
chapter 44

I tried to step away from Jacob but I can't . His grip around my waist tightened as soon as I shifted from his hold . 

" Woah what are you doing QB ?" I said when his hand curled around my hip and he tugged me even closer 

" saying good morning to my girlfriend , what else?" he answered with that troublemaker grin of his .

" Right " swallowing hard I nodded . How stupid of me , Jacob just self proclaimed me that I was his girlfriend ten minutes ago , it will be really too much of a whomp on his arrogant ass if I were to deny him in public " I get it " 

" Do you ?" he asked quirking his eyebrow , spinning me around so that I was facing him " I don't think you do because if you did, you wouldn't be acting like a little rabbit in front of her predator , when I touch you " 

" Then stop touching

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