustling noise of Los Angeles.

Walking out of the airport, I was welcomed by the blinding sun. As I shielded my eyes, the glitzy scenery came into my view.

Edifices scrapping the sky; streets buzzing with traffic; pedestrians wearing chic and stylish outfits…

Everything here was a world away from the Mountain Pack I was most familiar with. I was totally amazed and thrilled.

Digging in my backpack, I took out my acceptance letter once again. Actually, I had flipped through it like a hundred times, just to confirm that heart-racing news—I'd been admitted to UCLA!

The school wouldn't be starting till a month later, but you didn't always get a cheap flight. So I booked a ticket as soon as I saw a discounted one and arrived in Los Angeles ahead of time.

I got the acceptance letter from UCLA about a week ago. Thrilled, I showed it to Alpha Johnny immediately.

The news brought a joyful smile to his weary face.

"Hit those books hard, and you'll be able to stay in L.A. after you graduate," he told me.

I didn't get it. Why would I stay in L.A.? "This is where I belong. I gotta come back," I replied.

"We're too strapped here, Hailey. Your sponsor's the Alpha of the Blade Pack, the largest deal in L.A. That's where you belong. We don't wanna hold you back," he persuaded.

Alpha Johnny's amicable face then blurred in my mind, replaced by the images of the pups in Mountain Pack.

We were legit poor, as our pack was in an underdeveloped region. But I couldn't just leave my family and friends behind.

Every time I recalled the expectant looks of those pups in my pack, my resolve stiffened.

I gotta find a way to get schooled without bailing on Alpha Johnny and my pack.

I couldn't let those kids turn into rogues due to poverty.


The sound of tires grinding jerked me out of my contemplation. Startled, I jumped back a bit.

A black luxury sedan I couldn't name pulled up right in front of me.

The car door opened, and a guy in a black suit stepped out. After a bow, he said, "Miss Carlson, Alpha Frank invites you to join him for lunch."

"I'm sorry?" I exclaimed, widening my eyes in surprise.

I'd never told Frank that I was coming here in advance, yet somehow he just found out about it. He always seemed to have the inside scoop.

With a nod, I got into the car.

The guy took me to the restaurant, where I met Alpha Frank, who was dressed in casual attire and looked just as kind as I had imagined.

"Hailey, you're the best student among all the werewolves I sponsored. I'll keep funding your uni," he smiled.

"Thank you so much!" I said sincerely, tears welling up in my eyes.

Frank grinned before nodding in satisfaction. "Remember when I asked if you wanted to marry my grandson Connor and become his mate? You haven't given me your answer. So have you made up your mind?"

I tapped my chest, blurting out with determination, "It'll be my pleasure."

I'd given it serious thought—a favor earned should be returned in due course.

Frank had been sponsoring young students from underdeveloped packs, and I was one of them. Had it not been for him, I couldn't have become who I was now. So it was only reasonable that I did my best to repay him.

Frank felt like retiring a long time ago, but Connor just couldn't find a mate no matter what. Without a Luna, Connor wouldn't be able to take over the Blaze Pack even if he was the rightful heir. Frank was worried sick.

So I felt I gotta help him out. I knew I might seem like a fool, sacrificing my marriage simply for the sake of returning a favor. But I ain't got no boyfriend, not to mention a mate.

And let's face it, tons of werewolves couldn't find their fated mate nowadays. If I married Connor, Frank would be my family. So why not?

Hearing my answer, Frank nodded in satisfaction. "Well, now that you're here, we might as well get it done today."

With that, Frank stood up and told the chauffeur to head for the Blaze Pack.

A while later, the car stopped in front of a swanky three-story villa. I guessed this was their pack house.

I followed Frank inside, and before long, a hunk about my age came downstairs. This must be Connor, I assumed.

As Frank introduced us to each other, I was a bit dumbfounded. Since Frank kept talking about how difficult it was for Connor to find a mate, I always pictured him as someone physically unattractive.

I never expected he would be this hot.

Holding back my amazement, I gave him a polite smile.

Connor got the same scent as Frank, something powerful and exclusive to those of Alpha blood.

Oddly, Connor's gaze toward me was far from friendly. While I was wondering why, I suddenly felt a chilling aura emanating from around him.

He was unleashing his oppressive Alpha aura over me.

I was no stranger to it, for I had encountered powerful rogues before. So I didn't panic at all.

My wolf, Iris, let out a howl in my mind. Then, I unleashed my aura as well.

Connor looked at me in disbelief. It seemed he didn't expect me to fight back. Did I look like a pushover to him?!

Just as I was about to speak, Frank cleared his throat. Guessed he tried to ease the tension for a bit.

"Let's get started," he announced, standing off to the side.

The werewolf beside him piped up, "I'm the Beta of the Blaze Pack. Today, I'll be tying the mate bond for you two."

As the ancient prayer ended, a warm feeling wrapped around me. And I sensed a faint connection between me and Connor.

"If you wanna stabilize the mate bond, you could mark your mate," the Beta told Connor.

"I ain't marking her yet," Connor replied, his voice icy.

I shrugged, saying, "Well, cool by me."

It was even better, in fact. Being marked meant I'd sense Connor stronger. I gotta go to college in a month, so I didn't want him to get into my head all the time.

"I won't go public with this either," he added.

"Enough, Connor!" Frank interrupted him with a scowl. "Whether you mark Hailey or not, she's the only future Luna of the pack. If you don't want her as your mate, then you can forget about inheriting the pack."

With that, Frank was called away by another werewolf.

I watched his back disappear from my sight.

When I turned around, I saw Connor marching up to me.

With disgust in his eyes, he whispered in my ear, "You snake."

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