

As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains of Cade's room, casting a golden glow across the space, the alpha blinked groggily, his head pounding with the aftermath of a night filled with turmoil and confusion.

"Morning already?" Cade muttered to himself, his voice rough with sleep as he pushed himself upright, the weight of his own body feeling heavier than usual. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he took in the sight of his disheveled room, the scattered debris of shattered glass and misplaced garments a stark contrast to the tranquility of the morning light.

A dress lay discarded on the floor, its presence a baffling anomaly in Cade's otherwise masculine domain. With furrowed brows, he picked it up, holding it aloft as if it were some foreign artifacts. "A skirt?" he mused aloud, the word feeling foreign on his tongue as he struggled to comprehend its presence.

Turning the garment over in his hands, Cade's thoughts drifted back to the events of the previous day, the te
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