
8. Perspective

A couple of weeks have gone by and today is presentation day for my first big account. My intern and I have been working nonstop to meet this deadline. Bo has been a little depressed lately because we haven't had much time to be together. I am hoping that once this presentation is over I can take the rest of the day off and spend it with Bo. To be honest, I think I have been a little sad myself. I truly do miss out on times together and sometimes I find myself getting a bit emotional about it.

"Boss, you ready?" My intern asked me as he stood at my office doors. I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded in agreement before grabbing my laptop. We both went to the meeting room and set up the presentation. Annie and my new personal assistant, Donna but we all call her Don, were setting up the conference table. The materials and bottled water were set on the table and we were now ready to present. We all gathered by the entrance to wait for the team that was sent to approve our marketing campaign now.

"Master, do you think they will approve of the campaign?" Don asked. I was feeling a bit nervous but I didn't want everyone to know. I needed to promote confidence in my team. "I am sure of it." I said with a big confident smile. We hear the ding of the elevator and we all turn to see four men step out with one woman. Then from behind me, I hear gasps because they all saw Bo step out of the elevator too followed by Alec. I didn't know that Bo was coming so it was a surprise for me too.

Watching Bo walk toward me made me a bit emotional because I felt as if I was seeing him again for the first time and falling in love all over again! I felt a nudge on my arm and realized that I was lost in a trance! I looked at Don, who was the one who nudge me, and gave her a look of 'what do you want'. She leaned in and whispered, "Did you know master Bo would be here today?"

I shook my head in disagreement but I was already staring at Bo who now noticed my affinity for him. Bo smiled and it made me smile too. "Thank you for waiting. We appreciate your patience." I heard Alec say. Damnit! I did it again! I got lost in his eyes, again! I turned towards Alec's voice and I smiled before bowing at the other people in attendance. Then I said, "It is our pleasure." Alec smiled and I waved them all inside of the conference room.

After the introductions, we started the presentation. I decided to let my intern do the presentation since he used to be a presenter in his previous profession. Throughout the entire time, I couldn't keep my eyes off Bo. However, he wouldn't look at me. I knew I shouldn't be looking at him during a business meeting but I couldn't help myself! The team approved the campaign and left with Bo. I watched him leave with the team and felt sad all over again. "Master? Are you okay?" Don asked. I looked at her and a tear fell down my face.

"Master! Are you hurt?!" Don exclaimed with a tone of concern. I covered my face from embarrassment before I said, "I'm fine! I am just super emotional right now. That's all." I uncovered my face to see everyone looking at me with concern in their eyes. I walked away and headed to my office. I took off my suit jacket and laid down on my office couch. I don't know why I have been so emotional lately. I know I miss him but this is the first time I cried like this!

I hear footsteps make their way to my side. I knew it was Don because she is not allowed to leave me alone. "Don, I am okay. I promise you. I just miss him so much!" I said. Suddenly, I smelled a cologne I know all too well! Before I could turn to see if it was him, I felt hands under me pick me up and pull me against a hard but warm chest. When I opened my eyes, it was Bo! Hugging me so tight as he always does. I became overwhelmed with joy that I sobbed in his chest.

"I have missed you so much too!" Bo whispered in a tone that sounded like he was holding back his tears. I hear my office doors closed and I knew that it must have been Don who was giving us some privacy. "Don has been keeping me updated on you this whole time. She told me that you were crying and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to come see you." Bo explained. I wiped my tears but still wouldn't let go of Bo as I asked, "But what about the team? Weren't you supposed to take them out to lunch?"

Bo hugged me tighter and I felt as if I melted into his arms. "Jason and Alec are with them. Jason is better at kissing ass. They will be in good hands with my COO." Bo explained. I chuckled before I took in a big whiff of Bo's cologne mixed with his personal scent. Bo chuckled because he knew what I was doing. "You are so weird! I have caught you sniffing me so many times but this time is the first time you did it without hiding it." Bo said.

We laughed before I looked up at him and said, "You are the same! Do you know how many times I have caught you sniffing the top of my head?!" Bo laughed harder before he said, "You have not!" I laughed and said, "You did it as soon as you hugged me just now!" We both laughed before he began to tickle me until I pushed him off and ran. He watched me intently as I stood behind my couch enticing him to come get me.

He took his suit jacket off and place it on the small couch next to him. He rolled up his sleeves and I knew what that meant. "Bo...No! I'll be good. I promise." I said with my hands held up towards him. He smiled a devious smile before he began to loosen his tie. "Bo! I have been good! Don't do this!" I said while trying to hide my smile. He began to walk toward me but I knew that there was no use in running because it would make my punishment worse.

"I learned today that you skipped a meal again." Bo said as he slowly made his way to me. I blushed and said, "Bo, I have been so busy lately. I didn't do it on purpose." Bo then stopped walking before his face looked angry. "Okay! Okay...Don brought me my breakfast as usual but I didn't finish it because...well...I wasn't feeling well." I said as I now had both of my hands out toward him again in hopes that it would make him slow down.

I knew I was now in big trouble because I said a white lie and he hates when I do that. "Don thinks you should go see a doctor. I now agree. I have made you an appointment to see your doctor and health team. But you know missing a meal is not the only thing you are in trouble for." Bo said as he began to walk slowly toward me again. I blushed and smiled before I asked, "The pictures?"

