
5. Coincidence

Alec and I sat on the couches beside the breakfast table and he let me in on all that's been happening within Bo's company. Not only did the COO who has been trying to push Bo out of his position get relieved of his duties, he got forced into early retirement. Alec explained that Bo had some evidence for his theory that the COO was trying to become the CEO. When the COO was presented with the option to be sued or go into early retirement, he chose to retire.

Alec then explained that his husband was then promoted to the position of COO this morning. "Congratulations! Alec! But wait! Why are you still working then? I am sure your husband makes enough for you to leave this position." I said. Alec smiled and asked, "You are the first person Bo has gotten into a relationship within seven years...he now calls you his wife...which means, he will probably marry you soon. Will you quit your job then?"

I realized what he meant at that moment. I love my job and I wouldn't leave my job just because I might marry one of the richest man in my country. "I understand what you mean now. However, you put your life in danger every day to protect Bo! I bet your husband would love it if you did retire yourself." I said with a sincere tone. Alec looked like he was now in pain before he said, "He would love that but I think of my master as if he was my brother. I have been taking care of him since he took the company over. How could I leave him now when he needs me the most?!"

I agreed with him before I asked, "Well then...get me caught up! Who are his exes and is there someone I should be worried about?" Alec laughed before he said, "I was wondering how long it would take you to ask me that." We both laughed before Alec began to fill me in on Bo's past. His exes, family feuds, and even work gossip. Before we knew it, it was way past lunchtime and both of our stomachs were growling at us. "It looks like we need to take a break. My subordinates are probably freaking out right now because I haven't responded to them all morning!" Alec said.

We both chuckled before he got up and grabbed his iPad from the table. I got up and said, "Don't worry about cooking lunch. I will do that for us. You get caught up with your stuff and I will clean up." Alec looked surprised before he said, "Master Jake! No. I cannot let you do that!" I waved off Alec before I picked up the plates on the table and said, "Don't worry! I won't tell Bo. Also, don't call me master. Just Jake will be fine." Alec smiled before he said, "I will concede this time but I insist on calling you, master. It's tradition."

Then I remembered what Alec said earlier as I was headed back to the table to grab more dishes before I said, "You're right. I will have to just get used to it." Alec smiled before he sat back down at the table to work. An hour later, I placed the food I made on the table and Alec began to salivate! I laughed at his reaction before I said, "I hope you like it." He nodded in agreement before I sat down and we ate.

Alec then told me that my head of security would be meeting with me tomorrow morning and that the three out of the five chosen to interview for the personal assistant position agreed to meet with us tomorrow as well. Once we were done eating, Alec began to clean up. I got a text from Bo that said, "I will be home for dinner. I am hungry for bunny meat." As soon as I read it my face turned red and I began to chuckle.

"Oh oh! That must be my master on the phone. Should I leave? Is he coming over now?" Alec asked from behind the counter in the kitchen as he washed dishes. I stood up and shook my head in disagreement as I walked over to the counter before I sat down on the bar stool in front of the counter. "Has Bo always been this addicted to his partners before?" I asked Alec as I texted Bo.

Alec laughs and says, "No. Usually, his partners complain that he only wants them for sex. They only get called over to fulfill his needs before he kicks them out. You are the first he is willing to share his life with." I put the phone down and with a serious tone asked, "Why? We barely know anything about each other. How could he be so enamored with me?"

Alec then wiped his hands on the kitchen towel before he said, "I will probably get in trouble for saying this but...My master has been watching you for three years." I gasped before I asked, "What?! What do you mean?!" Alec smiled and walked over to my side before he said, "Let me explain." He then reached out to grab my arm before he pulled me off of the barstool. He walked me back to the couches before he said, "He's not a psycho or anything. I promise."

I sat down and so did he. "Do you remember that video you made during college?" Alec asked. I sat back on the couch to think for a moment and Alec did too. "Oh! Yeah! The promotional video that was posted on the school website to encourage more women to attend my private college." I said. Alec nodded in agreement before he said, "Well if you remember? That video went viral on I*******m. My master saw it as a suggested video that he may like because he donates funds to your private college."

I looked confused before I asked, "So...That's how he found me? By sheer coincidence?" Alec smiled and nodded in agreement before he said, "Yes. He saw you on that video and was instantly attracted to you. He looked you up and saw that you were still a college student. He knew that the age difference may be a factor so he moved on. But something about you kept pulling him back." I smiled and blushed a little before I said, "I am flattered but how did it turn into a three-year thing?"

