
4. Liability

I smiled to hold back my anger before Bo stood up and said, "This has been decided. I only brought him here so you can put a face to the name. However, I will be the one working with him. The meeting is adjourned!" Bo then grabbed me out of my seat and began to pull me behind him as I watched all of those old men look appalled. Once we were back in his truck, I broke the silence by asking, "Do you want to explain to me what just happened back there?"

Bo pulled into the parking lot in front of my firm's building. He parked his truck and said, "I apologize. I thought this was going to play out differently. However, now I know what truly has been bothering me at my office." I looked at the time and saw that we had less than twenty minutes left before I reach two hours on lunch. "Bo, you still haven't answered my question." He chuckled and said, "You are right."

He turned to face me and said, "I own the company. I became overwhelmed and didn't know why. I had started to doubt my decisions and I began to think that maybe my brother would run our family's company better. But, my brother didn't want the company. He's an artist. I don't want him to give up on his dreams to do something he doesn't love. I then decided to take a break to gain some perspective." I nodded in agreement.

"But today, I realized that it's my chief officer who is temporarily running my company that has been the driving force behind my frustrations. He has been pushing his own agenda and now I see he is trying to push me out." Bo explained before he looked very serious. I became a bit worried and I slightly freaked out now that I know that my boyfriend is a very rich man! "Wait! I thought you said that your brother works at the gym. Right?" I asked.

Bo chuckled and said, "He's not my biological brother. We grew up together because we went to the same schools. His father owns those gyms." I looked at the time and I had ten minutes left. "Bo, I have to get going but...I don't want you pushing your board members or employees to use the company I work for as your Marketing company. It might just give them the push to get you to give up your position. Your Chief Officer looks like he is cutthroat." I said.

Bo chuckled before he hugged me and said, "I appreciate your concern. I will handle it. Don't worry. I will be back to pick you up." I smiled and nodded in agreement before he let me go and turned his truck back on. He drove me to the entrance before helping me get down off of his truck. He hugged me again and said, "Make sure you keep an eye on your phone. I might need you." I agreed before he kissed me softly.

Once I was in my office, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I said. A tall man walks in that looks like he was very nervous. "Hello, I am Tor. I am the intern assigned to your campaign." He then bowed. I forgot completely that this man was supposed to join me today. I waved him in to have a seat before I sat down and introduced myself. The remainder of the day was spent getting him caught up on my proposal. I got a few texts from Bo about who runs what in the firm but nothing about us.

Once it was time to leave the office, I said my goodbyes to Tor and began to put away all the documents I pulled out for Tor. I heard a knock on my door and when I turned around it was Bo! "Hey! How did you get in here?!" I asked before I began to walk towards Bo but then stopped when I noticed my boss standing beside him. "It look's like you two know each other. No need in introductions then." My boss said while he smiled at me.

"Thanks again for all of your help today. I look forward to getting to know my employees in the future." Bo said. Employees?! What does Bo mean by that?! I looked completely confused before my boss said, "I am just glad to be able to retire sooner than expected." They both laughed before my boss said his goodbyes and left. "Bo? What is going on?" I asked. Bo chuckled and said, "I can't believe this is your office. I have closets bigger than this." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

Bo chuckles before he walks over to me and hugs me. "Bo! We are at my place of employment!" I exclaimed. "Okay. Okay. Let's go get some dinner and I will explain." He then lets go of me before he smiles at me. I smiled back and said, "Okay. I hope you didn't do anything that could possibly ruin your chances of-" Bo put his finger on my lips which caused me to stop talking. "Bunny, I told you not to worry. Now be a good bunny and get your things." Bo said with a bit of desire in his tone.

I smiled and licked his finger before he gasped and removed his finger from my mouth. "We might just have to order in tonight." Bo said before he smiled a devious smile. I chuckled and grabbed my bag. As soon as I walked out of my office, I see Tim arguing with my boss in his office. I look back at Bo and asked, "Is this your doing?" Bo smiles before he starts to walk toward the elevator. He grabs my hand to pull me with him.

