
chapter 42

" Hey Bella !" 

A loud booming voice that sounded awfully similar to Ron resonated in the library and boy That got me some nasty looks from my fellow readers . The librarian Mrs. Cameron stared down at me , all the way from the reception , her waxy skin stretched taut and her sunken eyes narrowed as she placed a finger on her lips and made a shushing gesture which I found kinda unfair because it wasn't me who was shouting at the top of my lungs in a library . 

" What's wrong with you ?" I hissed in a low voice at my best friend who plopped down on the bench opposite to mine " This is a library !" 

" I know what it is " said Ron with a reassuring nod " I read the board hanging on top of the door loud and clear before coming inside " 

His reassurance did nothing to ease to the regret that was piling in my heart . 


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