Alec then said, "That's because at first, he didn't want to get in the way of your studies so he chose to remain in the background until you finished. Then you had your year of internship to get through and your updates were scarce! You suffered through a whole year of long nights at work but he suffered not being able to see you or hear your voice because you were too busy to update your I*." I didn't realize he was so invested in me like this.

"But...Once you finally got your position within the firm and you began posting regularly again...He became sad because he began to feel like he was missing out on sharing those moments with you. I also think he was being a coward because he had already fallen for you and what if you weren't the person he built in his head? What if this persona you posted all over I* was fake?!" Alec said before he began to chuckle. He noticed that I didn't find that funny and sat up straight.

I rolled my eyes before I asked, "So then what made him go after me in the end?" Alec relaxed and smiled before he said, "Sheer coincidence!" I looked at him with a confused but annoyed look on my face. Alec understood that I didn't appreciate his humor at the moment. "He decided one day to go to a different location of the gym he always goes to. This location happened to be the one you went to. He wanted to talk to you but he was overwhelmed and didn't know what to say." I looked down at my hands as I could imagine how difficult this was for him.

"However" Alec continued, "The night he saw you in the locker room, he was just as surprised as you were. You were surprised to see my master naked and wet standing in front of you but he was surprised to see the man he's been in love with for three years standing right in front of him!" Alec explained.

I gasped before I turned to face Alec and asked, "So you mean that the first night we met was by pure accident?!" Alec shook his head in agreement before he said, "Yes! He would only see you in the mornings but that day he oversleept and missed seeing you at the gym. So, when you met that night, it was by pure coincidence. Also, his brother runs all of his father's locations from time to time. My master likes to work out every day so he can rest. Otherwise, he is up all night. But, when he saw you met...He told me that he couldn't hold back anymore."

I sat in silence as I thought about all that Alec said. I know Bo told me that he has known of me for some time but I didn't know that it was like this! I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, it sounds very romantic but on the other, it sounds like he lacks confidence in his love life or his self-worth. This is surprising because of what I learned about his dating life...I am so confused right now.

"Master? Are you upset?" Alec asked with a concerned look on his face. I looked at him before a tear fell down my face. Alec gasped before he asked, "Please do not tell master Bo about this! I knew I shouldn't have told you! Will you forgive me?" Alec then grabbed my hands before I said, "Relax! I am not angry at you or Bo. I am upset but it's okay." Alec looked confused before he let go of my hands and asked, "How can I help?" I wiped my tears and forced a smile.

"You can't. What I need to know, you wouldn't know. I have to ask Bo myself." I said. Alec freaked out and stood up to pace the living room. "Alec! Relax! I know that you weren't supposed to tell me. I am not going to say anything to Bo. I don't want to risk him replacing you. I still need you to protect him and to keep me updated on everything." I said before Alec stopped pacing and sat back down. "You mean it? You won't tell him what I said?" Alec asked.

I pointed my pinky at Alec before I said, "I promise." Alec took in a deep breath of relief before he intertwined his pinky with mine and smiled. I released his pinky before he asked, "So then...How will you find out the information you need?" I smiled and said, "It's simple. By being with him, I will know the truth." Alec looked confused which made me chuckle. "I just need to know what hurt him so badly that kept him from going after me. People sometimes say they are not worthy of a person but what they really mean...they are afraid of getting hurt." I explained.

Alec let his body relax before he said, "I could tell you my theory on this but you are right. It's not something I would know the truth about." I nodded in agreement. After a few moments of silence, I asked, "Are you cooking dinner, or am I?" Alec chuckled and asked, "Are you sure that you are not his dinner?" We both laughed before Alec got up and said, "I will start cooking dinner now. He will be home in the next two hours or so." I agreed.

As I sat there, I thought about Bo's past. We really don't know much about each other and he only knows what I want the public to know about me. I became determined right then and there to create those moments of opportunities where he could feel safe to share his past with me and I can do the same. (Text notification) I looked in the direction of the sound and realized that I had left my phone on the kitchen counter.

I got up and opened my phone to find that Bo texted a message that said, "Alec doesn't know this but I have a hidden camera in my home. I have been listening to the two of you the whole day on and off when I can. We have lots to talk about, this is true." I gasped and Alec looked at me before he asked, "What?! Tell me!" (Text notification) I looked back down and Bo's message said, "I don't like how close you have gotten with Alec. You both will be punished."

To be continued...

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