As we traveled home, Bo could not keep his hands off of me. We finally pulled into the entrance of a place I did not recognize. Bo helps me get down off of his truck before a man walks up to us wearing a suit and says, "Good evening master." Bo nods before he gives the man his key. He grabs me and picks me up. "Where are we going?!" I ask while chuckling and being carried. He walks into the elevator that had a butler holding the elevator doors open.

Once the elevator reached the top floor, the doors opened, and the butler said, "Enjoy your evening master." Bo chuckles and says, "I will." He then walks down the hall and sets me down in front of a large door. He waves his phone in front of a black box on the door and it chimes before it opens the door. I walk in and see the beautiful view from the top floor from the front entrance! This must be his home! It was so big! I turned around and asked, "Is this your house?!" Bo nodded before he smiled. He then picked me up as I hugged him.

"I thought that you would like to spend the night at my place since you have tomorrow off." Bo said as he carried me quickly into a large bedroom that I can only assume is his. The next day, I woke up to an empty bed. I was completely naked and sore from the night before. I checked my phone and saw a few texts from Bo. He's in the office and wants me to call him when I awake but I could use a break from his constant need to be inside me.

I decide to get up slowly and take a shower. I found my clothes but it looks like Bo had torn the shirt. I looked around the room and saw that Bo had some clothes folded on his dresser. I checked them and they looked my size. It is a white T-shirt and black shorts but they weren't mine so they must be his old clothes. I put them on and the shirt was too long for me that it covers my shorts. I walked out of his room to find an open-concept living room, dining room, and kitchen.

I saw food already placed on the dining table so I began to walk towards the table. "You are awake! Have you called my master?" I heard a loud voice coming from the kitchen that made me flinch. I turned to face the voice and it came from a very slender man who was shorter than me. "Who are you?" I asked. The man had a cup of coffee in his hand that he placed down on the counter before he grabbed his iPad and began to walk toward me.

"I am Alec, your husband's assistant. He asked me to stay here until you awakened. Now, have you called your husband yet?" Alec asked. I looked at him with a bit of an annoyed look because he was talking to me as if he was my boss. I decided to ignore him before I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Bo. "Bunny? Are you awake?" Bo asked. I looked at Alec before I asked Bo, "What is your assistant's name?"

Bo chuckled and said, "Be nice to Alec. He is type A personality. I left him behind to take care of you until I got back home. Have you eaten?" I looked over to the table and said, "I am about to eat right now. When will you be back?" Bo hesitated but then he said, "I will try to get back as soon as I can. There are a few things that I must attend to. Will you be okay there with Alec?" I looked back at Alec before he rolled his eyes and went back to the kitchen.

"If you need him, he can go. I don't need a babysitter." I said coldly. Bo tried to hide his chuckle but I heard it. "Bunny...Be good. I will be home soon." He said before I agreed and disconnected the call. I set the phone down on the table before I sat down. Alec was immediately by my side pouring coffee into the mug in front of my plate. "Master told me how you like your coffee...among other things." Alec said. I was watching him pour before he continued by asking, "Would you like anything else?"

I didn't respond as I watched him pour a bit of cream and then add two small spoons of sugar into my coffee mug. Alec noticed my apprehension but he continued to talk anyway. "I spoke with Annie about your schedule this week. I was able to fit in a few hours of interviews for your new assistant position." Alec said as he uncovered the plates of food on the table. "Wait! What? Assistant? I have Annie!" I exclaimed.

Alec then sat across from me and said, "Master has decided on giving you a personal assistant. Someone who will run errands, cook, clean, or even drive you around if needed." I stared at him with a frustrated look because I knew this must have been his idea. I don't want an assistant nor do I need one! I am not a child that is in need of being taken care of! Alec pulled out his iPad from his bag and said, "I have a few candidates from a staffing agency we've worked with in the past. I think they should be our first-" Alec stopped talking once he noticed my red face.

He rolled his eyes and sat the iPad on the table before asking, "Must everything be an uphill battle with you?! Master just wants to take care of you now that he is back to work. He won't have all the time in the world to give you as you have gotten used to. So...He worries! Can't you understand that?!" I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. He's much as I hate admitting it.

