

"I'll be in the bathroom," Hazel said to Miranda as he got up and took off his robe.

While he was in the bathroom, Miranda received a message containing a video file in her Whatsapp account.

After watching the video file and reading the message attached to it, Miranda got up, took off her clothes, and joined Hazel in the bathroom.

The moment she walked in, Hazel turned. He smiled and pulled her into his arms, "Feeling naughty? I wonder what your doctor will have to say about that."

Miranda chuckled and ran her palms along his chest as she asked, "Hazel, have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you had become an actor?"

He filled his palms with lather and gently rubbed it around her neck as his lips inched closer to hers, "I've never given it a thought. But if you want, I can change my career path. You just have to say the words, your highness. Your wish is my command."

Miranda nodded, and circled his neck with her arms, pulling him closer and brushing her lips against h
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Comments (7)
goodnovel comment avatar
when a man is about to die, he becomes foolish; Shayla had to say she's going to her baby daddy and imagine the foolish act of Collins. I envy Hazel and Miranda cos it's good to have foolish enemies.
goodnovel comment avatar
I think I should have missed a part of this book that talk's about collins being a chronic smoker or seriously engaging drugs business, I mean who in his right senses will want to have an affair with his uncle's wife that is even pregnant... can people actually be this foolish.
goodnovel comment avatar
Richard Freeman
i thought he had given up on Miranda, well he's stupid to join valor cause that won't still give him Miranda, by the way is good Hazel gave him something to remember anytime he looks at the mirror ............

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