He nodded in agreement before he grabbed my right wrist and pulled me over his shoulder. "What did you think was going to happen? You sent me sexy pictures every day this past week!" Bo said as he walked over to my desk. He sat me down, turned me around, and laid me on my stomach over the desk. He pushed a button under my desk that locked my office doors. I grabbed the edge of my desk because I knew what was next.

I felt my body tingling in anticipation as Bo began to unbuckle my belt and pulled my pants down. "This will not be the end of your punishment. I have plans for you." Bo said as he dropped his own pants to the floor. He opened my bottom drawer before pulling something out from it. I didn't dare look because I knew what was in that drawer. It is full of the toys he uses on me.

I hear him moving around before he finally reaches in between my legs to find my penis is already erect. "You naughty bunny!" He says through a smile before he puts my penis inside of a silicone suck toy. It's connected to a small black box that is rechargeable. He turns it on before he places lube on me. Then he pulls off my shirt, ripping several buttons off. I moan loudly and he says, "Shhh! Your staff can hear you!" I immediately cover my mouth before Bo inserts his penis inside me.

He grabs my hips and begins to slam himself harder and harder with each stroke. Things begin to fall off of my desk from the sheer force with which he was pounding me against my desk. When he finally climaxed, he turned off the black box, and began to laugh. I was so out of breath that I couldn't say anything but I looked at him with a look of confusion on my face. He stifled his laugh before asking, "How many times did you cum?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "I don't know. I lost count. Why?" Bo didn't respond but started cleaning me up as he kept stifling his laughs. I just ignored him and stayed still. Once he was done, I stood up and he pulled up my pants before buttoning them. As he was buckling my belt he said, "Seeing you squirm like that is what made me keep going. It really turned me on." I smiled and said, "I didn't do it on purpose. It's been so long since we have been able to enjoy each other like this. I was super sensitive."

He pulled up his pants and began tucking his shirt in when he realized that the first five buttons of my shirt are missing. "Shit!" he said. I looked confused before I looked down and noticed the buttons are missing. He grabbed my shirt and didn't like that you can see my chest through it. I smiled because in a way this was his punishment. He was going to suffer knowing that I will be showing off my chest for the remainder of my day.

Bo, being as possessive as he is, doesn't like it when I show too much of my skin. I began to smile and he noticed. "Careful! You are already on thin ice with me." I giggled a bit before he grabbed my face and said, "Just for that...You are coming home with me!" My eyes widened and I realized that my amusement of being able to punish him backfired on me. I squirmed a little before he said, "Whatever you have today, I will have Don reschedule. You have a debt to pay with me."

I pushed him away and said, "Bo, I have missed you so much but I have a lot to do. I can't just leave as you do. I am not the CEO. I am responsible for a lot of people." Bo gave me a look that says he is annoyed with me. I hide my smile and begin to pick up the stuff that fell as I squinted from the dull pain in between my legs. He continues to stare at me before I unlock the front doors of my office. I look up at him and said, "I will see you at home."

He was about to grab me but there was a knock on my door before he could. "Come in." I said as I smiled at Bo. Don walks in and is looking at her iPad as she begins to say, "Master, the team has gone to celebrate our win over lunch. I am ready if you are." Don then looks up from her iPad to realize that Bo was standing behind me. "Oh, Master Bo! I didn't know that you were still here!" Don said before Bo rolled his eyes and said, "Cut it out! You are a terrible liar."

I laughed and so did Don. I turned around and asked, "Bo...would you like to join us? We're celebrating our win today. I am treating our team to lunch. It's at your favorite restaurant." He smiled but the smile he gave me was so menacing that Don took a step back. "Someone recently reminded me that I have a lot of staff members who are depending on me. I think I will get back to them. Don't you think?" Bo said with a tone of frustration.

I winked and smiled before I said, "Okay. Sounds good." Bo then looked down at my chest before he said, "However, I think you should come home with me. Your shirt is inappropriate." He looked back into my eyes and I smiled before Don said, "Oh, I have extra buttons in my bag. I can sow them on right now." I stifled a laugh before I said, "Thank you, Donna."

Bo looked at Don before he said, "Do it now then. I have to get back. I don't want Jake to catch a cold." Don began to chuckle but when she realized that Bo was serious she stopped and bowed. I smiled and followed Don out to the bathrooms. Once we were in the bathrooms, Don put her hand up so I wouldn't say anything. She checked the rest of the stalls to make sure that they were empty before she began to look for the buttons in her bag.

"I really thought he was going to kill us both." Don said. I laughed and said, "Not you but me. He will punish me for this tonight." We laughed and then Don began to sow the buttons on my shirt. "Master, I hope I don't offend you but you really do like to skirt that line of trouble! You must enjoy getting punished so much!" Don said before we both laughed.

"I really do. At first, it was a bit overwhelming but now...I thoroughly enjoy it." I said before Don shook her head and said, "I get it. I do but I don't think I have ever met a brat so determined to be punished like you!" We both laugh again and then Don put away her sewing kit. I opened the bathroom door to find an old lady standing there. I recognized her because she was the one who was yelling at someone on her phone a few weeks ago.

"Ma'am, this is the men's bathroom. Would you like me to show you where the bathroom for women is?" I asked. She gave me a look of disgust before looking at Don and doing the same look. The little woman then yelled very loudly, "What you two have been talking about is disgusting! How can you like it when someone causes you pain?! That person doesn't love you! You two should be ashamed of yourselves! You don't even think about your fellow employees! What would they do if they knew this about you?! Repent! Now!"

To be continued...

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