
2. Gym Bunny

Suddenly he picked me up and quickly carried me over his shoulder back into the locker room. He sat me down on my feet once we were inside a shower stall. I felt water from the shower head running down my back and down my legs. He began to kiss me so passionately that It caused me to lose my mind! He turned me around before he pressed me up against the wall, pulled my shorts down, and began to insert his penis inside me. We both moaned loudly before he began to push further in.

I began to quiver and desire him more. "More! I want more!" I begged before he said, "I'm not all the way in. Are you sure you can take it?" I nodded my head in agreement before I moan, "Yes!" He chuckled before he pushed in all the way. He grunted and I almost lost consciousness for a moment before I let out a loud moan. He puts his hand over my mouth before he said, "Shhh! I'm warning you!"

He then grabbed my hips before he began thrusting hard and fast inside me. I immediately covered my mouth because I couldn't take the pleasure he was giving me. All you could hear is our bodies slamming onto each other being slightly muffled by the running water. I couldn't hold myself any longer and I began to moan even louder. "Shhh!" He demanded but I was too lost in the pleasure to contain myself.

When I climaxed, he kept going for another minute before he climaxed inside me. He held onto me before he said, "While I am still inside you, my name is Bo. I know your name is Jake. I heard you talking to Bun, my brother." I was out of breath and quite aware that the only reason that I am still standing is because Bo was holding me. "I tell you this because I want you to have a name for the man who just made you his." Bo said.

I opened my eyes and remembered what Tim said! I just had sex with a stranger but I made Tim wait?! What is wrong with me?! Bo began a long but hard stroke inside me and I could no longer think logically again. "We don't have to label this if you don't want to. We can just keep this between us. A sexy man like you must have a husband. If you don't, I can be your husband. If you let me." Bo said softly in my ear as he continued to move slowly inside me. Driving me crazy, wanting more.

"Bo! I know you are in there! I heard you talking. When you are done in here, make sure to come see me." Bun yelled from the entrance of the locker room. I opened my eyes and began to quiver at the thought of getting caught. Bo noticed and whispered, "You naughty bunny!" He then grabbed my penis and began to rub me hard. I moaned before Bun said, "Bo?! I know you are in here. Are you with someone?!"

Bo chuckled softly before he whispered, "You want to get caught, don't you?!" I covered my mouth just before another moan tried to slip out. I could hear Bun getting closer before I heard him ask, "Bo! This is not funny! Are you in here or not?!" Bo chuckled quietly as he kept his rhythm inside me and said, "I am here. I was just messing with you. I heard you. I will see you when I am done." I moaned a little louder before Bun asked, "What is that noise that I keep hearing?"

Bo chuckled and said, "I am taking care of myself! Can you leave please?!" Bo began to hit harder inside me as I heard Bun say, "Eww! Gross bro! I am leaving." Bo grunts before he begins to thrust faster and harder inside me. Bo let go of my penis and grabs my hips with both hands before he climaxes again but this time I climaxed with him. He hugs me from behind to bring my head up to his face before he says softly, "So, are you mine or will I need to continue to claim you?"

I felt him still inside me and I wanted more! But when I looked up at the digital clock on the wall, it said it was four thirty in the morning! This means, Bo and I have been having sex for over four hours! It didn't feel like that! It felt like twenty minutes both times! I was exhausted so I just said, "I am all yours!" He hugged me tightly before he said, "Good Bunny! I am all yours too." I smiled but quickly felt weak.

I felt as if the room was losing color before it all went black. When I woke up, I was in my bed, naked! I sat up to look at the time and saw that the clock on my nightstand said it was one in the afternoon! I grabbed my phone to see that I had missed calls and text messages from people at work. (Doorbell rings) I jumped out of bed and grabbed my robe from my bathroom. I quickly ran out of my room to find that Bo was standing half naked at my front door! He was only wearing his boxers!

I was a bit shocked to see him there but then I realized that he must have brought me home. I ran over to him and saw that Tim was standing in front of him in the hallway. "Tim?!" I said shocked by him being there. "Since when did you have a boyfriend?! Why didn't you tell me last night?! And why haven't you come to work?!" Tim asked with a tone of frustration. Bo looked a bit frustrated but before he could say anything, I said, "Bo, will you excuse me?" He looked down at me with a concerned look on his face before he said, "Okay, Bunny."

I blushed before Bo kissed my forehead and walked away. I turned to face Tim who now had an angered look on his face. I was nervous and a bit scared but I did nothing wrong. I didn't agree to date him. It's not like I cheated on him! I crossed my arms and looked away before I said, "Tim, I woke up not feeling well. I decided to stay home but I guess I fell back asleep a bit too hard that I didn't hear my phone. I will call our boss and apologize for my absence immediately."

Tim now looked sad but I still wouldn't give him eye contact. "Also, I didn't tell you about Bo because it's new. I told you I needed time to think things through and I have. I decided to be with Bo. I planned on telling you today." I explained. I could hear Bo walking up behind me and I looked up at Tim who now was staring at Bo with an angered look on his face. He then looked at me with a fake smile before he said, "It's okay. You don't need to explain. I will see you tomorrow. My apologies for intruding."

Then he quickly walked away towards the elevator. I closed the door and when I faced Bo, he said, "I don't like him. He seems like a predator." I chuckled and said, "Says the man who fucked me on our first meeting." Bo rolled his eyes before he grabbed my shoulders and said, "We've met before. I guess you don't remember." I looked up at him surprised before he continued by saying, "I've seen you around the gym and we've greeted each other but it wasn't until last night that we truly connected."

Bo then began to pull me towards him before he kissed me. I pulled away and asked, "Did Bun give you my address last night?!" Bo nodded in agreement but still held on to me. "What about my bike?" I asked. He picked me up and began to walk me over to my room as he said, "I have that in the back of my truck. I also grabbed your bag from your locker. Bun helped me carry it and the bike as I carried you to my truck."

Bo then threw me on my bed which caused my robe to come undone revealing my body. "I am the luckiest man in the world!" Bo said as he took in my naked body. I rolled my eyes as I sat up in bed and closed my robe. "Bo! I am still sore from last night!" I whined at him. He chuckled and removed his boxers to reveal the reason why I became addicted to him instantly. I gasped at the sight of what was inside me in the gym's showers!

He got on the bed before he removed my hands from my robe as he was on his knees. He removed my robe before he pushed me down on the bed. "You want this as much as I want this. I need to remind you why you chose me over Tim!" I nodded in agreement before I handed him my lube from my nightstand drawer. He poured some on me and himself right before he tossed the bottle. He held himself over me before he grabbed my legs and pushed up toward me.

He began to kiss me as he entered me again and we both moan in each other's mouths. "You belong to me now. I will protect you and one day I will make you my wife. Okay?" Bo asked as he kept pushing his long thick penis inside me before I moaned out, "Yes! Yes! Make me your wife!"

To be continued...

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