


I was brought into a room, which I would quite say was to investigate given the dimly lit overhead light that was shown above our heads as shadows covered the wall. Inside it, there was a tinted glass window that, if not for these contacts, I would see the humans who were in it; their scent was more than enough.

I tapped my glove covered fingers on the iron table that separated us, waiting for both of them to at least speak. Obviously, they were trying to build tension, but I was unfazed as I stared back at them.

Mark cleared his throat to throw off the silence as he began by opening a case file on his desk. “You won’t mind that we go ahead without your lawyer since he isn’t here yet?” he asked, seeking my permission.

He clearly sounded like he would anyway, even if I declined. I wanted to give a snappy response, but Raghul warned that I should try and remain calm; he has been the one bearing all of my consequences. At least I should try and remain silent.

I nodded in response to his request as Mark carried on.

He scarcely went through the file in his hand and then looked at Zachariah, who was sitting quietly beside me, and then at me. I squinted my eyes, sensing that what was coming might end up being disastrous.

“Over a hundred people have reported you for aggravated assault, vandalism of property, several attempts at bullying, invasion of privacy, and reckless driving.” Mark paused as he asked, “Who are you?” He continued to read out, quite shockingly, “Kidnapping??”

“Mark I think that is enough,” Zachariah intervened.

No, let him continue; clearly, he isn’t aware that I have done worse than all that.

Mark closed the file that had all of my detailed crime reports as he glared at me. “And so on,” he said, slamming the file together and placing it on the table that separated us from each other. “What do you have to say for yourself?” he asked.

I sniffed into the air as I exhaled out deeply, my back relaxing less comfortably on the iron chair as I answered with not a single show of concern at all. “What can I say? They all deserved it.” I cackled as I admired my gloves, having nothing but evil thoughts as I looked at them.

“They all deserved it? Is that all you have to say?” Zachariah's forehead creased as he questioned; his tone of voice enraged me quickly, given that he had been silent for a while.

"Well, should I say that I am innocent? I mean, they all started it; I only returned the favor,” I answered back.

“You have harmed over a thousand people; clearly, you don’t want to call yourself innocent,” Zachariah uttered spitefully as he eyed me, taking my file and taking a good look at it.

I sucked in my breath as I said with gritted teeth, “Detective, let’s choose our words carefully, alright.” One more wrong word from either of them, and I will take action.

“Miss Faye, there is evidence of you harming them, so I actually chose my words right,” Zachariah said strictly with his face down as he continued looking into my case file.

“Funny enough, so many of them pulled out the cases against her; these are just the few who chose to hold her up for it,” Mark added as he offered a cheeky smile while staring at me. “I won’t even be surprised if she actually does it.”

He was enjoying this.

I got up quickly. “I think we are done here,” I said.

“Have your seat, Miss Faye.” Zachariah pushed the file away as he said and positioned his hand at my seat, “We still need you to ask you questions about Rachel.”

“I said that I am done; didn’t you hear me clearly, detective?” I stretched as I spat out venomously. I made an attempt to walk out the door, and Zachariah instantly grabbed my hand. “Please have your seat, Miss Faye,” he repeated again, and I snatched my hand from him.

“Touch me again, and I swear you will hate that you exist,” I warned, my eyes spitting fire as I held my gaze at him.

“What kind of behavior is this? Zachariah, we should not be allowing it.” Mark inquired of Zachariah, “Let it be,” Zachariah said, brushing it off, and then a short smile appeared on his face as he chuckled. “She is still the same. Please have your seat, Miss Faye.”

I was thrown off; isn’t he supposed to get back at me? I mean, that's how threats work; he didn’t even seem as angry as he was before.

I retreated, allowing my rage to wear off.

My frown plastered on my face, and as I became concerned, what did it mean that I was still the same? I thought I got rid of all my memories of me from him, or didn’t it work? Impossible!

I tried to let it not get to me, so I switched focus.

“We have CCTV footage.”

“I didn’t do anything to her.” I cut Zachariah short to defend myself.

“I know; however, it seems Rachel and you spoke for quite a while.”

“And?” I interfered again.

“He isn’t done yet,” Mark said, sounding like Zachariah's defender. “And who are you to say that? Are you in his mouth?” I snapped back at him, and Mark just shook his head off. “Again, I didn’t push her off the roof; she did that by herself,” I said, not giving room for any false accusations here.

“Miss Faye, you haven’t been accused of that; the footage clearly showed that Rachel did actually push herself off; however, we think she saw something and you too,” Zachariah asserted, and I retracted again.

“I don’t know what she saw, but I didn’t see anything like you have insinuated, but it is true that we did talk in length; she told me she is bullied at school by her horrible friends; they are very horrible,” I say to him, pulling his interest.

“Did she give any names to the friends bullying her?” Zachariah questioned.

“Argh… Now I have to act like I care again,” I said out loudly. Zachariah and Mark stared at me blankly. “Ruby and Jane, I think I wasn’t actually paying attention to whatever she was saying.”

“Ruby and Janet?” Zachariah looked in Mark's direction as if he recalled something, and so did Mark. “Aren’t they the girls with...” He paused, staring at me.

“I'll go see to it that they do not leave,” Mark says before he departs.

I eyed them suspiciously, but I chose to ignore them. I should not be putting much interest in whatever is going on; it is best if I act like none of these are happening at all. Humans bring nothing but trouble.

“Can I leave now?”

“Not yet, Miss Eve,” Zacharaiah put a stop to it. I begrudgingly sat back on the seat again as I breathed out, “You have quite the temper.”


“Miss Eve, I am simply complimenting you.”

“That sounds nothing like a compliment,” I snapped back. I relaxed a bit as I sighed, and with a smirk on my face, I said, “Thank you,” my feet twirling underneath my shoes.

Zachariah looked up at me sharply and asked, “What for?”

I shrugged. “Whatever you deem it as,” I replied, hissing at him. He is so slow.

Zachariah chuckled as he placed a hand under his chin and then looked back down. My shoulders slouched a bit as I watched him, my mind reading deep into his innermost thought. “It didn’t work,” I concluded as I said it out loud.

Zachariah nodded as he raised his head up again. “You are a good kisser, Miss Eve.”

You have got to be kidding me. My whole body felt the disgust that made my stomach turn.

I was doomed.

Immediately, Mark rushed back in a hurry as he faced Zachariah. “You need to come see this.”

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