
6. Passion

My heart began to race because I was worried that he would fire Alec and that Bo would break up with me! I knew he was possessive but this?! How can this be?! "Well? Is it master Bo?" Alec asked as he was stirring something in a pot. I put up my pointer finger to suggest that he wait a moment before I said, "Give me a moment." Then I walked away and went back to Bo's room. I called Bo.

He didn't answer. I called him again but he still didn't answer. I sat down on his bed and tried to calm myself down. Once I did, I decided to text him back. I opened my phone and began typing. That's when I heard, "Master! You are home early! I am afraid that I have not finished cooking dinner." I stood up because I knew that Bo was about to fire Alec! I ran out of the room and back into the kitchen to find Bo standing there in front of Alec.

"Bo! You are home!" I said with a hint of fear in my voice. Alec noticed and now looked confused. Bo smiled and said, "You are wearing my shirt." I forced a smile but I was a bit confused by his response. He began to walk toward me before he said, "Will you excuse us, Alec?" Alec smiled and agreed right before Bo put me over his shoulder. He walked me straight back into his room before dropping me on his bed. He began to remove his dress shirt as he stared at me with a look I know too well.

"I thought you were angry." I said as Bo began to unbuckle his belt. "I am." I sat up in his bed before I asked, "Then why are we about to have sex? Alec is here and I am sure that he will hear us." Bo smiled before he dropped his pants onto the floor. He was now completely naked standing in front of me. "I decided to punish you first. Besides, dinner is not ready yet. Also...My room is soundproof." Bo said before he picked me up and kissed me. With his knees, he moved over to the center of his bed while holding me.

Then he dropped me on the bed again and when I gasped he laughed. I smiled before he ripped my shirt off. I gasped again which caused him to laugh again. He grabbed my shorts and pulled them off before throwing them on the floor. He got on top of me as he kissed his way to my neck. I heard a slight jingling noise before I felt something on my wrist. I looked up to see a leather belt-looking strap was now wrapped around my right wrist! I looked back at Bo before I heard the same noise again but from my left side.

"Bo! What are you doing?!" I asked. He smiled and said, "I already told you. I am punishing you." My eyes opened wide because I have never been in a situation like this before. I have lost all control to him and I didn't know how to feel about it. My heart began to race before Bo stopped kissing my neck and said, "Relax. I won't hurt you." I still couldn't relax. "You trust me right?" Bo asked. At that moment what crossed my mind was that I am in love with him...which means, that I do trust him.

I nodded my head in agreement before he kissed me. He then got on his knees before he pushed the pillows aside that was on top of the straps. He smiled and said, "You look delicious right now." I blushed and when I looked up, I noticed the straps were coming from behind the headboard. This means he's done this before! Just the thought of him being with someone else made me suddenly jealous. I closed my eyes to calm myself down before I felt something being put on my body.

I looked down and saw a black leather thing being pulled up towards my chest. It looked like a body suit but only made of leather straps. It had a few holes in them too. I decided then to just surrender and see where this takes us. I watched him silently enjoy the process of dressing me. Once the suit was on, he pulled out these things that looked like suction cups from this black box that was on the foot of the bed.

I didn't even notice that he grabbed that box from somewhere! It must have been under the bed because I didn't even feel him get off the bed at any point. Then he pops these small cups into these holes where my nipples are. I felt the suction cups were a bit slippery. I think he put lube on them. These cups were attached to the black box by a long black cord. He then grabbed a long black thick cylinder from that same box. It was also attached to the box by a long black cord.

He sat that thing next to my hip before he said, "From now on, you will do as I say. If you don't...You will be punished. Understood?" I smiled to hide my nervousness before I nodded in agreement. "Do you have a safe word?" He asked. I looked confused before he then asked, "Is this your first time being punished? By anyone??" I looked more confused before I said, "I have only been punished by my parents as a kid."

Bo laughed before he said, "You are so cute! I am definitely going to enjoy this." My eyes widened at how sinister that just sounded before Bo grabbed my penis. He rubbed it softly until I was completely hard, which didn't take long. "Passion" I said. He looked confused before I said, "My safe word is passion." He chuckled and nodded in agreement. Then he grabbed the black thing he laid next to my hip and a bottle from the black box. He squeezed what looked like lube into it. Then he put some lube on the entrance of my ass. I shivered a bit because it was cold.

He smiled before he sat the bottle back down inside the box. Bo then grabbed my penis and inserted it inside this black cylinder. It felt so good that I let out a bit of a moan. Bo chuckled as he turned toward the black box and pushed a button. The box turned on and so did the items attached to me! The suction cups began to suck my nipples while the other item began to suck on my penis! I couldn't take the pleasure and began trying to escape.

Bo smiled and said, "Oh my good bunny! Play nice or I will punish you harder!" I heard him but I wouldn't stop struggling to get loose. "Okay...You asked for it!" Bo said with a sinister tone in his voice. He then placed his knees next to my hips before he quickly pushed in his entire penis! I screamed and moaned before I climaxed. The cylinder thing had a hole at the top of it and it caused all of my juices to fall on my stomach. Bo smiled and leaned down before he looked me in my eyes to say, "I told you! Now, be good!"

