
Seeing is believing

Following Logan to his car, they went around the back to the booth where the hunter himself stood smiling.

Jamie and Court were already wondering just what kind of joke this was. They couldn't believe a man would singlehandedly capture a wolf, and leave it in the booth of his car.

It was just absurd!

" You have the look of disbelief on your faces, don't be too shocked okay?" Logan grinned as he crouched to pull the booth open.

" What the heck do you think you're doing!" Immediately after he pulled open the booth to his car, Jamie reached for his waist gun and yelled out loud. He couldn't believe that he'd actually trusted a lunatic and had taken him for his word.

Court who was always more flippant, also frowned when he saw the scene before him and reached for his waist gun, although he didn't pull it out just yet.

In the booth, there was a man tied by almost his entire body with a rope, mumbling being unable to speak due to the gag in his mouth. He was covered in blood, making it discernible that he'd been through a sort of torture.

It was Jake!

Logan's grin did not wane as he calmly raised his hands in surrender. " Easy, easy. Let me demonstrate" He urged.

Jamie was skeptical at this and couldn't help but frown. However, looking at the state of the person, he couldn't stand it.

" Untie him. Now!"

" You got it" Logan said and calmly pulled out a knife.

" Hey!" Jamie warned and aimed his gun at Logan. " Don't act funny"

" I know. I'm gonna untie him now" Logan agreed and even after saying he would, he didn't actually proceed to cut the ropes. He stared at Jamie and Court as if to receive their consent first.

Court nodded his head and instructed. " Do it"

Logan nodded and proceeded to cut the ropes afterwards.

Just then, Jamie lowered his gun and moved closer to get the man out of the booth and get him some help. However, he stopped on his track and stared in horror when he got close enough.

" I told you I caught a wolf. Do you believe me now?"

Jamie looked towards Logan hearing what he'd just said, he looked back towards Jake whose sharp nails and bizarre eyes couldn't be missing with an incredulous expression on his face. He couldn't believe the myths were actually true.

" What in the hell..." Court who had also noticed the strangeness couldn't help but voice out.

Jake who was too beaten to lift even a finger just stared weakly at the two other strange men who were beyond shocked to see him in his current state. He couldn't help but feel like he'd betray his kind and expose the rest of his kind to danger having been found out like this.

He could even see himself becoming a piece of art in the town museum from now on, considering how hunters have always wanted to prove that Werewolves exist. They have been persecuted and called crazy for it after all.

" This one was injured when I found him" Logan said as he calmly bent to grab Jake and carry him out of the booth.

Jake growled and grumbled as he was dragged into the back of the seat of Logan's car.

Court and Jamie who were still shocked by what they were witnessing took cautious steps back. Their waist guns were pulled and only a thought away from blasting if they willed to do so. They were both spooked and at alarm as their was no telling what could happen.

" We're gonna need him. So let's get him treated" Logan informed.

Both Jamie and Court were brought of their appalled state and stared confusedly at Logan. They both wondered if he'd lost his mind or something.

That's a freaking werewolf from the myths!

You're gonna treat one like a pet!?

They wanted to scream out but were too shocked to even think.

It wasn't after a while after that Court finally let out a deep sigh and said. " Honestly, I wouldn't have believed until I saw it by myself. Is that really what I think it is?"

" Seeing is believing after all " Logan chuckled in response.

" Hey Logan..." Jamie called, leaving out the pleasantries. " That ain't the only one in this city right?" He asked, realizing just how.easy it had been to be fooled by these creatures all along.

" No. They were half human and half wolf after all, and they could shift between forms. You would only know if you've met them in their other form, or suffered a ruthless experience due to them" Logan stated with his gaze fixated in a distance.

Jamie nodded in thought as he slowly walked away. " Let's go Court, we have a job to do"

Court nodded and said to Logan. " We know.just where to go to get him treated. Follow us"

It was easy to figure out that the hunter wasn't left with much option, otherwise he would have obviously treated the werewolf- Jake, first before anything.

Logan nodded his head and watched as the two cops, Jamie and Court headed towards their car. He swiftly went back into his own car and drove off after the two afterwards.


Kyley's POV

Despite the serenity that roamed the dark, moonless night sky, leaving the heart at peace. As I sat by the bed while staring outside the window, I still couldn't shake the worrisome feeling within me away.

Ever since I ran away from Jason and his moonblood pack, I've felt this sense of unease in me and it had only grown stronger these past few days.

Not only was I scared of the fact that Jason would come after me sooner than I can imagine, I still did not trust that I was in safe hands at all.

Darren had been very kind, and that was something that had me worried as I did not have the believe that a person like him could exist in this world without having an ulterior motive to deceive.

I know that I should have no reason to think that the next person would always want to take advantage of me, but where I'm from, my past and my whole life, it had always been so. Therefore, I lack in trust.

He'd given me food, shelter, and had been helping with the treatment of my wounds for certain, but I knew that I had to be careful around Darren nonetheless. It wouldn't do no harm to take caution and be ready to escape if it came down to it right? Afterall, I only had myself to look after.

Moreso, Darren was very mysterious. He claimed to live all alone in the midst of the wilderness and dodges every other attempt at me getting to know him. Not that I'm curious or anything, but I was just trying to know just who he was and why he was helping me.

He'd even offered to help me get to the city last night and that is still stuck in my mind till this moment. Besides, maybe I was too tired to think about it but how did he know I was leaving for City?

Did he just assume I'm from the city?

But he knows what I am?

" Hah!" I couldn't help but let out a deep sigh thinking about all of this. The fact that I had no one to answer my questions and decide for me made me feel vulnerable. I didn't feel totally liberated yet, and every now and then I'd feel like I needed to keep a constant watch behind my shoulder.

I couldn't help but curl my knees towards myself and wrap an arm around it. I could feel my side burning slightly but it wasn't too much of a pain to bear. I could tell that I was slowly recovering.

' Once I've recovered enough, I would escape from this pet house of his and find my way to the city'

It was the only thing I could think about as a solution at this moment. I couldn't trust Darren enough to stay around and get myself hurt.

Knock! knock!

I was jolted out of my thought by the sound of the door knocking and I felt a pull in my heart. I instantly became nervous and anxious knowing who it was at the other end of the door.


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