


My life was nothing like I thought it would ever be. For one, I never thought I would be a member of a pack. Let alone a high-ranking member of said pack. Second I could only in my dreams think I would be so lucky as to have a mate that was so amazing. She was strong and proved that more than once. And third, I never thought I would be so lucky to be the father of not one but two little boys.

After giving birth to our oldest son, Damion, on the front porch, I made sure we were at the clinic when it came time for our secondborn to come. Though I know Bri was annoyed with me because I was rushing her to the clinic with every little contraction. I still stand by my obsession. Especially when our second son, Bryce, arrived just as fast as his older brother had. Within minutes of Bri going into active labor and her water breaking, both our sons made their way into this world, ready to take on anything.

With Damion announced instantly as being next in line as Alpha, Bryce was set
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