
a little romance

His thoughts were in different places as he thought of what had happened back there. They had lost members of the pack to the attack. Thoughts of how there would be a blood bath once the savior arrived kept filling his mind, and he could not help but feel tensed. However, looking at her lying there, her soft snores filling the room. He knew what he had to do. There were in this together, and since the goddess of love had already foreordained him as the rightful mate to her, then he was capable in that aspect.

After drying up, he slipped right under the blankets behind her, and cuddled her. things were okay for as long as they were together. Before long, whether due to accepting the fact that he was married to the savior or because of how tired he had been, he soon followed her into slumberland. In his dreams, he saw her standing there once more, the rain of arrows approaching her from all directions. This time round she was just a normal wolf, she could not stop the arrows as they rushed towards her. he saw them moving in a blinding streak towards her body, and before anything else, he knew in his mind that she would die.

It was at that time that he roused from the dream. After that, the rest of the night Ryan had a fitful sleep. Turning and tossing until he could not sleep anymore, and then he turned to just watch his wife. They were supposed to be enjoying their first night as husband and wife, with the blessings of the goddess. As she lay there, she looked so pretty he could not help but swallow loudly. Watching the faint rising and lowering of her chest as she slept peacefully had him mesmerized, until he realized that it was already early in the morning. He had to attend to matters.

Moving swiftly, he made sure not to wake his wife, then walked towards the study. Walking in, he found his father, Thapelo seated on his chair, his hand supporting his head.

“Good morning son” Thapelo said as he turned towards Ryan.

“A good morning to you too dad. Are you feeling okay, you look quite pale?” Ryan said as he observed his father’s face which seemed to have aged all of a sudden.

‘I am okay son. Hopefully your wife is too. Yesterday was supposed to be your happy day. I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Thapelo said as he stood from his seat and moved towards the two-seater couch in the corner. Ryan on the other hand moved to draw the curtains. Sun rays splattered in, making the place brighter, the wooden seat looking golden beyond the study table.

They both sat on the couch before getting into a heated conversation about the attack that the Victorians had done. Talk had proceeded from the attack to the capability of Leila. She had shocked the entire pack by what she had done. Now, they were pretty sure that word about her would spread quickly, and maybe the period of peace was finally over. Now it would be constant wars. Ryan could feel his head throbbing at the mention of the wars, yet he also felt anticipation. Worry for his pack wrestled with blood thirst.

“I think we should have her help with the training of the warrior’s dad. She does have the skills.” Ryan said. “That is quite okay with me, though relax son, we are not getting an attack soon again, the Victorians cannot possibly regather as quick. You should go have fun, remember you only got married yesterday.” Thapelo said as he winked at him. At this, Ryan could not help the red tint that covered the top of his pale ears. He remembered that his wife was still lying on his bed upstairs, forgetting everything, it was time to have some fun.

Very resolutely, he strode to the kitchen to get some breakfast and now, he stood there in their room waking her up. She was perfect. Placing the tray by the bedside, he moved to wake her up. As she looked at her food, her reminiscence ended. Suddenly, with a ferocity she did not know where from, she wanted to kiss Ryan so bad, she could fill her mouth filling with saliva at the mere thought of it. She wanted her mate, there and then.

As if he could hear her thoughts, Ryan’s way of looking at her shifted. His soft growl had her nipples tightening in anticipation of the real ordeal. Fine hairs rose along her arms, her heart beating thoroughly fast. She was excited, yet also a little bit scared. This would be her first time, and she did not even know how werewolves mated. Should she change herself into her wolf form before mating?

Ryan could see her thoughts running amok as her suddenly heated eyes turned to different things at one. Gosh she was so expressive in her face. Could she even keep a secret even if she wanted? Moving towards her on the bed, he took the tray holding her food from her hands and placed it on the side of the bed. Afterwards he moved near her, moving his torso along hers. He could hear her sharp intake of air, as well her as her loud swallow. She was probably tensed, yet also in great anticipation.

Getting to this point, he kissed her on the crown of her head before fiercely hugging her. her subtle natural scent intoxicated him yet calmed him. Her supple curves beneath her white dress on the other hand were casting very dirty pictures in his mind. He wanted to pin her down right there and then and have his way with her.

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