"Look, you don't have to like me but you do have to like your own personal assistant. This person is going to be responsible for your life." Alec said before I looked up with a look of confusion on my face. "What do you mean? I am responsible for my own life." I asked. Alec rolled his eyes before he got up and began to put some of the eggs on my plate. "Not anymore. You have to understand that by you being with my master, you are now the most valuable human being in his eyes! You now have a group of people who will be punished if you are hurt or get abducted, God forbid." Alec Explained.

He sat back down before I asked, "People? Who are these people?" Alec opened up his iPad and began to say, "You have a head of security, security guards, your personal assistant, and your very own lawyer. However, we are actively interviewing them now. My master is currently interviewing for the head position of your security team. I think he will promote someone from his team. Someone he can trust. Then that person will recruit four other people they trust. My master has already chosen a lawyer from his team to represent you if you so need it. So, all that's left is the personal assistant position which is our responsibility to find."

Alec held his iPad up to show me a list of names to the left of the pictures of the people being considered for the position. "See these people? They are my top ten choices to be your personal assistant. If you notice, the description also says Protection. This means that they are trained to protect you. We require this because our guards cannot follow you everywhere that your personal assistant can. Once we choose the person, they will be 100% responsible for your life." Alec explained.

He then pointed to another section that was named: Blood Type. "See here? It's your blood type. This is just in case you need blood donations, your personal assistant will be equipped to donate all the blood you might need." I gasped and realized that I was no longer just dating a regular guy. I am now a liability for Bo. I became sad that I was the cause of so much concern. Alec must have noticed because his tone changed when he said, "I know it must be overwhelming. I will help you every step of the way until you are completely set up. Okay?"

I nodded in agreement before I asked, "Why do you call your boss, Master? Does he ask you to do that?" Alec sat his iPad down before stifling a chuckle and said, "No. That was started by his father. Now, it's tradition. Even when he asked us not to call him that, we all refused. We felt as if it would be a disrespect to what his father built. Eventuality, Bo got used to it." I nodded in agreement before I began to eat. Alec picked his iPad back up and kept on working.

Once I was done eating, a thought crossed my mind...Alec is currently compiling a list of people to be my personal assistant and be responsible for my life...Does this mean that Alec is being held responsible for Bo's life?! At the thought of it all, I realized how rude I have been with Alec this whole time and was instantly filled with regret. I just couldn't control my jealousy! Alec is a very handsome man! Who wouldn't feel threatened?!

"Are you full? Or do you want something else?" Alec asked. I looked up at him with a look of frustration on my face. "What's wrong?" Alec asked as he stood up to take a good look at me. "I just realized how rude I have been with you. I thought you were a threat and..." I felt so embarrassed admitting this but then Alec began to laugh so loud that it made me flinch in my seat. I became angry and crossed my arms before I asked, "What the hell is so funny?!"

Alec realized that I was not happy with his sudden outburst and began to stifle himself before he said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just thought you knew that I am married." He then put his hand up to then tap on his wedding ring. I uncrossed my arms and felt instantly stupid. "I didn't mean to laugh like that, I just thought you were joking. My apologies if I offended you." Alec explained before he bowed. I stood up and said, "Don't apologize. I am the one being stupid. This is all just moving so fast and I fear that I will wake up one day to realize that this was all a dream."

Alec smiled to hide his amusement at it all. We then stood there a bit awkward in silence before I finally asked, "So...Who is your partner?" Alec then grabbed his iPad and clicked on it a few times before he handed me his iPad. On the iPad was a picture of Alec on what looked like his wedding day. He was dressed in a white suit and his partner was dressed in a black suit. "We decided on a Ying and Yang aesthetic for our wedding. My husband and I are total opposites but it works." Alec explained.

After taking a second look at the picture I realized that I have seen his husband before. "Why does your husband look familiar to me?" I asked as I studied the picture. Alec chuckled before he said, "That's because he works for my master. He is one of the executives at the company. You may have seen him at the meeting you had." Alec explained. I gasped and asked, "He's not the COO, right?" Alec laughed again and said, "No. He was relieved of his position the day of your meeting." I gasped again and said, "NOOOOOO! What happened?!"

To be continued...

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