I nodded in agreement but I was moaning again. Bo began a fast rhythm inside me that caused me to climax within minutes! "That's a good bunny!" He said with a deep tone filled with desire. For the next hour, Bo climaxed inside me and I climaxed all over my stomach several times. I finally was able to speak after his third climax and yelled, "P-P-Passion!" Bo immediately sat up and turned off the black box. I was out of breath and so was he. He began to slowly remove the cups, the cylinder thing, and the leather body suit. He sat them aside before he laid on me and removed the straps off of my wrists.

He hugged me tight and said, "You are amazing! No one has been able to take an entire hour of that! Never!" I just smiled as I was still trying to catch my breath. He laid next to me as he held me tight and said, "You take your time. You have done so well my bunny." I finally caught my breath and turned around within his embrace to face him. I kissed his chest and said, "I love you." I didn't hear anything from him for a few minutes before I looked up at him.

I noticed that he was looking away. "Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?" I asked. He then looked down at me and that's when I noticed that he had been crying. He kissed my forehead and then I laid my head back on his chest. "You have said nothing wrong." He said softly before I smiled and said, "Good. Because I can't take another round of punishment." Bo began to laugh so loud that it caused me to laugh with him.

"What is so funny?! It's true! After what you just did to me!!! I will be the best-behaved bunny in the whole wide world!" We both laughed together again before he asked, "I guess you didn't enjoy it then?" I punched his chest before he hugged me tight again. "You know that's not what I meant!" I said. He laughed and kissed my head again. "I was just overwhelmed when you said that you love me. Especially after all that you found out about me today. It just seems too good to be true." Bo said in a serious but nervous tone.

I then tried to sit up but my muscles were sore so I let out a small shriek before Bo reached out for me to help me sit up. He put almost all the pillows behind my back before he helped me lay back down on them. Then he covered me with the blanket that was pushed aside earlier. He sat next to me and held my hand before he said, "If you feel the least bit uncomfortable with anything, please tell me. I don't want to lose you over something I can fix or remedy."

I smiled and said, "Listen, I am not that easy to get rid of...nor do I cut people out of my life that easily. Yes, I know what you have done in your past but that is your past. I am still processing a lot of this but for now, I am content." Then I saw Bo's smile go away before he said, "You are too kind." I studied his face for a bit before he finally looked at me and said, "His name is Light." I looked a bit confused before he continued by saying, "The one who hurt me so bad that I never wanted to fall in love again."

I pulled on his arm and he knew that I wanted a hug. He hugged me tightly before I let out a whimper that caused him to chuckle and say, "Sorry! I forgot you are sore." I smiled to hide the pain but my muscles were so sore from them being so tense for the whole hour. Plus, his slamming rhythm inside me caused my inner thighs to be so sore since he had his way with me the night before too! My wrists were the worst of it all. They were red and I could barely put any pressure on them. I just knew that they would bruise by tomorrow morning!

I just didn't want him to worry so I hid it all behind my smile. "Will you let me take care of you?" Bo asks. I looked at him confused before he said, "You are clearly in a lot of pain. It's your first time. The pain will become more manageable. I promise...but for now, I would like to take you to the bathroom and bathe you. Dinner will be ready soon and I don't want you to be naked sitting in filth as you eat." I realized then that I wasn't gonna be able to take care of myself even if I tried. I agreed and said, "Thank you."

He chuckled before he said, "I should be the one thanking you." He then sat me down on the bench attached to the shower wall. "You didn't have to accept any of what was presented to you today but you did." Bo said as he turned on the shower head. I looked even more confused but he kept explaining himself, "I know dating a man like me is a lot of pressure and it requires you to give up some of your freedom if not all. I guess, what I am saying is that I thought that you would have run by now."

We both chuckled before Bo began to wash my body. "If you are referring to the security and all of that...I don't care. I didn't have much of a social life before I met you so I won't be missing much anyway. If you also meant about your stalker past..." I said before Bo looked up at me with a frustrated look but I continued by saying, "then I honestly don't know how to feel about that. I am not a star or an important public figure to have experience with stalkers." Bo then looked angry as he stood up to look at me and threw the shower head on the ground from his frustration.

I began to laugh before he said, "I wasn't stalking you!" I laughed even harder and it caused him to laugh with me. "I am sorry that that word is triggering you or bruising your ego but you damn well did stalk me!" I said through the end of my laughter. He rolled his eyes before he grabbed the shower head and began to wash off the soap. I grabbed his face and said, "Regardless, none of that changes the fact that I have fallen in love with you and am still in love with you! Especially after the punishment I just received!"

Bo laughed before he smacked my thigh, "You have no idea the ways I can punish you...So, if you don't behave...I will punish you again." I gasped before he laughed again. "That's not fair! When do I get to punish you?!" I exclaimed. Bo chuckled before he began to wash my hair and said, "It doesn't work that way." I smacked his leg before I asked, "What?! How dare you! I should get a turn!" He laughed before he said, "Man! You are such a brat!" I laughed because, for some reason, I enjoyed being called a brat. I was almost proud of it!

To be continued...

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